Name one objectively good thing about his manga besides art.
>You can't
Name one objectively good thing about his manga besides art.
>You can't
it attracts shit posters that try hard and it's funny to watch.
Bakugou's autistic screeching
The part where All Might beat the shit out of
The art isn't even good, my lad.
A hatebase that has actually become more autistic than the fanbase.
It's average for a weekly manga
Bakugo cucking the generic shitty MC in the character rankings.
The fanbase is totally Tumblr. You can't be more autistic than that. Plus it deserves the hate.
>Bnhafag crying that people being mean to him online qualify as "autistic"
This is the natural thing you deserve.
>besides art
>implying the art is good
It's the characters and story that's great user.
the frog
she should have been in One Piece, poor frog
>It's the characters and story that's great user.
The story is boring and the characters are easily the worst part of the manga. What do you think is good about them?
>The fanbase is totally Tumblr.
they're neo narutards
that's why they get so triggered by naruto comparisons, they're in denial about being the successors of cancer
You just want me to gush about the manga because you can't contain yourself don't you, user?
Is it wrong that I want to understand what you think is worth reading in a pile of crap shaped like a book?
Frog girl and fatty levitating whore are the only good things about i
You make this thread every day. Lose the autism.
All Might is cool to see in action since he's over the top as fuck, I guess.
>year of the lord 2017
>seeking objectivity
>not embracing subjectivity and enjoying fun things which may or may not be fun
wow user I can't even begin to describe how much you're missing out
yeah this
first post best post
it's weird seeing the same really bad shitposter topics made by like the same 1-2 people just endlessly
do you not have anything better to do or what
No, I don't, maybe you should accept that you bnhatards are in fact hated bym more than one guy here. Who would've guessed that acting like you were on reddit every post here would make you seem obnoxious.
Is good
>he said so on a libanese wooden sword fighting board
All might
You are still asking, user, you want us to share your love and you know that you have to pretend to not like it in order to get the answers you want.
Nothing unique about that.
The first couple chapters and the cavalry battle are amazing. The rest is just boring.
It's a generic shonen that does generic shonen things better than most bad generic shonen.
I just think it’s a fun read/watch, don’t know where this whole “deconstruction of the superhero genre” thing comes from.
>Character accept his own death in chapter 2
>Even warn the MC about how life-ending injuries can happen to every heroes, even one as powerful as him
>MC literally sees his Force ghost equivalent in the tournament
>A whole arc culminates in him fighting his nemesis with the last shred of his power
>Fight literally ends up with the villain simply trading punches with him despite having a shitload of more impressive quirks that would be better suited for this fight (but author is an hack and no one apparently cared that he made his main villain into a joke)
>Hero doesn't even die at the end (probably some editor whispered "toy sale" in his ear)
Honestly the living proof that you can retroactively ruin a character if you completely mess up his personal arc, even if the beginning's great
This. I don't even like this show, but every fucking day has a new thread to hate this shit.
The panel structure is shitty like a western comic.
>It's a generic shonen that does generic shonen things better than most bad generic shonen.
No it doesn't. In fact it does them worse than even the worst generic shonen I've seen. Like every shonen is built around a lesson like "believe in your dreams" or "protect your friends", basic stuff. MHA's lesson is literally "don't try unless you're sure you'll be the best at it". It's literally the lesson chapter 1 teaches you and it goes downhill from there.
all for one
The only bnha posts I see are the ones in the main thread and the ones bitching about it. The only ones bringing it up constantly are you morons who insist on making shit threads like this one. So again, lose the autism.
Twice and twiceposting
Wow you need a fairytail MLP like world to enjoy shonen, congratulation you're 10.
So you're complaining that it does something different from the typical "the power of friendship can cure cancer and end world hunger" trope?
it's the hero story.
His mother is the nurturing side of humanity in all it's history. While his father. you know that the father represents more of the harsh part, roughly speaking.He regulats and leads the family.
The father is gone from the begging.
