Taken from the old Jump Festa thread, apparently FP and LP stand for first place and last place

Taken from the old Jump Festa thread, apparently FP and LP stand for first place and last place.
Some of my thoughts.

One Piece on top the whole year through, predictable.

BnHA plummeted in the last quarter, either readers didn't like the recent arc or the editors are manipulating something.

Dr. Stone ascended real quick and stole BnHA's spot.

Neverland and Kimetsu are also doing very well despite being young, both are top 5 mainstays already.

Soma almost seemed to be recovering but dropped off a cliff at the end.

Bokuben seemed at death's door but somehow jumped to #6.

Shudan and Cross Account are already dead.

RIP Samon.

Spring Weapon is a fucking cockroach.

Any thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:


And here's the year in full

>BnHA plummeted in the last quarter,
No surprise there, the arc was fucking horseshit.

I thought haikyuu ended where the anime did?? this is great news

should I read the promised Neverland and dr. stone?

>RIP Samon.
>Spring Weapon is a fucking cockroach.
Samon was teh ame kind of cockroach in 2016 that SW is being in 2017.

>BnHA plummeted in the last quarter

Yeah that shitass arc

>sixth best selling manga in 2017
>end just because anime ended
Why would you think something so ridiculous?

as far as I remember the tournament ended or something

>the editors are manipulating something.
Why do they manipulate? have there been any shows that have been manipulated before? how?

What's the black one? KnY?
Seems like it's the only one that I haven't given a go to from jump series.

Happy that dr.stone is well placed,series is amazing

What's also amazing is Black Clover score. Why japs have so much shit taste?!

The problem was the arc. Sure.

The 5/6/3/4? Yeah it's Kimetsu no Yaiba.
I personally feel it picks up once the supporting cast shows up around chapter 20.

Fuck off with your schizo conspiracy, the new editor loves BnHA.
The real problem was that the latest arc was fucking disgusting.

>have there been any shows that have been manipulated before?
If you've been in these threads long enough you shouldn't be asking that question

>Fuck off with your schizo conspiracy, the new editor loves BnHA.
I didn't say that the editor put BnHA in low positions because he hates the series or not, but because he's pushing the others (and the "shonenjump.com/jsuperpush" makes that very clear).

>The real problem was that the latest arc was fucking disgusting.
The funny thing is that the arc was doing very well in the rankings until the new editor appeared. The funny thing is that Mirio's fight has entered twitter trending topics.

Look, I'm not saying that the last arc was perfect. Same with Haikyuu. But the last arc of Neverland was not perfect either. And Dr. Stone is far from great writing or a hit (see its shit sales!). Even We Never Learn did not present anything wonderful.

>BnHA plummeted in the last quarter, either readers didn't like the recent arc or the editors are manipulating something.
Definitely the latter. If people hated this arc why did it drop in the final quarter?
>i-i-i-i-it's because the arc was shit
Then why did it place well throughout every quarter of the year but the last? The same quarter where the new EiC began his term?

>the arc was fucking horseshit.
....then why did it plummet in the last quarter? The same quarter that Dr. Stone and WNL rose? If ToCs were dictated by the quality of the arc BC, Dr. Stone and WNL would not be so high at all.

I don't, I don't follow shounen shit, I am just interested in knowing

The new editor appeared at the beginning of Q3. BnHA was ranked 2nd in that time period.
The shit rankings started when Hori added that stupid flashback in the middle of Kirishima's fight and it all went downhill from there.
The editor began his term in Q3.

>BnHA below BC, Kimetsu, and BokuBen
You can't make this shit up.

>Then why did it place well throughout every quarter of the year but the last?

Because the last quarter is when the arc went to shit, dumbass. Thats where the meat of it was.

why is it so surprising? the ranking reflects the reception of the latest chapters, not overall quality.
you faggots have to realize that the latest arc was fucking trash.

>not overall quality
Even if they were ranking quality it would be below many more series.

wait..spring weapon is still alive? fucking how?

>The shit rankings started when Hori added that stupid flashback in the middle of Kirishima's fight and it all went downhill from there.
Sure, the rankings fell during the fight of the character that in the last poll, made during that period, was in an even better position than the previous poll.

>Because the last quarter is when the arc went to shit
You keep believing that
I'm pretty sure you don't read most of the lineup to say that

The rankings fell when he added a 2 chapters long flashback just before the climax of a fight. That's a stupid anticlimatic thing to do, even if the character is popular.

>The new editor appeared at the beginning of Q3.
Wrong. Stop spouting this shit. He started towards the end of the Q3.
>Thats where the meat of it was.
>less than 20 chapters

Are you fucking stupid?

>The shit rankings started when Hori added that stupid flashback in the middle of Kirishima's fight and it all went downhill from there.
...it fucking bounced back up immediately after that chapter. Its like you're trying to deny the editor manipulation when its staring you in the fucking face

>the ranking reflects the reception of the latest chapters,

>Jump does not order the manga based on popularity from the week before. It's true that popular series are in front, but the actual order is decided from week to week by the editor-in-chief.

