Literally (figuratively) You

ITT: characters that explicitly or very likely subscribe to your philosophy, creed, lifestyle, ideology, political bent, modus operandi, ideals, or religion.

Pic related: very likely an Objectivist.

Other urls found in this thread:

Reads a lot, barely talks, and is probably autistic

Is Mai the most autistic character in anime?

I wish I could post something positive but this is and was the only self-insert kind of character I ever had.

How does Sup Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

It's because comics, games and even more tv stuff are way, way more prone to normalfaggism and have a way bigger fanbase, meaning more casuals and normalfags, facebook retards and so on.
Anime is pretty big nowadays, but nowhere near as popular as the other stuff and it probably will never be. Especially not among the most annoying crowds like celeb-fags and underaged edgy kids, who are both prefering live action and capeshit.

He was being ironic you faggot

But it's true. Sup Forums is shit but it's not as shit as the cancer people call Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

That's like saying that we're better off because Sup Forums is the Sup Forums equivalent of Detroit while Sup Forums and Sup Forums are straight up Chernobyl

It's still correct

>Just wants to be happy doing what he does
>Just wants to sing
>Nobody listens

I look like her irl.


>Enjoy being mean to my sister

inb4 retarded hyouka posters
>ohhh I'm always bored and I have no emotions and am so deep and interesting ohhh



Female ones? I think Mashiro was more autistic.

Mai is just a comedy master.

She's probably the most high-functioning of any autistic anime character


>characters that explicitly or very likely subscribe to your philosophy

Gate novel translations resume at the Skythewood novel translation site.

Idealism gets her into trouble though.

This kid is close enough.

>a faggot that betrays everyone in the most important moment and tries to overcompensate for it afterwards
That is right too, but I share his personality and to some degree his lifestyle.

Boku no shadow the hedgehog

cut your hair man, it's weird for it to be that long


>Is cute
>But is also a filthy socialist
What do?


>way more prone to normalfaggism

you understand that normal fags only watch shounens and nothing that Sup Forums watches, nor do they browse Sup Forums, right?

Momo is literally a 2 dimensional female me.