Thus deku grows up, only learning the kind side. This is all nice and good, but you have to be able to defend yourself. However as you know his father is gone. So midorya has to learn how to stand up against the evil in society, which would be the villains. He alsohas to stand up against the normal roughness in day to day live, which is symbolized by Bakugo.
As such, he takes part in a metaphysical herostory. A story in which the hard part of society is gone. just like those bloody marxist try to do now by getting rid of all that could offend.
And this user, makes for a bloody well writen manga.
At this point it's pretty clear Deku will never reclaim the #1 rank. I mean for fuck's sake he almost lost to Todoroki too.
Except that bnha isn't a deconstruction or a cynic take on doing good deeds, it's a very classic shonen in it's form who just happens to have completely off-tone lessons because the author is retarded and failed at something as simple as this.
New chapters every week unlike OP or HxH
Replace "power of friendship" with "being a hero" and you literally have bnha though.
>MHA's lesson is literally "don't try unless you're sure you'll be the best at it".
And that's bad because...
Fantastic design and development
>not relying on others and seeing the value of independence and self improvement over the approval of peers
The definition of a hero is a much more interesting debate to follow than the debate of what friendship is.
Except the story is literally about Deku becoming "the number 1 hero", which is pretty fucking about the approval of peers.
What you greentexted applies perfectly to OPM though.
Yeah it's fresher, doesn't change the fact that the manga has flawed lessons from the start.
BnHA has no stakes and its villains are shit with flimsy motivation. Because of the former the Sport's Festival is the worst tournament arc I've ever encountered when compared alongside any of the Dragon Ball ones (21st, 22nd, 23rd), Chunnin Exam, Hunter Exam, and any of YYH's. No consequences, which is really the deal with everything in this series. Nothing happened in the arc prior to that either.
Even after 3 years it continues to trigger the same autists to make the same shitty thread. I've seen this pic about 79 times.
>which is pretty fucking about the approval of peers
The Number 1 Hero is the hero that saves more people
>the manga has flawed lessons from the start
All Might
>BnHA has no stakes and its villains are shit with flimsy motivation.
Like any other battle shounen
>Because of the former the Sport's Festival is the worst tournament arc I've ever encountered when compared alongside any of the Dragon Ball ones (21st, 22nd, 23rd),
>No consequences, which is really the deal with everything in this series.
Like any other battle shounen
>The Number 1 Hero is the hero that saves more people
Yeah obviously, but it also comes with in-universe fame, interviews, and a whole marketing industry based around that person. Sure it's good to shoot for the top but Deku's attitude in chapter 1 (notably, only applying for the best hero school) makes him seem less genuine in his dream because instead of applying for a dozens hero schools (and maybe getting rejection letters to increase the sympathy you feel as a spectator) he only did one thing. Which he didn't put a lot of work into all things considered.
But maybe I am making an issue out of cultural difference and japanese kids only ever apply to 1 school.
The story is about much more than just Deku becoming the Nr 1 Hero, him becoming Nr 1 is a byproduct of his main goal which was initially to be the best but changed after his first real save. After the Muscular fight it stopped becoming about becoming number one for himself and more about doing what's right. He doesn't seem to be enjoying hero work at all anymore. Approval of peers might have been a bad choice of words, it's about doing what's right even if it's not appreciated or satisfying.
Absolute dedication to things like that are shown to backfire with Endevour, he doesn't care about the humanity of heroics just the pursuit of Nr 1, while All Might doesn't give a shit about giving up his power and becoming useless as long as it betters the world.
Another thing I like about the series is that it doesn't explicitly say one view is better than another very often, it's left up to the reader to decide who was in the right a lot of the times (which is why the last arc was a bit of a disappointment with it's very obvious bad guy without proper motivations).
>Like any other battle shounen
Nope. Obviously there's antagonists which are worse but BNHA is on the lower end. Most antagonists are evil because they want power, because they were raised into it, because they're insane or because they were outcasts (how the fuck can such a concept still exist in the world bnha takes place in, I don't know).
The best antagonist is Stain, and he lasted what, 15 chapters? His followers don't really compare to him.