>Basically, it may show the postcards do affect ranks, but it's mostly up to the editor himself.

So pretty much the only people in denial are people who hated this arc or MHA in general. I guess their asses are still sore that despite all the shitposting it still ranked 2nd overall for the year.

>Literally where the climax of the arc is

Are YOU fucking stupid?

>the big moments and climax of the arc is not where the meat is

You might actually be a retard

Yeah...this is editor manipulation. There's no fucking way you can drop from 2nd for three quarters to 8th. Its not like people decided that they just didn't like this arc 25 chapters into it.

The character BECAME more popular.

And in the old method, rankings do not fall due to flashbacks or page numbers, rankings fall when something bad happens in the story. For example if a loved character dies, as it was with L in Death Note. Or if a bad character appears, as it was in Souma. And it's usually a gradual drop. So you're telling me that BnHA went from 2 to 12 because of a flashback chapter of a character that the readers like? C'mon!

The sad thing is that they'll still deny it. There was a chapter of My Hero that trended on twitter but it still ranked 3rd overall losing to the cola chapter of Dr. Stone.

The name of the group is Jump Super PUSH. That's enough. IT IS MANIPULATION!

By your logic KnY, Neverland, and Dr Stone would have been manipulated to stay on top too.
BC has been consistently in top 5 and has not changed the rank since Q2.

It doesn’t mean all of them hate it, other series have more entertaining chapters. That’s all.
A series doesn’t have to be on top all the time. What you should fear is the gradual decline, which means the readers are really loosing interest. If there is a sudden drop, they may just rage quit and MHA may bounce back up.
However, MHA means jackshit when it is still selling like hot cakes.

Promised Neverland, Dr. Stone are probably most interesting of all, won't last long however, they definitely shouldn't. BNHA should have focused on a bit lighter arcs for now, they are very heavy right now and at some point you need to read twice to get it 100% right. The bigger action arcs should happen later on, when Deku and the rest of the class will git more gud. One Piece should just stay One Piece, hopefully Oda will finish it before he dies. (or at least leave story to finish) Black Clover is fucking another Fairy Tail, it's shit, it should die already, but it doesnt, fucking hell why... And Hiatus x Hiatus should finally come back from Hiatus and be done or at lest this cunt author should leave the story to finish for someone competent. Gintama should go back to more comedy, less action and put the new character to the gags. I dont really give a fuck about the rest of them.

>manga I don’t like shouldn’t last that long
>hunter should come back
Young artists are more responsible than your fav lazy ass mangaka. That’s why.

They shouldn't last long, not because it's bad, I really like them and that's why I would like to see end them in optimal time. Considering their story and current pace, they shouldn't stay too long otherwise will become shit for a reason.

>Promised Neverland, Dr. Stone are probably most interesting of all, won't last long however,
They won't last long because there's really not much to either of them. Look how Neverland had to create a random death match just to keep readings attention because of how boring it was after they left the plantation and Dr. Stone had to essentially reboot itself after the poor reception of the first two volumes which just goes to show how little integrity the manga has.

Considering Neverland and Dr.Stone, I would give them 150 since the anime is awaiting. BC author has a lot of ideas but he is burning through all of them with this astral pacing, it is too fast. If he doesn’t slow down, the manga may end in 50 chapters.
My experience with MHA is like reading a wall of text now. It is not bad but it isn’t fun either.
Gintama has been going on for a while and I would want new manga to give a fresh breath for jump.

So the black rows are when the series were cancelled?

Am I the only one here who likes Hinomaru Zumou? Seems like no one ever talks about it.

I don't see Dr. Stone ending soon, there's still the threat of that super strong guy in the mid term future, and the mystery of the petrification long term. With the current pacing they could take a pretty long time just for the MC to go through tech tree and it wouldn't feel stretched out.

Sports manga are never popular. It's not gay enough to stand out.


>muh editor manipulation
MyPicoAcademiaFags S E E T H I N G

>The funny thing is that Mirio's fight has entered twitter trending topics.

This was not a good thing. Black Clover trends every time its airs on Toonami. Everyone hates it.

Mirio's loss was bullshit. Japan fucking hated that chapter.

>Black Clover trends every time its airs on Toonami
Cool horseshit bro
>Mirio's loss was bullshit. Japan fucking hated that chapter.
You didn't even read what they said about the chapter

I could actually see Neverland's natural story lasting a really long time. There's a checklist of goals the story has to meet and they've barely begun to get to them, so as an adventure story it has a long path to travel. It doesn't rush through its scenes and it has basically no limits as to what new things they could add to keep things interesting.

Comparatively I think Dr. Stone would have more difficulty maintaining reader interest over a long period of time. It's not for a lack of material (there's plenty of science in the world), but because it could be more formulaic and therefore get tiring. The plot aspects of the story so far have not been very popular, and that's not a good sign because you can't delay the plot forever.

