Black Clover fucking sucks

So I just read up to date with it and I must say, I dont get the hype behind this manga honestly I found Fairy Shit much more entertaining to read than this.

The world is so boring
The infrastructure is so boring
The social systems are so boring
The rankings are boring
The powers are really boring
The mythos is nonsensical even for a magical series
Whats the fucking point of those tomes if they never touch them?
Characters are boring too
Too many social darwinist(STRONG>ALL reasoning) in this series
The tournament arc before this one felt like filler honestly
Main villains are lame and suck they are just faggy elves mad at losing the race war
MC is an annoying faggot
Rival is a Gary Stue worse than Sausage
I really hate Yami alot
There is no central plot at all its more aimless than faggy tail which at least had a interesting world instead of boring villages and shit
Fucking nuns existing in a world with no Cucktianity

Subjective opinion
>social darwinism
It set up mask guy who is an interesting character and furthered finral's development among others
>main plot
Asta wants to become Sourcery Emperor. He says it alot. Stop speedreading.
There are non Christian nuns and what does it matter?

yeah BC sucks but Fairy Tail is a solid shounen. Now go back to watching Homogelion and neck yourself

The fucking state of anime that anyone thinks this is good

no one legitimately enjoys this series it's just the easiest to troll people with

Why does he shout all the time?

MC is a Naruto ripoff, even more retarded and lame than Naruto. Loud and annoying, get a special superior power because plot, powerlevels and shit, tournaments, muh rival, muh darkness and all the shit that makes shounen so bad.

>Implying anyone is hype for it

pathetic MHA/KnYfags falseflagging as BCfags trying to make us look bad

U don't know what social Darwinism is ?

Maybe his butt hurts

stay mad mhafag

>butt hurts

From what?



Hey at least it actually has world building and lore unlike my hero aca, now that shows shit, and it's going no where fast.

>51 Episodes
>has the highest chance of being a weekly anime for the next 5 years
>captures the early Naruto strategy/tactics
>captures the feel good morals after each arc
>animation isn't shit

bro I aint complaining

Fucking MHAfag ruin BC thread again

I like the dub

Naruto didn't have so much fucking screaming though

Believe it