Good evening. Tonight will be a SUPER storytime where we will go through all of Vol. 3 of Manyuu Hikenchou.
This first chapter is more of a review chapter.
Isn't this the volume where her tits get enormous?
Yea but it's a tradeoff. In the anime you see nips, but the tits aren't as big. In the manga they're fucking huge but you don't see any nips.
Now the chapter where Chifuswa is raped by children.
4chanx lets you cache legacy captchas that stay valid for 20 minutes or so.
I 'm just talking about the OP post. Can't avoid the picture captchas for that one.
I forgot about those. I never make threads.
The molestation that went on in the anime does not appear in the manga.
Are you going to continue these story times through to the end?
Since someone was kind enough to give the ultra rare 7th volume, I kinda thought I'd do them all, even the boring ones.
Talk about good fortune. Thanks OP and thanks source user I missed.
And now the moment you've all been waiting for, ultra titties.