He wasn’t lying.

>Cool horseshit bro

>December 3rd

Neverland had been hinting at Goldy Pond for fucking months you goddamn retard.

Yeah first episode. Second one has a lot of tweets too.
If you still don’t believe us, check Twitter for the next episode and see for yourself.

Anyway, the matter is that ranking means nothing since MHA still has good sell.

No it didn't you fucking jackass

>Dr. Stone
Will live 5-10 years
Will live 5-10 years
WSJ’s new Toriko but nobody actually reads it. Will be gone in 2 years
>Black Clover
Will lasts as long as One Piece or Naruto
Ichigo 100% tier, will live 5 years
Will live more than 10 years
>My Hero Academia
Will lasts as long as One Piece and Naruto
I’ll give it 3 years
TLR tier, sadly they don’t last long
>Hinomaru Sumo
Won’t last long, 2 years
>Robot x Laserbeam
Won’t last long, 2 years
>Shokugeki no Soma
5 years probably
>Gintama and One Piece
Will stay for a while, they are the current face of WSJ
>other irrelevant shit
Gone by next year

They had a full page of then looking at the wall reading POACHERS you dumbass. Goldy Point is part of nameless man's story.

Just as an observer, I obviously don't know about Japan, but the rankings for academia changed around according to what I saw of the opinions of the chapters here. People didn't really like the chapters after the flashback either, by that point people were complaining about the arc dragging and overhaul being a boring villain. And then the silly stuff happened. Before the fights, people were still witholding judgment on the arc.

Also, just as an aside, I don't think you should assume a flashback chapter on a "popular" character will necessarily be popular with the same people who vote for chapter quality. If you take total votes in the character poll, the people who vote for Kirishima are a minority of total voters. That's the case for every character, so you can't really say anything more than that, but the point remains - you can't make assumptions about how popular the character is with the majority who didn't vote for him.

>but the rankings for academia changed around according to what I saw of the opinions of the chapters here
Also people were complaing about the arc before the flashback. So basically if the ranks never dropped people wouldn't be so adamant about shitting on it

Hell yeah,
Dr. Stone is a super fun series if you don't take it too seriously.
Promised Neverland is a cool series where stuff gets dark and keep you on your toes.
Stone is def my #3 right now after OP and MHA

>Its not like people decided that they just didn't like this arc 25 chapters into it.

But this is what happened. You make it sound like people had issues with the arc when it started. Thats not the case. People were still somewhat excited during the beginning of the raid.

The weakest parts were Kiris flashback and Dekus fight. Those were the later half of the arc. Combine that with short chapters, the 2-3 breaks, and you get a declining opinion.

>But this is what happened.
You do realize how improbable that sounds right?

>One Piece
>will stay for awhile
You're funny

>BnHACucks in denial that their manga is shit
>has to resort to theories of editor manipulation to explain away their plummeting popularity

We heard you the first time Rager. Still salty as fuck about all your shitposting amounting to nothing I see

As an OPfag, I enjoy how OP crushes everything else.
>tfw you may live to read big fat reveals with Sup Forums

Cool beans

How did they die so quick holy shit
Jump is fucking strict

>Marie last place 13 times
I know it's dead now, but the editors sure took their sweet fucking time.
Why allow that? It's bad business and is just stringing along fans of the series and the author himself since Tamura could move on to a new manga.

>U19 is 19th and 21st

>implying this isn’t the Big 3 of WSJ

Behold, the Big 3 pile of trash

Why is Poro in there?
He already died.

Because the other 2 will follow

They're super pushing them though

I'm expecting Dr.Stone to end in the early 200s.

More like literal whos

>gets Super PUSH’d
>still isn’t as popular as Black Clover
>gets axed the following year


>Bokuben pushing
fucking where?


>all publicity is pushing
aside from Black Clover which is almost 2 years old that's an image for the new series, pushing is when they try to oversell a product, they aren't overselling there, Toriko is a text book example, Black Clover is becoming one too, but promoting your own series isn't pushing, it's just promoting

I agree with you, it's just that they literally called is super push and it was what that user was referring to

All of Jump's properties across all their magazines, barring some hiatuses, in case you're curious. The characters are clustered together by the magazine they belong to.

>Dr. Stone
Are dystopian/post-apocalyptic settings the next big trend?

Nice to see that My Hero still maintained 2nd even with the slipping.

WNL rose up because it moved away from shilling worst girl Sup Forums


It's a good thing that MHA got almost zero push when it started.

i miss salmon too


Why is Yuuna not getting a push? An anime is coming soon, but it ranks terribly still.
Not fair

I like it too. I'm content enough that it doesn't have to fear for an axe.

Ichigo looks sad

Borderline porn doesn't get pushes.

Japan doesn't care about US

you call Kimetsu trash? guess you are one of the anons who unironically like BNHA and think its good, cant do anything against shit taste