Why does such a miserable...

Why does such a miserable, pessimistic and depressed old man whose very being is armor coated in nihilism make such joyous films?

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By making films aimed at normal people instead of self-loathing otaku.

Self-identifying otaku are a cancer on Earth. He’s not wrong to be sickened.

Because he gave his entire life to a medium and live enough to see it burn to the ground. He has nothing now, he's an old man with tons of broken dreams and China will take over in some years

The big irony is that he hates otakus but Cagliostro was a huge stepmark for the born of the otaku subculture and he mentored Hideaki Anno, the creator of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Probably more guilt and self-loathing for Miya-san

>armor coated in nihilism
How do you misunderstand a Miyazaki film this badly?

The person not the movies you mong.

I agree that people who identify as otaku need to be fucking killed. But his habit of shitting on anything new just reeks of bitter old man.

Moeshit is far more the essence of nihilism and depression than anything relating to Miyazaki.

He probably lived a good decade or two believing people would take his works and expand on them but he doesn't feel like anyone surpassed them or kept his genre popular which is very irritating to old men, especially from his era.
I don't know where he's getting his info from but he's probably just pissed that anime movie sales are in a slump.

Why does Sup Forums insist on posting this same picture? BTW just in case some of you didn't know, he did not actually said what's shown in that picture.
In that interview he was talking about the industry. He believes that there are too many otaku in the industry who don't spend enough time to interact and observe real people, which to him is the only way to make good anime.
Agree with him or not, stop misquoting him already.

He shits on practically everything, not just anything new. He shittalked Tezuka's death and he was the one that pioneered the damn medium.

I think he just has really REALLY high standards. When he started out he said his goal was to watch a film that inspired him and to surpass it. Well he's done that and he's been doing that for like the past 30 years and most other creators can't keep up with him. He even talks about how he dreams of seeing a movie that surprises him or amazes him again so I don't think he's just being negative on purpose. He's just someone who is intensely passionate about the craft and understands the ins and outs of it to a very precise degree. I assume once you get that good at something you'll have a hard time enjoying the average anime.

>I agree that people who identify as otaku need to be fucking killed.
There goes a shitload of people who produce and support the shit you're into. Including this nerd.

>China will take over in some years
Hahahaha this is what the chink insects actually believe.

They can't even stop shitting on streets, let alone stop killing eachother, how do you expect them to work together to create quality animation? All they're capable of is garbage CGI and outsourced gook animation.


50 Children's Books Chosen by Hayao Miyazaki. What do you think? How many can you identify with his own material? Almost all of them are Western, so hopefully you should know at least some.

Don't really think he's made a good film outside of Spirited Away and that was thanks to cute. So most of the time he just seems like someone speaking bullshit to me.

You agree that people who clearly don't understand what it is or the actual meaning of otaku should tell others to kill themselves? Go do your research.

Anno has the right idea.

>miyazaki manga adaptation of the Hobbit never

This might be the first one someone uses this picture unironically on this board. If you look out the otakus from the outside, how can you not be somewhat disgusted ? Part of the reason why Miyazaki is so bitter is that otakus are not interested by anything except anime and manga, and now that there are more and more otakus in the industry, the medium only gets more stale and incestuous. I love anime as much as the next guy here, but sometimes, when I look at it on a hindsight, I wonder what's wrong with the people who make it ?

You're the exact definition of what Anno shits on.

>I love anime as much as the next guy here, but sometimes, when I look at it on a hindsight, I wonder what's wrong with the people who make it ?

I think it's worth considering that the people most passionate about it nowadays would also be those most obsessed with it. It'd be like expecting the IT industry not to be filled with computer nerds.

I enjoy anime but at the end of the day lets be honest its a joke compared to most other mediums

I find Anno's statement paradoxical in a way. He says " Only, I think there are many other interesting things in the world, and we don't have to reject them" and then says that he takes offense when otakus are criticized by non otakus. If otakus are not criticized by non-otakus, then how are they supposed to open up ? I don't want otakus to open up for any societal reasons and I'm not taking the high moral ground either. I want otakus, and the industry by extension, to open up to have more quality anime instead of keeping on lowering the bar of decent quality every year.

That's a reasonable thought. The things is, however, that being passionate about something should not mean that you should not explore other things. You can consume a fair amount of anime and still read books, watch movie, and expand your horizons. The more diverse an artist's influences are, the better the end product.

The fucking movies express his views.

why not be dissappointed with otakus?
80% of the shit nowadays is pandering garbage with self-inserts and whatnot, it's the most shallow and easiest to please group of people.

protip: you dont really know nihilism

>Implying people don't become more civilized as quality of life increases
Please take a world history class before posting about geopolitics.

