Why is yandere better than tsundere Sup Forums??!

Why is yandere better than tsundere Sup Forums??!

>want to marry a possessive violent psycho probably with daddy issues
>wonder why she stabs you and cuts off your cock to eat for breakfast
GG yanderefags

Aren't you being cute there? Sasuga tsundere user!

Because that's, like, just your opinion.

I would rather have a girl who starts violent and turns loveydovey than the other way around.

Why not start violent all way?

Yandere Chan anime when?

>better than anything
Not likely.

There are different yanderes, though. Take jealousy as an example: some would harm YOU for cheating her, some would just kill all the rivals to keep you for themselves.

But all of them love you in earnest

I'll take this one

That's some psychopath's behaviour, not yandere.

Yandere is better desu anyone who says otherwise are faggots

Get off Sup Forums YanDev and finish your damn game.

Yandere is only good if the girl has a crazy sex drive to go along with it.

Name one then

it isn't

Yanderes are my fetish

You can't back up that claim

I like yanderes because their passion reminds of the unrequited love I felt in high school.

Yandere girls who just swing knifes around and laugh like a maniac are boring. The craziness has to be a surprise.

Yan/Tsun is often a narrow margin.

It's their captivating eyes

You can be both at the same time???

Yeah, the girl he posted is an example. I had another one but I forgot.

Next thread when?

As long as you don't see me eating out with another woman.


They're both shit, kuudere and hajidere are where it's at.

Did she win?

What do you think?

>when you prove the rule, only to disprove it moments later

No one did


Natsuki's dad won.

when someone typesets more chapters or when the next raw is released

So I guess we're waiting for the user who wanted to do chapter 3. Also gook scans will come out this week so it shouldn't take long.

If anyone could go full Yandere it'd be her or 4D chess. and if 4D chess really did go full Yandere that would be pretty frightening.

>girl who loves you unconditionally to the point of being overbearing, which is hardly an issue if you have no social life and she's a perfect anime character
>girl who is a total stubborn bitch who will drag her feet through a relationship and act like she hates you
It's one of life's great mysteries. Honestly the true mystery is why people want yandere to act violent. The original archetype is just sick with love; being a psycho has nothing to do with it. Even a tame stalker is considered yandere. The violent yandere are as much of an outlier as the violent tsundere, the ones who beat the protagonist up over every little thing for "comedy".

She's OK if you're immortal

Double Tsundere love is abusive and never gets off the ground. Double Yandere love is purest.

Is this school days?

So is there any safe yandere? Or every yandere wants to kill you?

No yandere wants to kill the person they love, user.

this is a very safe yandere girl!

Yandere are safe by nature unless:
A. They're in an awful series by a terrible writer who's put themselves into a corner and needs to contrive "shock value" for a way out.
B. You cheat on them (often related to A since there's rarely a good justification for this).

The term 'yangire' exists to describe characters that are senselessly violent, even towards potential love interests, but the afformentioned terrible writers will try to pass it off as yandere anyways because they literally cannot function unless everything is a cliche or an overblown half-satirical/half-incompetent reference to something cliched. Yandere, when depicted true to its concept, isn't a postal murdermonkey trying incessantly to stab their love interest.

She won the title of best girl.

Depends on what you expect from a yandere. The term is more flexible than it's portrayed. Sometimes they're just a relatively harmless stalker. Perhaps a bit deranged or manipulative, but not especially murder-happy.

Did getting the MC count as actually winning?
I don't know where this is from but usually the MC is dire

I thought it was the yangire's that would kill you.

you're correct

Boku no chico

B. You cheat on them
What counts as cheating? Not paying attention to them?

She would never stab you if you didn't get into harem protag shenanigans

It’s canon.

Yeah no


Danderes too.

> wanting emotionless robots

The canon is were he impregnates Setsuna and Sekai.

I'll give you kuudere but any character whose main traits are blushing and stammering is garbage.

All in All she is very sweet.

Are there any good yandere dating sims or VNs?

Why would you not pay attention to your yandere gf though?
As long as you love your yandere gf, she will never hurt you. And how could you not love your yandere gf?
See above

Male yanderes are the best yanderes, because then you can get hot noncon hentai where the guy doesn't look like some disgusting faggot

Because outward obsession to the point of being willing to kill others is way better than abusing you to deal with emotions that she buries deep inside and can't understand.

>not consenting to your yandere
The absolute lowest rung of taste.

Hey man, you have your fetishes, I'll have mine

I like the concept of a girl going crazy with love but I've never seen it done well. Most are way too over the top to be scary and they're always paired with the dumbest MC possible.

How do you know she's your gf user?

Simple, you ask her.

>How do you know she's your gf user?
She will inform you about it

> asking a yandere
What if she goes all tsun and not telling ? You'll never know when you're going to be murdered in your sleep

>killing her love interest

Do you even yandere harem user?

Childhood is liking girls who hide their feelings, adulthood is realizing deredere makes the most sense.

Why is there no yandere harem? I demand explanation

No, because I like to have my head attached to my neck.

Very canon

The yandere will start fucking each other.

She'll kill you and herself no matter what happen. I'm okay with that

I can live with that

Het yandere is shit.
Yuri yandere is the shit.


But what if you come home and see the yandere naked together? What will you do?

Join them

Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume

>tfw too retarded to quote properly

But how big is your bed that there’s enough room?

fuck off evaxephon

Just give them a big blanket or towel to cover themselves up and pretend you don't see anything. It's simple really

Abnormal Kei Joshi and something I can't remember the name where the girls are forced to love MC, he ends up died and they cut his body apart and share it to show their "love" to him.

>implying Dandere isn't a best

I bet the Meekon is behind this!

They have emotions. They just don't know how to express them.

>the girls are forced to love MC, he ends up died and they cut his body apart and share it to show their "love" to him
Mousugu Shinu Hito

No. There is no happy ending with a yandere. What makes a yandere is mental illness. If the person they love doesn't stay in line they are likely to be killed because the yandere now sees them as an imposter or trying to kill them so no one else can have them.

Imagine not being able to talk to anyone or show any affection towards friends, family, or anyone else without putting their life and maybe your own at risk.

Nope. I've seen several instances of yandere's trying to kill their love interest because they think it's what's best for them. Including the poster girl yandere, Yuno.

There isn't a single good yandere outside of manga.

But if you don’t see them, they’ll start putting moves on each other!

Well yeah. If yandere's actually existed they would be in an insane asylum. It's not cute.

>you will never have a harem of yandere that attempt to fuck one another into submission to stake their claim on you.

Is that a bad thing?

If VNs count, Shion Sonozaki is a great yandere