>>BnHA has no stakes and its villains are shit with flimsy motivation.
>Like any other battle shounen
Rubbish. Almost every other battle shonen involves life and death conflicts.
Which isn't an opinion.
The hand guy is like a parody. His entire design screams try hard in a failed attempt to make an obviously evil character that's creepy but little else.
>it's about doing what's right even if it's not appreciated or satisfying.
When does Deku (or any other protagonist) does the right thing and get shit on for it?
You do have a point in that the manga shows that you have to make sacrifices for what's right but it's not really the main point because the MC himself doesn't lose anything in his pursuit for righteousness. The character who represents that is All Might, who already understood this in chapter 1.
>is that it doesn't explicitly say one view is better than another very often
What? The only time it might've had happened is with Stain where the author showed the benefit of his kills by pointing out heroes in the areas he passed were doing a better job. All the others antagonists were pretty clearly evil. What arc are you talking about?
You're right, I can't. I dropped this shit in the middle of the licence arc. That shit was so fucking boring and meaningless.
Planned on picking it up again, but from what I heard the recent arc is even worse. So meh I won't bother.
Also the BnHA threads are the fucking worst no discussion even in chapter days and the fanbase is easily the worst one on Sup Forums. Even worse than the HxH fanbase.
>notably, only applying for the best hero school
If you want to be the best hero you to to the best school
>applying for a dozens hero schools
He did that
>BNHA is on the lower end
>Which isn't an opinion
Yeah, it is
>His entire design screams try hard in a failed attempt to make an obviously evil character that's creepy but little else.
>Don't try anything unless you're sure to be the best
Why the fuck are you trying to pass this as a "positive life lesson"? That's not even a lesson you could hear in some realistic gritty seinen, it's like something straight out of a depression manga.
If you don't try anything how are you supposed to find out what you like or dislike, how are you suppsoed to experiences new things, to understand new points of views, to grow as an human being? Really, have you genuinely lived your whole life without ever trying anything you weren't sure you were going to succeed? Like learn another language? Draw or build anything?
>If you don't try anything how are you supposed to find out what you like or dislike, how are you suppsoed to experiences new things, to understand new points of views, to grow as an human being?
You just know
bye now, don't come back
>Yeah, it is
No, it's not.
life or death conflicts > failing some sport's festival in which there's no lethal force allowed or even promotions for the winner
The entire thing is meaningless.
There is zip to the hand guys character but his over the top design. And his insane muttering.
No, villains with zero motivations beyond being evil for the sake of it and having no deeper motive are unremarkable, and it just lampshades the fact that they're tools for actions scenes. The fact that BNHA don't handle actions scenes all that well means that there's no villain that really have any reason to stick. You might like a couple of them but what do they have beyond a nice design, a quirky personality trait or two and eventually a cool power.
I'm not asking for complicated villains that challenge the hero's morality at every arc, but it's possible to make a complete son of a bitch a great villain by adding motives to him.
Takes Enel from OP for example. He follows the quality I told you earlier, while still being essentially an asshole.
>Interesting design
>Has a personality that is entertaining to read
>Great power
And Oda adds to that by making him completely convinced of his godhood, by hyping him upas the arc progress (Skypea is one of the arcs where the main villain appears the latest), by making him intelligent enough to build a spaceship using himself as a power source, and powerful enough to launch attacks with great visuals. And his end goal isn't "being a cunt", which allows Oda to reuse him on his own as a cover story.
I do'nt think the author of MHA could do that with most of his villains, except by adding personalities traits they didn't have when he first wrote them.
Deku gets shit for helping Iida, and for going to save Bakugo at Kamino, both those had positive endings but he was still given shit for it. He helps Todoroki at the festival and loses the fight and a bunch of sponsors/respect for it because it's the right thing to do. The way Deku is heading right now if him turning into a truly selfless person like All Might, he is already ready to give up his quirk to Mirio despite it being what he dreamt about his whole life.