>I have acquired knowledge and understanding of otaku culture from Kotaku and ANN

This is not possible for the chinese bugmen, even in Hong Kong theyre really no different.

That's because basically all animes are adaptations and whats adapted is generally a series made by an 18 year old desperately trying to break into manga because if they don't break into it by that age then they have virtually no chance in the industry.
So these series are poorly written, not thought out for the long run, made to the broadest demo and filled with shitty fanservice so that they can make it and keep their head above the water.
Then, If they do make it, they generally keep shilling to the broadest demo and elongate their series to get the most out of it that they can because at that point they don't have integrity.
Also, anime isn't profitable without selling shit like blue rays and figures. They're glorified commercials.
The best example I can think of is Kaiji. I can't think of another anime that's actually BETTER then the source material but Kaiji fucking flopped.
Kaiji is an amazing series that general audience wont even touch because of the subject matter and it's style.

they already own us...

Equivalent Exchange.

Based Maulvi-San

>user is too poor to experience chink high society

What about all the anime that isnt based on anything

C'mon dude, it's a good thread. Let's keep the discussing interesting.

You don't need to be a Maulvi to agree with though.

Why? How?
If I had to pick something, I'd have picked something like cyberpunk or Fate.

What I'd like to see is 50 books chosen by the Butcher.

He doesn't. After Kon, Miyazaki is easily one of the most overrated names in the industry, only popular because his films are easy for western audiences to get into.

Other way around works too. When Western Europe switched currencies and the buying power was effectively halved, there was an explosion of consumerism and anti-intellectual "fun". It was also when games and the internet became mainstream popular.

Do people with low standards exist? We should kill them first before the otaku.

There's no way people still call him that unironically...

You're on a site where people make romantic dinners for their pillows, cut up their thighs just to get (you)'s, or attempt to casually summon the Devil. There's a ton of things not to believe and this isn't one of them.

Because he makes characters who have actual personalities rather than one defining cartoon trope that gets shoved in your face like 99% of other anime.

He knows how to make money.

Otaku have alienated normal people from animation and turned the whole thing into one giant degeneracy pandering machine which is a kind of total dead end for the industry.
>only otaku watch anime
>only otaku anime is being made
>any non-degenerate anime will be shat on by otaku for not pandering and by normies because its anime
Its a complete degenerate dead end and he can see it.

Making a good thing will never pay for itself again.

You should actually read his opinion on Tezuka. He claimed Tezuka's Takarajima was the most influential manga if all time, and that he felt he was constantly in his shadow. They have a lot of ideological differences though as artists, and Miyazaki is blunt about it. I personally love them both.

Reminds me of Roald Dahl. Was probably the greatest childrens writer who ever lived but he came across as a really grumpy old man.

Had an amazing life though

>fighter pilot
>became an ambassador to the US whilst secretly spying on them through his seduction of women, becoming part of the inspiration for James Bond
>help create a heart valve for children, saving thousands of lives
>became a world renowned children;s writer.

True, good anime takes inspiration from nature and reality, bad anime takes inspiration from anime, which is a copy of nature and reality; the more people take inspiration from other people's work, the trashier it get's; it's like art in real life.


Isn't it strange in a way though? To create beauty, you must observe and take notes of what is constantly flawed and hideous. Attempting to copy beauty isn't something that typically works out.

What are you going about user?
There's a shit ton of otaku anime but there's also decent stuff being made.
Violet Evergarden isn't aimed at otaku, Berserk isn't aimed at Otaku. Even some anime for the shonen audience has storytelling that the otaku don't like and they survive because of its plot instead of cute girls naked (ironically, SNK which Sup Forums hates so much is like that).
Just like there's a shit ton of reality shows trash on tv, there's also actual good stuff.

It has been ages since something grand and unrelated to harems/SOL/highschool setting ever happened.
Anime like technolyze, Proxy, Redline, and anything really original without being tied to standard tropes, something that doesnt look like tonnes of shit yoy've seen before is probably never gonna happen again

Because it's all a facade.
He's claimed since the 80s that anime is at a creative dead end, yet he still keeps churning out films with lesser creative content while the world around him moves on just fine.
He claims he does it for the love of the craft, but everywhere you turn in Japan there's Ghibli merchandising, BDs, t-shirts, plushies, the upcoming theme park in Nagoya, etc.
Compare that to someone like Bill Watterson (Calvin & Hobbes creator) who remained as a comic artist, forbade merchandising in almost any form, and let his product speak for itself lest it cheapen the message.
And having those Totoro DVDs continually at the top of the sales charts since time immemorial affords him the right to dictate to other new animators from his ivory tower why what they are doing is wrong and soulless.
Miyazaki might like to paint himself as some sort of holdover purist from the past, but he's part of the problem.

