So I'm on chapter 8, when does this get interesting?
This reminds me of the time Sup Forums tricked me into reading Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer, what is it with Sup Forums and overhyping these manga about guys orbiting loud girls?
Gotta admit compared to biscuit hammer at least the girl is pretty damn good eye candy this time.
Medaka Box
They're all superhumans and they become pysics-defying soon enough. It's a shounen manga and you'll love it by the time Class Minus arrives.
Just enjoy what a supremely capable alpha female is like and her orbiter boy-toy with a bad haircut, but damnit if he's not able.
Around chapter 40 - 50. When Kumagawa appears
Medaka Box is one of those love it or hate it manga
Thats alot of club of the week stuff to go through.
That stuff ends way before the minus arc, there's two actual arcs between the club stuff and the minus arc
I could only read to chapter 20. I never understood why Sup Forums sucks this series dick so much.
Okay I will persevere
Of course you wouldn't understand, you didn't even get to the good parts yet
>when does this get interesting?
When the main character gets introduced.
>reads 5% of a series
Hmm i think i see why you can't understand
Don't do it user, trust me its not worth it at all. it was only fun because of the threads and because we only had to read a chapter a week. Don't do this to yourself. The ending is shit, the fights are shit, even best girl gets fucked over in the end. DON'T DO IT
>That lame as fuck arc with the fucking stupid shiritori "battle"
>The whole Shiranui village arc
>The all grown up ending
Why can't they ever stop before fucking everything up?
>when does this get interesting?
>I force myself through random things because other people tell me to
Get out, kid
Medaka Box was absolute trash with garbage writing and humor, and Kumagawa isn't even that funny.
>chapter 8
holy shit are you serious nigga. Its like reading the first page of a book and saying its boring. The fuck is wrong with you.
It's not as if it gets better.
>didn't enjoy Lucifer and the biscuit hammer
>complain before finishing the intro
Get some tastes user.
fell for same bait. its trash. its a "parody"
Jump ship now.
As soon as the Minus Arc starts.
Medaka Box jumps on the rollercoaster of crazy and refuses to get off as soon as Kumagawa joins the fun.
For me its legitimately one of my favourite series once Kumagawa shows up.
I dont think you will regret it.
I do understand the frustration of the "It gets better later on!!!" trope but Medaka Box is probably the one series where I will sing "It gets better later on!!" from the rafters in hopes that everyone hears me.
>a shonen
>ending because the cast literally "grew up"
If you dont think that that is meta tier ironic commentary on the entire shonen grenre then I dont know what to tell you.
I thought it did what it set out to do perfectly. It was a perfect love letter yet ironic self reflection of the shonen genre
You talk like a faggot
Which Anime character would you like to take a bath with?
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( )( ´∀` )( ) < medaka!
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Don't. Just skip to chapter 50 so you can keep up at chapter 55 when kuma-chan appears.