We Idle till previews come out.
Why can't you rent victories?
Pripara & Aikatsu!
Other urls found in this thread:
Because Shuuka is playing on hard moder.
I want to fuck Lala.
Whoever has jymmy secured on their basement release him onegai.
How are we going to make Elza pay for this?
>Caring about a second place
They could learn a little from them.
I want this Lala
Hi, Nico. Quite early this time I see.
I wanna give my time to Shuuka.
See I told you Lala turns innocent onii-chans into shameless lolicons.
Lala is cute and is only natural want to fug her.
I don't want THIS Lala.
Fuck off Mirei, you're a shameless lolicon.
So you prefer JC Lala rather than JS Lala.
All Lalas are good, but small Lala with hair down is best.
Return when?
Mirei is not a lolicon, she was cured.
More like upgraded to sexual predator.
>Implying you can cure from lolicon
Silly user.
She and Shion have a lot in common, but they don't fill each other's needs on a deeper, emotional level. There's a strong, genuine and easy attraction, but it's not true love.
Because he is?
>Elza-sama all alone in
I guess coming in first (making the thread first) means nothing when you don't have any threads (people to post in your thread), does it Elza-sama?
We are seeing firsthand what's going to happen to Elza. Elza will be elated, but then Rola and her friends will be elevated while Elza dies an Aikatsu death.
It will be glorious.
Go back to crying, Roller
Go back to slitting your wrists, Elza. Or eating Puffer fish prepared by Ako while Subaru was talking to her.
Rola can cry against my chest.
Why do I feel like I'm in /padt/ whenever I come to these threads?
Because Aikatsu and Cocotama posters go there.
Don't know, it's never been as bad as /padt/ has in the last few hours. People seem to have settled across the two threads with the shitposters occasionally spamming both and arguing in the /qa/ thread one of them made.
Earlier, there were 3 threads. Mods cleaned them out, and they still kept going.
And now he's got his discussion in the new OP, yet he's still over in the old OP shitting it up trying to get people to move to his when there's already healthy discussion in there. When I call him out on this he ignores me.
All the while some guy made a troll thread and is samefag bumping it and not even hiding it.
/padt/ is in a state of complete and utter collapse
It doesn't matter if you're first or last as long as you make people happy!
Awfully hard to do if only ants can see you.
Exactly! Just be happy!
Could Rola and Yume be Yui's moms?
Rola can be my daughter's mom. Yume is the aunt.
Why do people love Rola so much?
Is it the pink hair?
It's the pink hair, isn't it?
She's a big loser with a cute girlfriend.
She has a very nice chest.
Cute, good songs, cute, sexy, cute, etc., cute
And a loser.
Utter lack of moderation and way too many shitposters will do that to a thread.
And people like you trying to "call out" shitposters are not helping matters.
She was the most loyal follower Elza ever had. How could she just cast her aside when she was done with her?
She gets the best songs, she's got the best singer out of the Stars cast and she's cute.
>mods finally showed up 3 hours later and deleted the thread that was actually having a discussion instead of the one that was 90% garbage
I feel bad for /vp/ if this is the standard for moderation there
Get in line!
Isn't that more like JK Lala?
No, Hibiki is the only JK idol
The main cast is all JSes and JCs
She's extremely cute.
It seems every character in stars is better than Yume except for Mahiru
Go to sleep, Garara. I'll watch over you and keep you safe.
Rollers don't want your flat chest.
>taking your falseflagging all the way to Sup Forums
This is some cross-dimensional autism holy crap
What't up with "Idol Time" doesn't get new songs meme?
Do people who say this even watch the show?
She has gone mad with her sun dress obsession. Yume has to stop her madness.
To that user who hoped Believe My Dream wouldn't feature in three consecutive episodes, I have bad news for you.
The fuck is this? I thought PriPara threads were separated from shitty Aikatsu threads and fanbase?
They always shilled new songs like this.
We are getting a Mia song in episode after that, before the new opening in January
Please everyone ignore Ajimiposter.
With any luck, he'll get bored and go away again before too long.
>so scared that he'll have to police how people post itt
I'm literally just that powerful and influential.
I missed ajimiposter, haven't seen himeposter in some time too
Don't summon himeposter, please. I could do without seeing that autism again.
Thanks user. Who knew doing a PhD would eat up most of my time?
> himeposter
Why do you think that?
People thinking that Garomageddon will get a new song.
Because Mia and Galala confirmed for January arcade update and anime has to shill characters before it it goes live.
Alternatively, they will find those glasses in two eps and we will get Galala song instead, while Mia performs early in the fourth cour.
Wait until the next Michiru focus episode.
Mia X Galala duet when?
Never. One of them is the final boss.
Enjoy Shuuka and Galala or Falala and Galala instead.
These answers suck.
Who is the best match for Shuuka?
My dick.
I want to sleep with Roller.
>dropping the rice
Worst girl confirmed.
If it's not melon pan, it's worthless.
>dropping the PIZZA in front of Lala
Shots fired
Rola is our girl.
She took a shit on both MCs there.
More like literally us.
She's a cute loser, what every ainon aspires to be.
>Lala and Yui are belong in the trash
Pretty All-"Friends"
Beru-sama is so cute!
I aspire to make Rola my wife.
I'm a lot like Rola, I'll be your wife!