The manga doesn't disregard Shigarakis view on the public and their view on heroes, he hates the public for their apathy towards whats wrong in the world and wants to take revenge on them for how he was treated as a child, but just like Deku he is developing his agenda and finding out what he really believes in, when the manga began Deku was a fanboy who only wanted to be a hero but he is developing into an actual hero, meanwhile Shigiraki only wanted to kill All Might because he disliked the world, he later becomes more certain of his goals and starts actually planning ahead when AfO goes down.
Also I wasnt just talking about the villains standpoint, take the Kamino arc, some students want to help Bakugo some want to leave it to the heroes, but no one is described as wrong and they all get good motivation behind their views. Or take Endevor, he is obviously an asshole who hits his wife and kid but despite that he saves thousands so you can't really say that he is not good for the society.
>m-mama why do people dislike the shitty manga i read
boku no shit tards are very sad
i thought you were leaving
Hey eyepatchwolf, how's the youtube thing going?
>Except that bnha isn't a deconstruction
B-But user told me it was!
The girls are hot
Deku vs Todoroki and Deku vs Muscular
>>applying for a dozens hero schools
>He did that
Proof? We never even heard of other schools until the license exam.
And no. I'm not. This is not you safe space heronigger.
In fact, it's you who should go back to tumblr.
>Also the BnHA threads are the fucking worst no discussion even in chapter days and the fanbase is easily the worst one on Sup Forums. Even worse than the HxH fanbase.
>newfags trying to fit in
every fanbase on Sup Forums is the exact same in terms of quality except for maybe dragon ball super
>Deku gets shit for helping Iida, and for going to save Bakugo at Kamino, both those had positive endings but he was still given shit for it.
Barely. it was a stern talking-to at best. There was no consequences for it. Compare to OPM where Saitama gets shit on for destroying the meteor, and often in the manga people remark the public consider him a fraud. Obviously it's stilly in the context of OPm and Saitama don't give a fuck himself but it's still a consequence.
The author has no idea where to go with Shigaraki yet, don't be fooled by the "he's growing as a villain". Even if he was you can only judge him once his supposed development would be complete, right now he effectively still acts like the retarded kid of his first apparition.
The whole "Deku and his friends go to save Bakugou" really was shit writing no matter how you look at it. It simply wasn't justifed enough.
When the teenager hero and his team go on a desperate mission to save a teammate, there's always a reason given as to why more powerfuls on the same side as them characters don't just handle it.
For example, in Naruto, it's something as simple as "the adults are already busy fighting bigger threats". or in D. Gray-Man the most powerful guys available right now are the MC and his team. In BNHA the pro heroes were already on the case but the author still made Deku and his friends go for no reason but to advance the plot.
I really don't think you should use this arc as proper justification for anything.
here's your last (you) herotard
We are the elite here.
No fun allowed!
I like the concept of everyone having powers, but they're somewhat unique.
All of the girls.
I say run
k, bye now
>every fanbase on Sup Forums is the exact same in terms of quality except for maybe dragon ball super
That is bullshit and the fact that you geneuinely believes it just prove that you in fact only read the shit mangas who get shit fanbase. Like MHA.
There are fanbase on Sup Forums with regular quality threads, because the manga itself is good.
I've followed OP for years and you can definitely see that the variation of quality in the generals match the quality of the story itself. it's the same everywhere.
hero threads are literally tumblr. hxh and snk threads are good in comparison.
Meh. Wasted concept
>Hero is super strong
>Friend can make ice (but as a twist, he can make fire too, but it's not like it's different than just having 2 characters with 1 power each)
>Other friend can be super fast
>Other firend can make himself super hard
>Other friend can make explosions
Poor fight choregraphy don't help the lack of interesting quirks. BNHA is also relatively grounded in its powerlevels and most characters don't make any sizeable improvement of their moveset (besides Deku, of course, but ironically his improvement aims to make him even MORE bland)
not really
There's no such thing as objectively good, only standards a lot of people agree on, which gets you intersubjectivity.
you're probably a bokunoshitfag who posts "x is best" girl and "i ship this with this" in chapter day.
you guys are pretty delusional about your series and your threads too.