Girls whom you like but are considered worst girl by the majority of the famdom

Post em here without fear.

Other urls found in this thread:

Manga Akane is just infinitely better.

Almost every thread shits on her.

What's so different about manga Akane?


>What's so different about manga Akane?
Less tsun and actual transition to dere.


Maybe I'll finally get around to reading it. I've read a few fanfics where Akane was better than in the show. Maybe it'll be like that.

Just a simple typo senpai.


>that being the problem
Don't use "fandom" on Sup Forums ever. Keep that shit on tumblr.

Alright "the majority" then.


For someone to be considered worst girl, they have to be relevant.

Damn being 10/10 is suffering

And then there's pic related, who is literally pestilential filth.

How can she be considered worst girl when Sakura exists?

Yep most people at best are indifferent to 10/10. I don't think she is anywhere near being considered worst girl in Naruto.

Mikasa a cute. Idc if she's one-dimensional

Didn't her business collapse as well?

The only people who don't like akane are idiots who read too much fanfiction.


Depends on the fanfic you read desu. Some of the best Ranma fanfics are ones where Akane is an absolute sweetie :^).

I think you missed the point of this thread.

akaneshits eternally assblasted



Well at least it was more or less confirmed that she is the one whom Ranma loves.

Thanks Based Takahashi for BTFOing ukyo fags and Shampoocucks.


Why I am Sensing a pattern here? All these are no nonsense women who don't take any shit.

Maybe anons are afraid of strong women with a fierce personality.


Just kidding, I'm still mad.

This is some pretty garbage taste, desu. Next you're going to say you like Hestia.

Looks like you didn't read the thread title

But she is actually pretty popular.


I thought this was a bully free zone.

I did and it says "girls who are disliked by the majority".

So a lot of people dislike em because they make them feel insecure.

Sorry user, I couldn't help it.


Only true patricians can appreciate nadeko

Also she has great pit game.

Isn't she quite popular though?

Stop bullying my Doublas-chan or else!

the only people who don't like nadeko are people who haven't watched past bake

The consensus has changed quite a bit on her. Bland and one dimensional are frequently used to describe her.

she hold the responsibility to represent an entire bland and one dimensional race

I don't remember what the anime version looks like but are there seriously people who think that she's worst girl ?

Sasha is ten times better

Mate, have you been in on Ranma 1/2 discussions? She is not only considered worst girl in the show but one of the worst girls in all of anime.


That's an exaggeration.

'A strong woman with a fierce personality' is literally just a code name for bitch when it comes to anime.

>t.doormat lover


What the actual fuck? What kind of retard thinks Miyuki is worst girl?

Don't respond to the bitch-lover.

You guys don't want any fire and spirit in your waifus?

Only low test soyboys prefer doormats.

By who, Ryokofags? Sakuya is universally hated.

>Boohoo my catty women aren't universally liked.
Fuck off with your persecution complex. Plenty of those girls get love. Hate for this character popularized a buzzword tossed around by many of those same shitters.

Kasumi > Ukyo > Nabiki > Akane >>> shit > Shampoo > Kodachi
Tsugumi > Chitoge > Yui > Paula > Haru > Onodera >>> Marika
Yui > Nemesis > Risa > Tearju > Mikado > Mio > Aya > Saki >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shit (You) > oshizu > rin > kyoko > run > mikan > yami > mea > lala > nana > momo > haruna
Snake a shit


My first crush, I hate it

And here we have the meme post of the thread.

Ranma 1/2 manga is a lot better than the anime.

Only the pathetic, hypocrites, slander, haters-fags will hate them with no real reasons, because that reasons not exist

Last I recall.

Was she? I remember reading it all good decade ago so I might remember wrong but she was quite cunt in that too.