What the fuck?

What the fuck?

Is this an asspull? Not a meme asspull, but like an actual asspull?

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Not really, Avdol dies later along with Kakoyin like a bitch.

It is an asshole, but I don't care because it was fucking amazing.

I meant asspull I swear.

If you mean surviving shot to the head, then not really, no. In the course of history there have been numerous cases of guys surviving shot to the head

Yes it's an asspull, jojo is shamelessly full of them. He even admitted he only brought back avdol because of fan reactions and had to find a way to bring him back

Absolute bullshit.
>I killed him once in India, because I'm always trying to keep readers from getting bored with the same pattern. I also wanted to add some reality to the story by having someone get sacrificed. I thought it'd be great to add in an episode where they lose a team member. I didn't intend to erase him forever, though.. But I thought it'd be too easy if he came back to life immediately, so I wanted to prepare a flashy comeback that readers would be able to accept.
>Even in the character popularity polls, I don't think he was ever in any of the top spots. Everyone just wanted to see Jotaro fight...

>Courier intensifies

>He even admitted he only brought back avdol because of fan reactions and had to find a way to bring him back
Yes, and Toriyama meant to end Dragon Ball after the battle on Namek but couldn't after being locked in the basement by editors.

No cases of people surviving a magical stand bullet though.
It is mention somewhere, but Avdol was supposed to die to Hol Horse but Vegeta's sindrome kicked in and people wanted him back. So Araki revived him, at least for a while.

After the plane I stopped caring

>No cases of people surviving a magical stand bullet though.

tsk tsk

I mean it is but he dies later so I don't mind.


Araki is weird. It's definitely a straight up asspull, but it was done so shamelessly and amazing that I dont think people really care. and then he just kills him off again later too

Jojo fans I would like you opinion on whether this is an asspull or not?
(Part 5 Spoilers)

I mean how he came back after Giorno replaced his body parts

>Everyone just wanted to see Jotaro fight

What shit taste

It's jojo. That's like asking if people watch anime. You're there for the asspulls. The whole manga is asspulls. What about the way gorilla ship stand died? Remember the eye beams? Dio doesn't.

Araki proves that, as long as you're confident enough about your asspull, no-one will really mind. Just needed to state "Nah, Avdol didn't die" without doing too much exposition and 99% of readers just shrugged and continue.

and Hol Horse

>only black character
>dies twice

Of course. But it doesn't matter because JoJo isn't meant to be serious..

The thing is also what is the asspull used for. Bringing back Avdol with an asspull isn't the same than killing the main villain with an asspull. In the second case, the audience won't be so forgiving.

The entire genre isn't meant to be taken serious.

> Is this an asspull?
he himself said it the best

>an episode
Araki is my favourite director.

"Vegeta syndrome" itself is a big misnomer. Vegeta was never supposed to be killed permanently by Freeza on Namek and survived due to popularity. The changes were actually much bigger than that.

What actually happened is that originally he'd still be the main villain on Namek and die against Goku there, but due to his popularity Toriyama created Freeza to take the villain spot, allowing Vegeta to join the main cast, with Freeza dying in Vegeta's place.


Joseph had Hamon.


The writer killed a character off, regretted it, brought him back via an asspull.

Got a problem with that?

Biggest asspulls:

Same stand
Weather's "hidden" ability that Pucci didn't know about

in the manga yes, but in the anime they made more clear that the bullet didn't go through his head.

It literally is.

Araki said he wanted Avdol to die because he was too overpowered but fans complained and wanted Avdol back, so he came up with that excuse to bring him back


Biggest asspull: GER being god mode


Was this an asspull?

who fucking cares its jojo. youll eat it up no matter what

FUCK YOU Abdol died like a man

No, but Heavy Weather for sure

>Araki said he wanted Avdol to die because he was too overpowered.
But he was pretty weak compared to the other stand users they fight.

user just made that up


>2.93 MB
I've been waiting for you

Not really. The biggest asspull in 5 was Giorno's requiem perfectly countering King Crimson just because Araki couldn't think of a way to beat Diavolo. Really disappointed that there wasn't an actual final boss fight after all that buildup.

Gold Experience was asspulling long before requiem. None of its abilities were consistent or made sense. It did whatever the plot demanded.

>when jotaro exists