Why did Nasu even introduce the concept of stast if they were going to be completely irrelevant?
Why did Nasu even introduce the concept of stast if they were going to be completely irrelevant?
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b-but they´re relevant that one time
So that people would think there's logic in the shit he writes
Gae Bolg, God Hand and Armor of Fafnir are the only times stats were actually acknowledged as a mechanic, but even then it's kind of muddy.
I-is this a dildo?
What about alignments
How does nasu justify shit like Gil being CG
Because dnd has them. Also, I think high stats is used as the justification for calling Saber the strongest class.
Something something mud corrupted Gil
I wish stats played more of a role. I'm a huge RPG nerd.
Speaking of god hand, if it's supposed to conceptually block stuff below A(50) rank, what would this mean for things that have the + modifier? Like C+(60) or B+(80)
Good and evil in nasuverse is dependent on how much the character cares about humanity as a whole, which Gil does.
The higher the Servant's stats, the better the heroes look when they beat them.
What about lawful and chaotic?
>Chaotic good
What the fuck. Gil is obviously Chaotic neutral.
>Oh my god Shirou, I can't believe you just beat an SSS rank servant
He's evil by d&d standards
Eh, more that Gil has an answer to every other threat other than weapon spam. Also Shirou didn't win, he barely lost then got saved by Archer and the Grail
I mean, Gil thinks that his motivations are good for the human race.
F/SN gil. Otherwise, ko-gil does his best and caster gil is pretty chill.
Not really I think. Because he doesn't do evil because he likes or because he is that way, he does it to achieve whatever goal he has in mind, which makes him neutral.
He's got good goals from his own frame of reference. Same as how two cancers would think that the surgeon is evil. And I bet two worms would feel the same way about a priest.
What if Nasu intended for Fate to be a SRPG like Final Fantasy Tactics?
there's an old rumor that fate in its very earliest days was isnpiried by a /tg/ or a mmo game before nasu changed it to a LN then finally to a VN
Gilgamesh is Chaotic because he overthrows the current order. He is Good because he does so in favor of the human race. Alignments are decided by the Human Order: anything that bolsters the Human Order is therefore automatically Good. Anything that harms the Human Order is automatically Evil.
Literally to make it look more like a RPG. There's even an interview where he says something along those lines. Don't ask me to find it, autists. Either look through them if you are, or don't believe it. I don't care.
So Blackbeard for example is chaotic evil because he overthrows the current order but does so only for himself?
What is the most important thing to win hgw :
1) NP ( especially ranged area of effect damage)
2) Master & strategy
3) stats.
Why is Gil so skinny? He should weigh more for his height if he had any muscle mass.
It means that if the modifier is applied, it goes through
NP > master/strategy > stats
A child could beat Heracles or Gil if the plot demands it
Yes. And Atalanta is Neutral Evil because she has no real care for or effect on the current state of society; she's just a wild animal that lives in the wild. She's Evil however because she has no regard for human life, and wantonly murders anyone who displeases her like men who can't beat her in a race. The only exception is children, who she feels sympathy for, but she allows that sympathy to cloud her judgment like when she becomes openly murderous toward Jeanne over Jeanne cleansing the evil spirit remnants of Jack from the world. Permitting said evil spirit to remain in the world would cause trouble for humanity, therefore it is evil to do so.
Why is Kojiro NE then? He's a honorable sword autist, so if anything he should be LN.
Among others that make no sense, Benkei and Shiki being CG when they should be TN or CN, Arcueid being LN instead of CN, Buddha being anything else than the truest True Neutral, and Romulus being CN (he founded fucking Rome) come to mind.
We all know what chaotic neutral stands for, user.
>Why is Kojiro NE then? He's a honorable sword autist, so if anything he should be LN.
He has no real regard for life either. Don't mistake honor with goodness. He is quite happy to kill anyone, even let the Grail destroy the world as long as he gets a good fight in the meantime. Kojiro is the first to say he's a horrible person in F/GO and asks you to use him as you would a tool so he can atone for his mistakes.
