so AOTY?
Its the only one I've watched this year.
If there's something better, please show me Sup Forums, because this was a master work and I would love to see what the hell topped it. I hope they can keep the positive momentum.
Pathetic MiAfag.
I like SSR better, but MiA is defonitely up there.
they confirmed season two within a month or two so that's pretty good
Sure why not.
name a better anime this year
Sangatsu pretty much owned 2017 by the way.
my favourite anime this year
My eyes instantly snapped to Maruruk
I'm not even gay wtf
Good post.
We will reach bump limit under a day this time.
I think so.
Goes without saying
Would be my pick for AOTY if Sangatsu wasn't a thing. Maybe potatoes could make the AOTY choice a bit more diverse (not that much really, it would be a potato year), but its constant use of clunky CG puts it a lot behind the AOTY level.
There were a few that could make up for a challenge but lacked a bit in one or more aspects:
- SukaSuka
- Net-juu
- Maybe Rakugo if it weren't so sloppy along the way
Maybe I'm forgetting one or two titles here, but whatever.
I am slightly disappointed that they don't explore the abyss in-depth and just leave each layer as soon as possible.
I know it's not their main aim but a little bit of exploration wouldn't hurt.
>My eyes instantly snapped to Maruruk
You fucking what?
Literally what?
maa is now the best nare
It is good, especially the furry part, but overrated
Your series is already dead, jem.
Yes it is.
I just want more Mark
I would rank it as my second favourite of the year.
Sakura Quest ended up being my favourite of the year. The first episode was a slow start but the characters quickly grew on me and I was genuinely sad when it was over. Even though I don't think it was the best at everything I think quality was consistently high and I had the best overall experience with it.
Made in Abyss was certainly the best in terms of world building, that sense of wonder, and music, but I thought the pacing drags down the experience. Often times the show rushed ahead when I wanted it to linger and lingered when I just wanted it to move on. I was both amazed and frustrated while watching so I can't say it was the best experience I had this year.
Other's I watched this year:
>Tsurezure Children
8/10, Cute, funny, and straight to the point. This was a fun and breezy series that never failed to put a smile on my face. The ending was a disappointment for me, it thought it was the weakest episode of the whole series.
>As the Moon, So beautiful
7/10, show is so sweet it almost gave me diabeetus, but it was also slow and the two leads humming and hawing every time they looked at each other got annoying.
>Little Witch Academia
Dropped. I watched the first short and really liked it, but the first few episodes of the official series didn't grab me in the same way. I may return to it before the end of the year, just to finish it, because it wasn't a bad show, just not what I wanted.
>Book of Friends
>Akashic Recods
>Alice to Zouroku
Too controversial to be officially, so unfortunately not.
Forgot to add that I also watched Eromanga Sensei and, honestly, I was a bit disappointed. I skipped it when it first aired because I thought it would be trash, but then all the memes came out suggesting it was some kind of ascended trash so I gave it a shot. The first couple episodes were great and had it maintained that level of quality I think it would have a "so trash its good" show, but the quality dropped off, the story seemed to just tread water, and by the time it ended all I thought was "what was the point?"
As seen here only newfags rate it highly; weak mid episodes mean this isn't AOTY, or even in the top 10.
Little Witch Academia isn't worth it. The first episode is actually better than most of the rest. It's a straight HP rip off (obviously) but the thing that condemns it is that it has no unique identity or angle - it's just straight up an inferior retelling of HP-esque type adventures. Further it's even more simplified down than the original HP series (Film or books). It's a by the numbers copy. The writing is what you would get if you asked a 9th grader to write a screenplay and they just finished and loved one of the potter films or books.
It's officially ranked 13th.
Yes, you are.
How does one move Ozen?
Why do you samefag so hard to force this garbage? Fuck off.
That was the first post I've made in this thread, mate.
Why are you so butthurt?
Season 2 of rakugo was a huge disappointment. Fuck off.
Kemono Friends is definitely AOTY. There's no question.
It's still better than you're favorite anime.
I seriously doubt that.
Don't take it up with me, I didn't make the list. It's the board's official rankings based on objective quality and artistic merit.
