So she has a penis?

so she has a penis?

Dont you wanna suck on it?

if it has a penis its not a she user

It's her (male) penis

Does he dress like that because he wants to or because Ouzen wants him to?


People assume it's Ozen because that appeals to their fetishes more, but it's not said either way

But if it was a dude than I would be attracted to a dude.
Which would be gay. Which I am not.
So in reality, there is no way she can be anything but a girl, even if she has a penis.

Ozen is going to turn them into a whistle, cartridge, or some other fucked up thing we can't even imagine
That seems to be the only reason white whistles befriend children


Or maybe you're just in denial about being gay.


>no r18 marker
nah brah

but the art user

Extremely puffy

want to tease marko balls

Bunny cunny is objectively superior.

It better be in a jar on a shelf.

a big one!

a HUGE one!

you can't tie the bunny's hands behind her back with her panties and boop her prostate until her legs start shaking like you can with maruruk


>hey papa, what's the empty one on the top shelf for?