>Among others that make no sense, Benkei and Shiki being CG when they should be TN or CN
Benkei is a faker, not the real Benkei. Shiki is apparently a good guy. Go figure.
>Arcueid being LN instead of CN
Arcueid has actively protected human society by hunting down Dead Apostles for nearly her entire life. She herself is technically a potential enemy of mankind, so obviously she's not going to qualify as Good.
>Buddha being anything else than the truest True Neutral
Buddha is of immense benefit to humanity in his strivings, so of course he's Good.
>Romulus being CN (he founded fucking Rome) come to mind.
Creation of something new is an act of Chaos, not an act of Law. He's a pretty Chaotic character even in his own myths though, like killing his brother.
>Buddha is of immense benefit to humanity in his strivings, so of course he's Good.
He's LN in Fate, actually.
I think I'm starting to get how Nasu does alignments though. It's kind of retarded, but fun.
By the way, if good benefits the human race and evil benefits oneself, what's neutral really?
Someone who isn't really beneficial nor harmful. If the actions of someone produce roughly the same amount of benefit for the Human Order as unfortunate consequences, you are neutral.
They exist for the purpose of being made irrelevant. Seriously. He does it all the time. A rule or "unbreakable" principle is presented, and when heroes figure out a way to work around the rules it makes them look cooler.
Because originally they did matter, and having high stats was enough for Berserker to be a serious threat to every other Servant in the war despite having no skill and no mind.
i wish. That´d be a lot less retarded than fate fidget spinners
Because he cant write for shit, why else?
Are there any A+++ rank NPs aside from Solomon's? Or A+++ stats in general?
So why does Gilgamesh just chill for like ten years and not do anything to the current human order?
It avoids shit like having to explicitly say that Lancer has bad luck.
They were waiting for the time the HGW started again. 10 years is honestly quite a long time, let alone 40, had the 4th war ended properly.
He was busy drinking wine with Kirei.
What's the current order in the nasuverse?
He was busy running Myspace
He had better luck than anyone on this board. And probably better taste, too.
>He had better luck than anyone on this board.
Sure, he always bites the dust a few posts in, and thus doesn't have to be here forever.
>What is the most important thing to win hgw :
>Being the self-insert MC of a shitty eroge
>mfw adult Gil is such a shitter that ko-Gil is actually better than him despite being less skilled and has a better NP
Could she have won the war?
Why did he make a rich hero if no one steals him?
Lancelot did in Zero
Could Alcides steal Reality Marbles? Would he be able to steal Emiya's Noble Phantasm?
Of course, there's no point in stealing the physical weapons. They're nothing but mass-produced counterfeits.
lets not forgot the mess that is EX rank, doesn't even mean strongest
>retard cat is an EX berserker
>doesn't even mean strongest
How come all EX nps are OP as fuck then?
And EX parameters generally mean a servant's stat is strong, see Drake's luck or Cu Alter's strength with Curruid
>Tamamo cat is an Ex berserker
EX means that something is either off the scale or cannot be quantified by the usual standards.
What's with her and carrots?
Sure but coincidentally every time EX is used for either an NP or a stat it makes it overpowered, so it's the same thing.
They should just use — or None for stats that can't be quantified
its some Japanese word play or cultural joke about foxes and carrots
With Lancer it wouldn't be impossible. The only real hurdle (not counting Gil) would be Berserker, but she'd have good enough judgement to leave him to someone with sufficient firepower. At most she'd make Lancer keep him occupied for a few minutes while she punches Illya's head off.
She has Mad Enchancement EX. Which meant that she isn't mad like Jets and Heracles are, but is more of a illogical weirdo.
No. She has no solid counter against Team Caster. Team Berserker's very difficult because despite what thinks, trying to get at Illya is extremely difficult. In addition to Berserker's presence, you'd also have to worry about Leysritt.