The preciosu AOTS, Vatican Miracle Examiner, is exactly that and doesnt pander to anyone. If you think theres any fujoshi pandering youre projecting

This year alone had Youjo Senki, Mahoutsukai no Yome, Inuyashiki and Vatican Kiseki.
If you look further I'm sure there's a lot more. Next year there's Violet Evergarden.

>The best example I can think of is Kaiji. I can't think of another anime that's actually BETTER then the source material but Kaiji fucking flopped.

This is what gets me. Main source of income for anime are otaku. The fact that Otaku have a shit taste and prefer Isekai, Mary sues, fanservice and other forms of shit over Kaiji is an travesty. Theyre database animals unable to enjoy shows that are "different" from what theyre used to.

Im unironically exited for netflix taking over anime. Kaiji wouldnt have flopped nor would have Nichijou if there were enough normalfags as consumers. The fact that western audience is more diversified makes it better compared to current otaku audience

Mahoutsukai is literally shoujo harem lol, it feels kinda refreshing but is pretty much the old thing turned inside out.
Frankly saying I cant take the authour of GANTZ seriously, as for Vatican I guess i gotta check it if everybody likes it so much.

This year is full of surprizes, Kino turned out a complete disappointment and the stone asses i even begun watching by a mistake and expected nothing from dragged me into a very original manga.

Why not? You need something bright in this dark world to keep going.

Nasu at the least is pretty positive and optimistic. Even if his setting has dark and bad things his stories always end on some sort of positive note. He's pretty big on progression and stagnancy = bad is a reoccurring theme in his works. Definitely elements of people having purpose and goals for good or bad too.

Of course there's a lot of good literature, and other works that take inspiration from other pieces of work. In a way our ideas of taste and quality are derived from compiling together knowledge of what we think is good and what we think is bad until it becomes a guideline and loose ruleset that we use as a measuring stick.

I think it is good to take inspiration from the real world, because the real world has so many interesting things that it has elements that can surprise anyone. It's almost sad how much a person will never know, how much a person will never see. But it's also beautiful in a way since there's so much that's possible.

But stories are stories, and sometimes you should look at other stories to see how to tell a story. Sometimes that ends up in drivel and copycats and repetition that churns out garbage, but sometimes it helps refine a work too.

As for Miyazaki himself, it is also possible that he creates what he idealizes, rather than what he is. There's a certain element to that in every creator I think. Sometimes you make what you want and can't have, or make what you want to be and can't be. If we can't be as beautiful as we want to be, then let's make something beautiful. In a way doesn't that prove that there's some sort of beauty in us, if only in our dreams?

Oh, me, it's only monday and we already have teh weekly "Im gonna try to look all adult and mature by bashing Miyazaki" thread? Kids today are so fast...

>shit smelling smokeshitter
>talks about how others make him sick

I blame Tomino and Anno instead of Miyazaki. They're the ones who tried to get their viewers interested in space, high technology, future society and biomedicine. They tried to prove their stories are more than glorified toy commercials, and it backfired into what we have now.

same reason theres so many depressed comedians
they see something wrong with the world and are driven to produce something that opposes it

For me it just means I spend less time watching chink cartoons, since I've never been into sol, isekai, kyoani or rpg mechanics.
Also there's so much fate and gundam I'll probably never run out of things to watch.

Because he rightly sees otaku culture as a profound perversion of his beloved craft.

this is what being otaku means. of course he hates it.

Since when is he a fucking nihilist?

You need to give young people motivation. Get them interested in politics and science so they can provide solutions. An hour spent arguing about a fictional character's sexual preferences is an hour not spent on getting rid of that law that's going to make your family poor.

Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau is quite alright so far. If Netflix means more stuff like that things will be good

Maybe it's a form of personal therapy, like an old captain screaming his wife's name into the ocean.

Because he is right to be disgusted by this kind of people.

Did he hit too close home for you?

He's obviously watched some utter shit anime by his standards and spiralled into the monster he is now.

Really is bizarre when most Ghibli films usually end on a happy note.

The guy is bitter because he is going to die very soon and the industry will continue like nothing happened.

