Houseki no Kuni

How do you deal with Phos metal arms? I mean they are pretty cold I guess (like all metal things are).I want to cuddle the Phossu.

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This show is really bad. How are people still watching it?

Phos is rock, she is cold in any part.






This show is really good. How are people still not watching it?

So what was their reason for ditching 2D?

Nobody ever ditched it. The video is a promotion for the manga from long ago, unrelated to the current adaptation.

diamond is CUTE, theyre all CUTE. I like their uniforms


I want to cuddle all the Gems.

And the Lunarians and Admirabilis. Poor post-humans.


Could you manage a tall and manipulative Phos gf with weird feet?

Manage? That's the ideal.

Do you think they'd taste like softscoop?
Because I do.

can anyone translate this?

So guys, I am still working on the second Houseki no Kuni telegram Sticker pack, last week I was kind of busy but next week I am free most of the days, so I hope the pack will be avalible before the last episode.

So,if you guys have good reaction images and memes post them here.

Link for the first pack:

They never really considered 2D for it. Main reason is because they wouldn't be able to consistently give things like the gems' hair their translucent quality, just to name one.

Phos: "The innocent, naive, cute me!"
WinterPhos: "The unwell, cute me!"
SpringPhos: "The healthy, reasonable, cute me!"
LaPhos: "The intelligent, cool, cute me!"

Phos: "Cairngorm, which do you like best?! (There's lots to choose from!)"
SFX: Kyapo!
WinterPhos: Antarc.... Antarc......
Spring Phos: Cairngorm-sama--
Cairngorm: Give back Lapis' head.
Cairngorm: Or I'll turn you all to powder.
LaPhos: Eeeeeh, so mean!

Sorry, typo, that SFX is "kyapi". Not sure exactly what it's trying to represent, maybe the sound of Phos' heel hitting the ground with a light clunk?

Isn't it similar to Kyaha? Probably to pair with her tehepero face.

> dumb cute me
> sick cute me
> somewhat healthy cute me
> smartypants cute me
> sound effects: kya-pi, jojo noises, creaking
> so which me does black crystal like? (pun on choosing and green, I ain't translating that shit)
> black crystal sama. please wait
> mutter mutter antarc antarc antarc
> leave lapis's head or i'll powder you all
> eeeeeh so mean

ur welcom


dammit I was slow


What's the lower right bubble?

donmai donmai, you pointed out the greenery pun when I didn't so you still added something

Pull down your pants.

Ah, I missed that one but second translator user didn't. It says "Please wait a moment!"


Someone edit this with LaPhos and Caren.


How can a series so full of suffering still have so many fun moments?

Because it's a product of love. Pure suffering is for edge fags but a mixture of fun and pain is human

Gotta balance the gloom a bit. Just so the suffering strikes harder.

I laughed like a dumbass at Phos "shortcut' right into the pond.

So has Pads always been a narcoleptic because of their numerous holes or did they begin going into hyper sleep a couple hundred years ago? From the sound of it Rutile and Paddy were regularly patrolling together a while back.

Rutile says that it gets harder to get Pad to wake up each time, and when he does wake up, he stays up for less and less. Presumably, he was able to stay awake for years after one assembly back in the past, which is how he could do patrols.


Well that's depressing.

This makes more sense. Although now I wonder why Sensei built him that way.
Normally any imperfections would be buffed out, right?
Was it a joke between him and Yellow?

Nice typesetting user! and fast work too

>cute me

Annoying. So annoying.



Wouldn't cairngorm be saying "Drop Lapis' head, because I'm going to turn all of you into powder."?

Is anyone collecting the translated/typeset comics that get posted in these threads and putting them in an imgur album or something? I'd love to have any that I might have missed.

Sensei chisels off imperfections, but you can't chisel off holes. There probably wasn't a suitable material, so he left it as it was for a later date. You could make an argument that he could rearrange the body to be smaller, but that would go against his idea of having all gems be equal.

Antarc/Phos is too cute!


I wonder how Bort sees Phos at each of his different transformations.

I know I've seen a size chart of the gems. Some of them tower over the others and others are downright smol (Obsidian is the most notable example).
I guess this is more proof that Sensei's broken.


Probably approved of them greatly. Each transformation made Phos less of a dead weight on everyone else.

Can it go faster?

Isn't Phos' left eye the pearl? This image is INACCURATE

this pleases my despair-boner

Phos can pull her eyes out and change them no problem.

Did those two purple bobcuts crash into each other? Aret they retarded?

I think the holes are meant specifically for Pad, removing the holes from the torso somehow will do the opposite of completing him.

Foss and Boltz are sympathizing.
Probably two color.

can anyone post the diamonds in a jeep pic please?

Not like they will hurt each other if they crash

Amethyst twins have the exact same hardness and structure so they can bump heads without breaking like most of the others would do

>Sensei did it as a joke
I realize I misread what you meant by that, but I'll post it anyway

No, they are incestuous perverted exhibitionist.

Amethyst twins can do so without breaking cause they're the same hardness, and they often do it on purpose



I'm not sure about Obsidian, but we know for a fact that Cair is slimmer than the rest and Pad seems to be a tad taller.
>Some of them tower over the others and others are downright smol
I don't think the difference is as noticeable, except for Neo Phos, but that's just heels.
Then again, Sensei isn't a sculpting-measuring machine, can you blame him?

This one?

yes thank you
i guess i was way off remembering it was a jeep and only had the diamonds


Wait, I though Antarcticite died. Who is this Cairn gem who looks like him?

A completely unrelated, similarly looking gem.
The one who was inside Ghost Quartz until vol. 6

Phos' new fuckboy.
Important characters being all white is probably SYMBOLISM


dia is unimportant, though

He's the new frostyboy.

she's one of the gems that has been consistently showing up throughout the manga, mirrors Phos' quest to change and is on the way to the moon with her
She's not super important, but important enough. Probably more important than Ghost

I want to look exactly like Sensei.

Doc's the best.

You should start practising Buddhism now.


Ghost deserved much more screentime

Dia is never presented as pure white though, he's always rainbow/pastel/multi colored and their hair has a lot of grey shading in the manga.
Antarc is more transparent than anything and Cairn is black but powdered they are mostly all shades of white, like Aechmea.

>she'll never smile at Phos again



Fascinating. I should properly read the manga.

for anyone who doesn't want to proxy up to buy the moon dog plushies, someone is selling their hand-made one:

Dia also isn't white. He's translucent and reflects the entire visible spectrum.

If they do S2 do you think LaPhos will have a different voice?

I hope not. I like this VA.
Perhaps she'll just do it in a different tenor

more suffering


Pretty good user but can we go faster?

The VA seems pretty flexible. I have a feeling they could pull off LaPhos with ease and fool everyone.

I love the amethyst twins
I'm amethirsty

They love you too.
>you will never have your skull fractured by being in-between the twin headbutt

I love this scene so much. I just finished catching up with the manga, and this is the scene I keep going back to.