Only a few minutes left until the Tournament Of Power ends along with Super and the new Dragon Ball arc starts in April: Dragon Ball Ultra
Dragon Ball Super
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Is this the girthiest beam we've seen in the tournament so far?
>those midget legs
Shipfags deserve the rope.
I remember when people in school made up Ultra and Mega Sayajin with blue and red hair. I never thought that it would actually become true
Kefla is short
I can't wait for UI (attack mode) Vegeta in 123. Finally vegeta will be the hero and save U7.
When will they stop showing the peanut gallery? Also how the fuck can any of those mega jobbers even see how fast the other U7 characters are moving?
Why the fuck does this machine have pectorals?
How bad wil be the backlash if Vegeta doesn't get UI and just gets ringed out like a jobber?
>Dragonball Ultra
Is that real?
Friendly reminder that SSJ is fundamentally incorrect on all conceivable levels.
>English: Super Saiyan (no J to be found)
>Japanese: Super Saiyajin (Saiyajin is not Saiya Jin, therefore SS is accurate even in nippon)
The Japanese people don't even use SSJ, and by the way jin is a suffix that basically means "race or group of people." "Romunjin" means that you're referring to someone who is a "Roman," for example. It's not some kind of special or unique phrase. There are also Shinjin (Kai), Namekuseijin (Namekians), and even Majin (Mao being related to the Japanese word for evil, demons, devils, or malevolence; i.e., "Maou the Demon King"). Jin is not a seperate entity worthy of adding an entirely new letter to the name. Only people who don't know any better do this.
Kefla is kinda short.
When will Kale reach SSJGSSJ?
reminder that freezers time has come and he will show off true UI soon
After her training.
Well, no question has or needs an answer in this franchise. He's based on Luud, so there's that.
Is she mentally retarded?
She'll get raped by broly and have more s-cells shot into her giving her legendary super saiyan god
Will be thicc and get raped by Goku
But she will turn "Kale Goddess" the day she sees Caulifla's boyfriend.
>4 threads active.
Check the catalogue faggot you'll get us all hakai'd again.
Goku's ass is his, though.
>Can't take megazord 1v1
>Goku and Vegeta knock it flying in base form
>Both go blue to give Gohan time to fix his fuckup
>he fires his most powerful blast
>doesn't knock anyone off
Girthiest? More like most flaccid beam.
What would your reaction be if Aniraza failed to knock ANYONE off before falling, and the final round comes to the U7's 6 vs U11's 3?
And to think it still didn't do jack shit.
He's been working out. The reason why is also why he wears that lioncloth, ie to hide his tiny fat guy dick.
>"Mosco-sama says he's a grower not a shower"
this is totally going to happen, either that or only 18 getting KO'd
Translate it please
Exactly how strong would you say manga 17 was? He forced Goku to go SS3 but I can't tell if he was winning against SS3 or just holding his ground? How would he compare to Kid Buu, Fat Buu, or Gotenks?
Gohan can't do shit without his namek meatshield there. Not that he did shit when Piccolo was around.
What would DB Ultra be about, since we already went to multiverse level?
Caulifla and Kale
Multiple planes of existence level. 11th dimension Grande Padre will interrupt the tournament and mop the floor with everyone.
Alternate timelines like when Mystic Gohan became a bottom for Super Buu and they both moved into Mr Satan's house.
Why haven’t we seen Trunks and Goten this arc? Did Toei run out of budget to hire their VA or something?
Yamcha and Puar
Yeah, she's a dyke.
They couldn't hire Goten's VA.
u avin a giggle m8
Reminder that Cauliflower is beautiful.
Nozawa also voices Goten, but at her current age I dont see her voicing 3 characters at the same time.
Trunks seiyuu was the same as Lavenda iirc.
Just a little bit.
>db ultra
>no source whatsoever
Who among the Final 10 in the Tournament of Power are you most surprised to see make it so far?
Kinda surprised Gohan wasn't knocked out earlier but it's basically been every vs Goku for most of the ToP
Gotenks probably would have been a good pick for this arc because of his weird ass techniques, like galactic donut would probably be broken in this format. Goten, Trunks and Gotenks are all annoying as shit though so thankfully they aren't included.
I was just asking what DB ultra would be about to see some funny posts, it was a joke my man.
Trunks is better than jobhan you bitch
U3 as a whole, I thought they would be one of the first universes to get knocked out.
Anyone got a link to the episode live, ty in advance
>those two who voted for Goku and Jiren
Future Trunks maybe
18 and to a lesser extent Dyspo are the only surprising ones.
the tournament doesn't have an announcer so never
You mean a better wife?
ToP is going to end soon now that the top tier animators will work in the upcoming movie unless you want QUALITY toward the end of the arc?
How would you react if Geran was actually Toppo’s Son
>implying this entire board isn't 80% waifuposting and 25% speculationposting
>fanart that looks nothing like Uglyfla does in the show, hairstyle included
>Trunks and Yamcha without his scars wearing purple spandex
>Jaco is actually naked
Gohan Blanco when?
Pleasantly surprised to see this qt still be in
Sticking around a while is really all you can hope for when it's the Goku Show
Soon enough.
Why was future jobber so weak and useless when the hidden power of his present self became the only way out for the Cell games?
Did Toriyama even have any plans for having Gohan defeat Cell at that point in time, when first writing Future Trunks' backstory?
I can't wait to find out that Dyspo was actually the God of Destruction in Universe 11 but was demoted when he lost to Vermound. Jiren could've taken the position after beating Vermound but didn't want to because he's too good of a guy.
I prefer her protegee, but they are both cute
Clearly a timeline to be erased. ..
Holy shit more Chadhan foreshadowing in the manga.
Based Godotaro delivers yet again.
>GODhan in the Top final 10 in the ToP
>When no one wanted to bring him along
Based CHADhan absolutely DESTROYED Gohan doubters.
The animators don't want to draw him didn't we go over this 1000 times already?
Poor guy is very charming for a secondary character, but at least he will get some focus in the manga too
But user, the animators don’t want to draw anything.
No surprise. CHADhan always wins baby.
hes also a chick magnet..he just keeps winning holy shit.
Fair enough. But since cell has more details too him, it means more to draw, since they don't want to draw anything they'd rather not draw cel
>Slayer of Mai's pucci whilst Cuncks watches crying at the obliterated shit-state of his pooniverse
>The biggest money-draw in anime
>the Hulk Hogan of chinese cartoons
>tamer of the highest end poontang
Which is your favourite new title for our lord and saviour?
He is unstoppable
these two start dating
how would the fanbase cope with that?
Omniverse. Several multiverses contained within.
Faghan sounds like a good title.
But SSJ is correct