>He's claimed since the 80s that anime is at a creative dead end, yet he still keeps churning out films with lesser creative content
Fuck you, The Wind Rises was amazing

Look at the state of the anime industry, how can anyone not understand why Miyazaki is so cynical. I mean fuck anything from Tsunderes to all the other poorly written characters or blank slate protagonists just so lonely faggots can self insert as them, or poorly written stories or the fact that "harem anime" is actually a fucking subgenre or that we have anime with an incest relationship between a brother and his 12 year old sister or all the countless, endless softcore porn "fanservice" because god forbid the fucking otakus lose their stiffy

I mean fuck, PIC FUCKING RELATED or this fucking shit youtube.com/watch?v=IFZQCbnEyMI

The state of the anime industry is degenerate as fuck

>that we have anime with an incest relationship between a brother and his 12 year old sister
You say that like it's a bad thing

That and crunchyroll. Once more westerns are able to actually pay money to view anime (because let's face it they are never going to buy merchandise) the industry will finally start to move away from this autistic shit

I also just had a revelation. What other group buys a shitload of merchandise? Children. Movies and shows that are marketed to young or older adults are able to survive without that. The anime industry is in this bizarre state where they need to pander the shit out of their viewers like a children's show just so they can sell shit to them.

it really pains me that 95% anime coming out now has to have the same shitty tropes and pandering tactics, with the inclusion of either moe or fujo being almost a prerequisite to success and no one is even surprised by this anymore
otaku really are the cancer killing the industry


thanks for the laugh, wait are you serious?

You're better off sending 10 dollars directly to the studio.

I don't think much of that is true though, besides maybe the joyous films thing.

Newsflash: there already is extremely popular childrens shows that make boatloads of money.
Way more than your average harem series.

Anime is medium of extremes.

The best anime is so good that it makes some highly regarded works of the Western Canon look like a joke. The worst anime however, is some of the trashiest garbage a person could possibly lay their eyes on.

I think hits the nail on the head. Anime is the most incestuous medium of all time. You can trace the entire history of anime back to 5 people: Tezuka, Miyazaki, Tomino, Dezaki and Anno. These 5 people drew inspiration from sources outside of the medium because they didn't have any other choice and their work was better for it. This is why I have a theory that in order for anime to improve, directors MUST look towards other mediums (including reality) to inspire them.

It's not strange at all. Fiction exits to be a critique of reality, and you know what they say about knowing your enemy.

He doesn't like underage incest harem#1356 so he's a nihilist.

Almost all of these are good

You might have autism if you think so

I dont think animation could survive on any other system. The majority of western animation is pretty limited

>the best anime is so good that it makes some highly regarded works of the western canon look like a joke

>Fiction exits to be a critique of reality, and you know what they say about knowing your enemy.
And "entertainment" exists to perpetuate itself and its creators. It's masturbatory and parasitic by definition.

Agreed with this, anime could be art but instead it decides to be nothing more than masturbatory material, it's literally glorified porn, it's the farthest thing from art at the moment.

>muh art
You are the true cancer to the entertainment industry

It's kind of like spoiling a brat. If you give your child discipline and strong values it'll hate your guts forever. If you want your child to be needy and tell you what you want to hear, that child will also be kind of useless and won't have its own opinion.

Where do you think you are.jpg

>masturbatory material, it's literally glorified porn
that does seem to be the problem. If you look at anime that has been popular with the average westerner and not the autistic western self proclaimed anime fan, it's all shit with little to not fanservice or porn scenes. Attack on Titan, One Punch Man, and now even MHA (despite the grape faggot) , and even Your Name was immensely popular.

I like porn. Everyone likes porn. But I don't need it in my hobbies. To use a metaphor, it's like you sit down for a nice, savory meal called Soul Eater or Hunter x Hunter. It looks great, smells great, and it tastes great. You've been eating for a few minutes and suddenly the cook comes out and drops a massive spoonful of ice cream right in the middle of the plate.

Now you like ice cream, but you don't want it mixing with your fucking dinner. Maybe after you finish eating you'll have some ice cream afterwards but for now you just want to enjoy the meal.

And then you look around and realize all the people eating here are children, and they fucking love the ice cream. They start scraping their dinner off their plate, all the steak and vegetables falling to the floor, to make room for more ice cream. Cause that's all they want. They never get bored of the sweet stuff.

That's the anime industry right now.

>food analogy

It's not even good porn. Ahegao fucking everywhere. That's doesn't happen. You know what does happen? Women tense up when they orgasm. Their face scrunches up, their toes curl. It's honestly like both the creators of anime and their otaku consumers haven't just never been with a woman, cause that's obvious as hell, but only consume the most shitty, low quality porn possible

Go watch western shit if you don't care about art.

"The (Animated) Art of Escapism". By Miyazaki. It will be his last movie.