Dragon Ball Super

What do you think about her?

Other urls found in this thread:


Best angel

Also why was that guy called Doctor

Godhan freed her up of useless luggage

>Freeza wasn't brought back only to do nothing and get sent back into his cuckoon for the third time I swear

Post your best Kefla!

>h-hes stronger than blue

Does anyone have that webm of Goku beating Kefla?

Who gives a fuck about that worthless sideshow character?

It's all about Godhan.


ask her lewds, anons

>frieza gets worn down by chadku
>still manage to job to him

Did he deserve her?


Jesus christ, I thought Gohan had his tongue out, LMAO'd pretty fucking hard

Needs more p0rn

Fuck off retard

Better shitpost all the memes we have before 122 right? :^)


Go back.



I'm hot for Kefla

>needing to worry about memes before UI Veggie

we’ll have plenty

>f-frieza will do something believe me! 20 episodes of hiding will pay off!

>UI Veggie


it’s not FAIR

he was supposed to win the tournament!

good boy

My gf

>h-he will get mvp!

Fuck off

She is hot for you


user slow down, that's too lewd,


that’s a lizard do you even biology?

Of course. He saved her and made a wish on a fucking dragon for her.

Waifu hivemind is real

shes doesn't seem to want him tho, shes looking for a new husband.

Can i get some images of vados?

Preferably with no Sayians in the picture

this includes Kelfa

Does anyone have that webm of Goku beating Kefla?

Now pay me for taking the fall.

Rare Vados
Pretend kefla is not there

Frieza has done so little that 18 now has more KOs then he does.

Do cabba and goku not count as saiyans to you?

>almost doomed the entire planet because of her cyborg pussy
>protected her after Cell's regurgitation
>never thought of her as a monster, but as a woman
>asked to remove the bombs inside her and 17
>cooks delicious meals for her

The real question is: does 18 deserve Krillin?

>fake news
Go back to shitting up Marvel Ryu

Zamasu was right

Of course.
Can't have anyone outshining Goku user.

that line makes it sound like shes TIRED of that boring life, time to go out with Jamal.

He is purple and his transform will have a green dot in his chest...

I will masturbate to Kefla for the 100th time!

Good pet.

she wants some dosage she’s clearly saying that line with regret like says

He was the only one who wanted to spare her so yes.

Great husband or greatest?

My bad

One the reasons why the ToP will end soon otherwise we will get images like that during Goku vs Jiren, with the top animators working in the movie .

>100th time!
wow there buddy
keep some ptrotein in your body

Then she doesn't deserve him.

Sure it's the Goku show but 18 has gone the fucking distance through a lot of fights that everyone thought she was gonna get knocked out from. She has actually been fighting the hardest out of everyone to stay in.

We get spoilers in the next two days

>the next two arcs at minimum will be back to garbage animation


Post yfw the tournament ends by timeout with only Goku and Jiren left standing

Stop projecting. 18 loves Krillin. She fucking decapitated Ribrianne because she insulted her husbando.



All my protein belongs to Kefla!

>has no dick
>thinks he's giving ANYONE the daily dose

based ayy posters

>has no dick

Don’t make me post it 152

18 doesn't like him. Hes too old for her at this point. Shes soon gonna look for a alpha male.

Dont bother coming home after ToP.

Esto es el fin, Jiren el Gris.

Not unless I kill him first

We call it S cells
Protein is too lewd

copying gohanfags now? sad. Out of my sight deleted fag.


18 should just be on a daily rotation between Team 7

All that fighting you need a stress reliever every now and then

Next might be short compared to the ToP, should have something that connects to the upcoming movie.

Either a short arc or the rest of 2018 is just pure filler until the movie is out.

I want to drawfag today
Give me sfw art request, fags


>One shots Jiren with lazor beams
Trash will alway be trash

I will be pleased if we get fights like Goku vs Krillin sparring match, or Goku vs Gohan.

Vados tapping Jiren to make him Tournament Friendly

she is better than vados

Cabba licking Super Kefla's abs

Cabba lickin keflas abs

so you're the asshurt drawfag that hates Chadhan?




>Vegeta will get UI against Jiren

Tapping how
As in disabling him?
Fight me you kuk

Saves your franchise.

Fuck off


Sorry, I didn't mean to post a blank pic. Here is the one.

18 doing something. Up to you what she's doing. Try and trigger me.

I need to give Kale a big hug!

put a trip

i suppose saying "PLEASE POUR ALL YOUR S CELLS INTO MY ASS CABBA" is somehow less lewd than calling it protein
