If you've ever typed this out and pressed submit I'm gonna have to ask you to go back to r/anime.
If you've ever typed this out and pressed submit I'm gonna have to ask you to go back to r/anime
But you just did.
I, too, hate thisfags.
This the /lewd/ thread now?
>he has never seen 2012's lewd threads
How the fuck are there so many newfags today? Is Sup Forums being raided?
I wish, we can't have lewd threads till 3 days from 1/1
OP isn't wrong.
Looks like I can stay.
I literally have a folder named Lewd.
In during newfags coming to defend their word.
I used too, but I had to split it in crops and bubbles because it was too big to use
>In during
Kill yourself phoneposter.
>their world
How do newfags managed to patent such a popular term?
Reminder that banning the following groups would dramatically increase the quality of posts on Sup Forums:
>South Americans
>South East Asians
Yuck, its like it was drawn by shadman.
How does Sup Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
It was proven on the day when boards merged that Canadians and burgers are actually the most cancerous posters.
this is the Lewd thread right?