I think this will sell as well as Yuru Yuri
Oh Mei is so dreamy!
Well, this doesn't look as bad as NTR, at least.
Why do they always have to stare at the camera? It's a goddamn yuri anime for crying out loud, don't they even know their target audience?
Is okama of involve on this?
Don't be such a sperg.
I'd like to think it's them being accidentally spotted in action by their friends.
I think it's going to flop, but the MC is pretty cute.
I tried reading this yesterday to see what the hype is all about
I've never seen a bunch of characters as fucking despicable as the ones in this story
someone explain to me how this shit gets so popular when there are hundreds of cute yuri manga that don't make me want to stab myself like this one does
Is this angsty melodramatic yuri or cute yuri?
what the fuck did they do to Drill's eyebrows?
The former.
Former but gradually transitions to the latter but then back to former
You read literally just one chapter, didn't you?
I read a handful
The blonde MC is a retard and a complete pushover
The black haired bitch is a two faced cunt, a rapist, a literal whore and yet somehow she's played as a victim that we should sympathize with because muh daddy issues
this shit reads like a bad shoujo, fuck that noise
Yuzu is the best. Read further.
Mei is garbage and Yuzu could do so much better.
Will this save yuri?
You know how these shoujo protagonists are with their bad boy (girl) love interest
Ayana Taketatsu is going to utterly rock as Yuzu