Where do you watch your anime?
What device do you use?
Where do you watch your anime?
What device do you use?
I use my Atari 2600
I print out each frame individually to make a flipbook, and dub over the voices myself.
I use my imagination, this thread is also part of it.
On kissanime with my phone
I watch a couple of eps in my phone before I fall asleep
I watch all of my favorite animes on funimation's youtube channel and make sure to click on every ad to support the creators directly.
animeflv o doblado al español
Chrome, Kissanime and Asuck tablet. Since Ahkyou failed on me.
>stream shitters
The absolute sad state of nu-Sup Forums.
i watch it in my NEET cave on a 43" budget sanyo tv hooked up to my pc via HDMI and MPC-HC.
It’s literally just bait.
Not me at least
What's wrong with watching streams? Does it trigger your autism that other people don't care about watching in slightly lower quality than you?
Thank you for killing Sup Forums, normalfag.
Cry about it.
Blow your brain out.
I don't watch anime, I just read the sypnosis on Wikipedia and let my imagination do the rest
>3DPD image
Keep it up normalfag shitter. Just giving the mods more excuse to ban you.
Die, streamfag
I don't even stream anime, I just like laughing at the autists who let something so inconsequential hurt their delicate bum bums.
At my desk
T420 running linux
Computer with a CRT monitor
Gameboy color.
Hey, same. It's so nice. When watching 480p content, do you set your desktop resolution to 640x480, or do you upscale? I can't decide which I prefer.
I store my anime on UMD and watch it on my PSP
I download 480p HS rips, shrink them down to 240p, scale them back up to 1080p, upload them to YouTube, rip the flv, and then watch them on my phone.
this thread wins most immature of 2017.
I stream 720-1080 on my ps4
>my CRT TV died a year ago
I miss it so much, there goes my nostalgia
I recently got a new CRT for free because my neighbor wanted to get rid of his and I told him I would take it. Feels nice to play old videogames on it.
Youtube doesn't use flash anymore retard.
RSS feeds on my torrent client autodownloads
Laptop hooked up to my TV in bed
Easy, comfy and nice quality.
>Where do you watch your anime?
At my desk.
>What device do you use?
enjoy your b&
On my home theater in the livingroom, from the comfort of my couch. I use either a DVD or BluRay player for my physical media, and stream the rest with plex running on my home server accessing a 12TB RAID array filled chock full with Anime.
The device doing the playback on my TV is an nVidia shield TV running android. It outputs 5.1 FLAC to my receiver through HDMI just fine, it was a bit tricky getting the audio to work with all 6 channels using any other method.
Crunchyroll on my Playstation
PC at the desk w/ media player
Plex in bed or remote w/ phone or laptop
Kill this fucking board already.
I own a good amount of DVD copies of anime that I've found at a local used bookstore, and I have a small CRT TV that's on my desk that has a built-in DVD player.
Recently watched Gunbuster on it, which made it even more amazing.
Aria the Animation series is also the most comfortable thing ever on it.
I open the mkv files in notepad++ and read them
Holy fuck, I tho I was the only one that did that, truly the thinking man way to read anime
Should have just made this a battlestation thread, at least /k/ still has those with dragondildos. All Sup Forums has now is streaming newfags.
You realize that was seven years ago, right?