Does anyone know of a good anime to start with? I want to get my sister into anime, and I wasn't sure what to start with.
Does anyone know of a good anime to start with? I want to get my sister into anime...
Other urls found in this thread:
Start by telling her never to watch anime. It'll ruin her.
Take her to liberary and let her to read good books like hamlet or romeo and juliet. This thing will be more helpful for her future life.
Yeah fuck off back to Mods should nuke this thread quickly
Good starting anime for girls: the movies Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away.
Sup Forumsspergers will wig out and call you a normie but let's be honest, those are the most approachable for newfag grills.
Just look at the catalog and take another guess.
boku no pico
There's a board where you can ask for requests my friend
Ichigo Mashimaro. Be sure to grab the subs by LIME
Koi Kaze
Boku No Pico has been the gateway anime for many rookies for the past decade soon. Even if you've never seen a single chinese cartoon in the past, BnP provides a truly moving, beautifully rendered snapshot into the finer details of Japanimation.
into the trash
I hate nu-Sup Forums
Bible Black
Requests =/= recommendation.
The entire wsr trash is just another pointless sub-branching of perfectly fine and functional sections of this site.
Kiss x Sis
Kill yourself.
Boku no pico.
Start with some normie shit like AOT or Death Note
With your little sister? Oreimo. Guaranteed best choice.
Commit sudoku.
Kill la Kill
Yosuga no Sora
Little Witch Academia
what kind of stories/what genres does your sister like
>all this spoonfeeding
What the fuck happened to this board?
We grew up.
>we became normalfag cancer
More retards coming to the site.
Fuck off reddit
Bro-bruh, have you actually read the "recommendations" posted in this thread? They're all just troll posts meant to specifically annoy the likes of you.
Nothing wrong with being a normie
Real answer here. Ichigo Mashimaro is a funny show about little girls doing little girl stuff.
Just make sure you download the LIME version. There are a lot of shitty subs for that show.
Yeah xD
Only true answer.
cheeky angel
thats for starters all Sup Forums favorite animes
boku no pico is for conossieurs watch it when your palate developes op
Oni Chichi
Have you actually read what most anons have been reccomending?
Lets reach bump limit.