There's also the deeper issue of Gilgamesh. If Bazett actually takes out Team Saber and/or Team Archer, her chances of actually surviving past the fifteen days, much less winning, are gone. The truly best hope anyone has of surviving and reaching the end of the fifteen days in Fate/stay night is by teaming up with Shirou.
gil is massively more chill in any version that isn't after he got fucked by evil mud
Her Mad Enhancement is C.
She has Mad Enhancement C
Her voice actress is excellent.
He was a dick in Zero
he was arrogant and completely lacked respect for his master who was boot licking, but less genocidal
Because Fate is autistic garbage
You can say the same for any other story that has RPG mechanics. Stats don't matter in the face of the almighty SI protagonist.
I mean he'd still slaughter people for talking to him in an unappropriate manner
You're autistic garbage
worse it's a fidget spinner
How weird is she though?
she'll mostly say barely comprehensible sentences and nonsense. Once in a while however, she'll say something very insightful and informative. She also loves (You), so please be good with her as she stops thinking about her own happiness but focuses on (You)rs
It just shows how strong a character is. But being stronger doesn't guarantee you a win.
D&D alignment system != fate alignments. In D&D 2.5/3 gil would be considered CE/CN. Nasu just ripped them off, probably because it sounds cool.
F/SF volume 5 when?
>Angra Mainyu doesn't have E-rank on everything
"Worst Servant" my ass.
That was from back when only great heroes and mythological figures could really become Servants. Since then, though, Nasu's gotten way more lax about what qualifies for a Servant. He even made the personification of children's tales a Servant.
Still, Angra Mainyu is not that great. His Murderous Intent skill literally kills him when it's used and his Noble Phantasm requires for him to get damaged first. And then you gotta look at his stats. Extremely below averages in all areas except NP, which is just average. Him having high Agility is nothing new; even in Fate/hollow ataraxia, his agility was practically his only good trait. But since he's not that skilled, he's not difficult to beat for a Servant.
High stats is another way to reinforce that a character is strong, which makes a scene where a weaker character triumphs have more impact
Angra's really interesting though. He's basically something like a Pseudo-Beast. He's weak, but he's fundamentally very similar. He's the archetypical Avenger, the Avenger of Avengers, even if he's the weakest. Naturally, as an Avenger, he's strong against Beasts, even if he's super-weak.
Kiara is a pseudo-beast too, even as an alter-ego
Incorrect. Even if B+ with its modifier is stronger than A, it is still below the rank of A and so it does not go through Godhand. Godhand really is a matter of "Your rank must be this high to go on this ride" which is why it's so bullshit. It doesn't matter the actual power, something needs a high enough rank to enact interference upon Hercules.
They're not irrelevant you fucking nigger, they just don't dictate the result of every single fight. Stop treating all anime fights like DBZ you stupid piece of shit I'm so sick of you.
You people always say this, but I have yet to see any citations that prove it. Ranks are purely numerical in nature when it comes to physical stats. Rank B means anything 40-49 on the chart, and if doubled by a + modifier then it would be much higher than A, which is 50-59. Mordred canonically states she can hurt Siegfried through Armor of Fafnir despite it having an identical defense as Godhand as long as her strength modifier is active, which is why she tells Kairi to use a command spell to activate it for the duration of that fight.
Was lancer actually the best servant in the 5th HGW?
He was the fastest and he could do magic
AoF does not have identical defense. GH nullifies attacks below A-rank, AoF is damage reduction. Two completely different things.
Rather than strict numerical values i think it mostly works on the concept of ranks. I mean there's techniques to raise the ranks of various NPs, not to mention there's broken phantasms. but until we hear from nasu or something we'll jsut have to agree to disagree.
How the fuck did Rin kill him that single time with all of those separate fruity pebbles then
But Beasts are Evil and they love humanity?
dumb question, but does Lancer's Arrow Protection work against Gil's swords since they become projectiles? it seemed to work pretty well against Assassin's knives
there's still the issue of Ea though
Lancer managed to keep Gilgamesh busy for half a day. That should probably answer your question.