Usagi drop

absolutely loved the anime and live action. regret the decision of ever reading a manga. that ending......

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Sweet cultural shock, now you maybe know by proxy how our normal everyday 2d children sexualizing disgusts unprepared people. There's nothing wrong with this josei though.

What manga? I thought Usagi Drop was an original anime

i saved myself from this trash just to fall for another.

just don't read. forget it has a manga. anime is good. no need to read it

I wouldn't have a problem with the ending if the whole second half wasn't complete garbage. I just wanted more cute SoL stuff and instead I got shitty teen drama.

It is

>cultural shock
Not even nips liked it. You can't lure your fanbase with a sweet child-daughter relationship and then not expect them to be angry when you burn it to the ground by shipping them.
If the author wanted to make her incest fantasy shit she should have tried another kind of approach from the beggining. A total madwoman though

only watched the live action
does he marries the model?

thanks. name was auto filled so didn't bother with it

>Sup Forums loves incest
>incest happened
>they hate it
Cancerous community.

why does the ending of the manga trigger so many people?
it's top tier ending honestly, why would you want to see Daikichi's girl go to some other dude

>Loud minorities is cancer
go away Aristotle you are dead

I loved the ending but the execution was suboptimal. It focused too much on why this dude was not good for this gurl and not enough on why this gurl likes her dilf.

It's not the incest but how it goes from a cute coming-of-age story to a shitty highschool romance drama to the author's shitty daddyfucking fanfic.

If it was aan incest story from the begining i wouldn't have minded, but the fact that the author completely shat on the first half's message is what ticks most people off

You my men have a weird sense of sudden.
We had our sub100iq (cute) laboring class poorfag and a (cute) orphaned child of a whore from the very beginning. Not some under-performing MCs we usually have, actual the very fucking bottom of the society.

Don't listen to this nigger, he is just mad that the protag isn't a cuck and fuck his daughter to have a long happy family.

Are you Japanese by any chance? Because you sure as shit don't know anything enough to generalize "culture shock", you weeb faggot.

>Usagi Drop
Rin and Daikichi relation was never father and daughter, rather a kid and her guardian.

Kind of specific question but I'm writing a paper for university on child rearing men in japan and was thinking about using Usagi Drop as a source. Is there anything I can take from the anime? Watched it a while ago bu don't remember anything.

That's a huge over-exageration. The coming of age SoL stuff comprised of small parts of the manga. A large chunk was dedicated to the drama of the entire circumstance. It was a heavy drama through and through.

There aren't even blood related, with Rin knowing about that long ago.

>literaly half the manga is about Daikichi growing up into a reponsible adult by raising Rin
>the coming of age comprised small parts of the manga

>using weeb as am insult
Do you know what website you're on?

Fuck off you crossboarding, normalshit tripfag.

I think your keyboard might be broken.

It wasn't comfy SoL stuff where we see him raising her, it was mostly generalize stuff while we delve into the family drama of his grandfather possibly hooking up with a younger person, the rest of the family being assholes to Rin, the drama of what happens after Daikichi choosing to raise her, meeting new people, Rin getting bullied, and such. It really wasn't so light and fluffy as compared to the anime.

Fuck off normalfag.

Don't make shit up. It was popular up until the end.

incest is only good when its brother sister and mom son, dad daughter is disgusting

First season isn't complete trash. The incest elements are not blatant and used more like a light spice on what is otherwise a generic teen drama.

Second season is complete trash.

weeb was an insult on Sup Forums from day one. I wish words wouldn't lose meaning over time because genuine weeaboos are pretty unlikable.

You just have shit taste