>Read VN when the translation it first came out
>Listen to the Emiya theme daily
>Play Fate/GO with the original fate stay night servants only
>Liked all the spin offs except Prisma and Apocrypha
Prove you're not a Nu-Fate fan
>play F/go
you've just proved you're a nu-fate fan
Old enough to remember what Type Moon threads were like before 2014
That's just super, user. You're totally fitting in.
Thought DEEN did some stuff better than ufotable.
Like the fights in ubw and opening isn't generic j pop
T. Nu fate fag
And that's exactly the kind of responses we're looking for. Welcome aboard, user.
>Prove you're not a Nu-Fate fan
>Play Fate/GO
>not the epitome of nu-fate
Hang yourself
Anything beyond original Tsukihime VN is nu-typemoonshit anyway
>Listen to the Emiya theme daily
I love seig
It's just a fun pass time with fate fan service. It's story is complete garbage. Never spent a dime on it like the autists on /vg/.
Sieg is also a self insert beta. I don't get it.
>Apo fags
Shiki can kill servants.
Which one?
>he holds pride on reading chuuni crap for middle-schoolers
The ability to rape something implies that you're superior to it.
Shiki rapes the maids.
Maids are servants.
Therefore, Shiki can kill servants.
Mystic eyes have limits.
They can't touch top tier servants
Cool armpry you got there. Would be a shame if...
Fuck off jew
It doesn't matter if you aren't new if you still enjoy FGO trash.
I guess max bond Herc can clear everything up to Abigail, but what then?
>Needs 5 stars to beat fgo
You can literally beat everything with 1 stars if you're not a brainlet
>>Liked all the spin offs except Prisma
Redditor detected
Shut up Prisma pedo faggot
Back to your DBS general, Pablo.
Everything Fate is shit
Explain Prisma then.
You're still a nu-Type Moon fan, you Fate bandwagoning faggot.
Not everyone is a kid dediller
Tsukihime > Gardens > Fate/SN > Yoru > shit > other TYPE-MOON stuff
I liked all the Fate series including Prisma. Just accept it is an entirely different universe with similar characters and fanservice. I'm not a pedo but Kuro does things to my dick.
>kid dediller
First, learn English before posting. Second, 2D =/= 3D.
Arcs route is pretty shit to be fair.
I love Prisma and the cups don't even enboner me. I just love the idea that there's a world where Ilya gets a reasonably happy life.
New or old, I really don't care. Just don't be a lazy shit.
Since ufotable's UBW anime came out it's easier than ever to get into Fate from the "beginning", yet so many people jump into the series with Zero, the spin-offs or worse, the fucking wiki.
If you weren't a pedo Kuro wouldn't do things to your dick.
Give your favorite version of Emyia right now and nobody gets shot Nigga!
>calling yourself a "Fate fan" instead of a Type-Moon fan
>Play Fate/GO
Stop trying to fit in.
Fate is Type Moon.
No one cares about the other shit series
Nothing beats the original for me. I associate the last part of the song with Shirou going for his last swing against Berserker during NLBW. It's my favorite scene in the entire VN.
Hope there isn't too much Kalafina chanting in Kajiura's version. I wanna get hype not put to sleep.
>damage control
But I am a nu-Fate fan.
>started with Zero, then UBW
>read Realta Nua with uncensor patch
>read F/HA with voice patch
>played Extra and Extella
>up to date with F/SF
>started reading and dropped Prisma and Apocrypha
>fapped to the Sakura h-scenes in the VN as I read through the first time
Get on my level, fags.
>fapping to VN h-scenes
That's not how you appreciate comedy, user.
I read the VN like a month ago and haven't watched/read/played anything else fate related at all.
I'll probably watch extra because Nero is cute
You have no "love", so you'll never understand.
>except prisma
fucking gay.
>Mystic eyes have limits.
>They can't touch top tier servants
Shiki (Girl) can do it.
>tfw I only got into fate to watch Prisma after seeing a webm of this scene
>end up loving the vn and the rest of the main fate shit
>never get around to actually watching Prisma
>story is complete garbage
Even the parts written by Nasu? I haven't read it yet, btw.
>watched Zero in 2014 after seeing cool looking gifs on Sup Forums
>tried to get into fate
>VN was teeny bullshit
>GO looks bad
>Apoc looks like garbage
>Type-Moon thread
>no one has posted ST Parasu or Drinking, Dreaming Moon
Shinji is best girl
As long as thing like Presiage Flower get made, I don't care how many secondaries come in through whoring out the franchise.
More like not a nu-type moon fan
>Read Tsukihime, Plus Disk and Kagetsu Tohya
>Played all versions of Melty Blood
>Read Kara no Kyoukai novel
>Watched Kara no Kyoukai movies around the time they were released
>Watched Tsukihime anime
>Hope there isn't too much Kalafina chanting in Kajiura's version. I wanna get hype not put to sleep.
If the original Emiya didn't put you to sleep, then I doubt chanting will do it.
Also >Kalafina.