Does Sup Forums still love their loli waifu if they become thicc?
Does Sup Forums still love their loli waifu if they become thicc?
Doubly so.
Lolis are like fine wine, they get better as they age.
>implying mai waifu getting thicc wouldn't make me want her more.
Loli's cease becoming lolis. It's like wine becoming vinegar after being aged 12 years.
>cropped hentai
fuck you
lolis age like a room temperature banana
Absolutely disgusting.
Only applies to eternal lolis.
This guy knows his stuff
If you're talking pic related then it's unfair to compare perfection in human form to the average human's life cycle.
here user
Even if you feel like it's jumping through hoops this is the correct way to do it
yes. i'd love my waifu through thicc and thin
Nobody fucking uses /r/. On top of that OP was a dipshit and cropped the page. Why the fuck do people feel the need to crop shit to post on Sup Forums when they can just copy paste and post it? It's 10 times harder to find source from a cropped image. It's a faggot move that is desperately begging for people to ask for source. Either include the source in the filename or the OP, or post the full page, if you don't want saucefags.
Do you now get the fucking point, or should I keep going? I've got 5 or so more search engines to go.
It works fine in my machine, git gud
lying cunt
git gud
proof or gtfo
The fuck are you getting so worked up for? I posted it in the correct board and you are shitting the thread exactly four times more than I did with your useless replies.
Search engine results are personalized around your location and browsing pattern (not so sure about the last one, for google it is certain) so the only thing you managed to prove is that you are willing ot invest a lot of time to try and prove yourself right about inconsequential shit and you still manage to get it wrong.
I'm not going to spoonfeed you, faggot
Enjoy never finding anything because niggers like OP crop their shit
>muh sekrit club
Fuck off to reddit, crybaby
cry me a river, fag
>it's fucking fakkushit
HAH no wonder I couldn't find jack. It's not indexed in any search engine since Fakku scramble their images on their online viewer. Good job supporting the porn jew, OP. Die in a fire, all of you.
Nice projection, why don't you tell me more about how you can't find simple shit in the internet?
>bragging about his skills on finding porn
>newfags can't recognize Daikichi's art style
>muh sauce for muh hentai
Pathetic. This is the state of nu-Sup Forums.
Kill yourself, reddit
it's shit anyway, what a waste of time
I've got 11 years in this hellhole, dipshit. What I remember or don't remember has nothing to with how long I've been here.
>no remember through the power of your dick
You're weak, pussyboy
shut up, dmitri
and that's why legal loli are the best
I want to erabe sensei.
I give wrong sauce on /r/ just for shits and giggles.
Before you try to act superior, you should know that google doesn't show the same results for everyone else, if you already know the sauce google will show you the appropriate results, as retarded as it is. So it's not a matter of getting gud you fag.
>they get better as they age.
That is wrong, user. Lolis are as good as a good wine. 12 yo. Getting older just will ruin the wine.
>not keeping them near starvation and on hormone inhibitors
It's like you don't even love lolis.
I want to hold Utage Sensei.
I actually saw one in 3d once, it was strange.
Why do H-artists always draw tits like they weigh 40 kilos each?
Of course.
why do you have to include my waifu in that?
But StrikerS disproves that theory.
It's a shame the series didn't have more of her.
That's part of her appeal.