Acceptable choices for AOTY in no particular order:
1. MiA
2. Guruguru
4. HnK
5. Rakugo
6. Dabbing Potatoes
7. Magus Bride
8. 3-gatsu
If your AOTY isn't in this list, re-evaluate your life.
>no Uchouten Kazoku
I'll give you an 8/10 decent taste.
It was actually going to be 3, but I omitted a line somehow.
>literally 7/8 currently airing
Nice recency bias
I think it could only be Night Is Short, Walk on Girl. I haven't seen anything close to it and what I haven't seen I'm pretty certain is bad
>Month or two
How? Will they just drag the Bondad arc out forever?
MiA wasn't even the best show of it's season
Dorothy is built for sin
Yes she is, my friend, yes she is
I want to abuse beeto so hard
Her neck can probably take a couple of metal rod swings before cracking
Abso fucking lutely. Now we'll just wait for chinese money going into that second season.
It survived Jubei, it can probably survive a lot
>blocks your path
At least episode of the year desu
It would have been AOTY if not for Houseki no Kuni. Sorry MiA.
That looks like a girl's room.
The 2nd half of the year was way stronger.
This. It does pretty much the same: cute girls/robots/rocks doing suffering things, but much more elegant.
that IS a girl
cute girls suffering was nowhere near the main appeal of MiA
>episode of the year
Not so fast!
Yeah, that's totally not why it scyrocketed at final episode.
Maidragon is mine
I've spent like 400 dollarydoos on MiA stuff when I usually spend 0, so it's safe to say it's my favorite anime of all time.
>$400 on a furry show
>favorite anime of all time
>Made In Abyss is a furry show
Having a Bun in the last three episodes doesn't make this a furry show
Tell that to all the people this anime converted to furries.
>furry show
>smug animeface
Did the middle episodes not bore the shit out of you? Because for me, the cave diver camp up until they got to Nanachi's layer was all pretty boring
Are you impressed?
No not really. Pretty much every episode forwarded the story. Good adventure.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I watched the first 10 episodes in a single sitting and the middle part didn't bore me at all. I can see how the weekly wait between might have been grating though.
not him, but I wasn't bored at all, the slower parts just allowed me to sit back and enjoy the show's world
>Pretty much every episode forwarded the story
Half of ep 8 and most of ep 9 is basically filler
9 episode IS filler. Half of Nanachi's flashback too.
>non existing character development
>pedoshit fanservice
>no plot at all
>boring as fuck middle episodes
>literally the only interesting thing is the world around characters, but it gets little attention as they rush through layers with almost no effort
Yeah, seems like goty material to me.
EP 9 was included because the author rushed through arc 3. Expanding on it was a good move
I think a lot of people must have expected the series would go all the way to the bottom, so when they saw that half the series was over and they were only on the second layer, they grew frustrated.
It wasn't even close.
Yeah, it's common knowledge that dragon maid is far from being goty, why are you bringing this up?
Go away.
Shoujo Shuumatsu did slow paced desolation better than MiA, too. The atmosphere in the MiA anime could have been better.
But the central character of MiA- the abyss itself- makes it beat shoujo Shuumatsu overall.
Sakura quest deserves a mention, and 18if deserves an underdog of the year award.
The true underrated AOTY
I like this show a lot, but it's barely animated and the art isn't impressive. Hardly something that takes full advantage of the medium.
But my AOTY is Dragon Ball Super user
close but no
>that flop
Girls last season.
Not to mention the janky 3D. The attention was placed into the world and atmosphere of shuumatsu and it shows.
MiA had high quality everything. But it was boring at times. Better directing could have fixed that.
>I don't samefag guys I swear!
>Same dipshit image comes up every single time someone makes an AOTY thread
You samefag across the board, no one agrees with you.
It's only japs fault other seasons were garbage.
You should kill yourself.
Neither was PriPri.
I think people are just posting it as a meme/joke.
You should keep being really mad, though.
The animation isn't the only aspect to rate an AOTY, this series is a little philosophical an has better argument that other series in this year, not only CGDCT
Definitely GOAT episode.
Visuals are at least half a show's score for me, and SSR gets a big fat 0 in that department.
This. Any other year MiA would have had it. Houseki no Kuni is also worth mentioning.