Do you think our emperor will go golden to help take down Aniraza?
Dragon Ball Super
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nah just like the rest of the tournament he won’t have any major role
>our emperor will be of use before getting sent back into his cuckoon I swear
Who will be the last 3 U7 members? because I doubt Toppo and Dyspo will be eliminated after 18 and a 3 vs 3 final fight is more interesting.
-Goku, Vegeta and Gohan.
-Goku, Vegeta and Frieza.
-Goku, Vegeta and 17.
-Goku, Frieza and Gohan (my choice).
-Goku, Frieza and 17.
-Goku, Gohan and 17.
>doing anything but watch like a cheerleader
user, if you were making fun of Frieza shouldn't you be posting him getting beat up instead?
Speaking of dragonball, are any of you niggers getting fighterz? If so post your teams.
>literally using golden to fight as seen in the preview
>Goku, Frieza and Gohan
I think this would be the combo, if we go by all the rumours that Gohan is going to win TOP.
No. Frieza is going to try and pull some shit to sabotage his own team. Jiren or Toppo will stop him and push his shit in.
Actually all rumors are saying Goku is gonna win
I don't know how Freeza fags think he will have a dignifying ending.
He is either going to be cucked either by keku or Gohan.
Him I thought based on the lyric ending it was going to be Gohan. That's where the rumours came from didn't they?
Where's this Goku rumour coming from?
Freeza is the new anti-hero he’ll play his card right until it’s time to make a move against Zeno and the angels
>Where's this Goku rumour coming from
being the MC
I know but I don't that'll be in the TOP. I feel like they might save it for later.
boing boing
18 was never thicc, stop bullying her ass
He hasn't beaten a major antag in quite a while.
Why is she so smug?
that’s exactly what I’m getting at as well
If they make him blow his load in the ToP he’ll be rekt and that’s goodbye Freeza forever so I heavily doubt they aren’t going to make this a long term thing. But you never know with Toei
when the fuck is freezer going to do something lads i am sweating bullets after the episode preview it really looks like our emperor is getting pretty angry against that stupid jobber robot i really hope this isnt the end it cant be the end he is getting ui it was confirmed before the tournament when they showed him mastering defensive and offensive ui please tell me he will do something soon and wont go to waste fuck you toei
I know you’re b8 but it’s literally a toss up at this point anything could happen
Our Emperor will wait until the last second and blast Jiren and that faggot Goku out of the ring and become the Omni King
forced meme, but freeza's been busy doing the minimum expected of him.
>Who will be the last 3 U7 members?
Freeza, Goku and Vegeta
Do you guys even WATCH the show??
The way it should be. Other cunts are irrelevant despite 17 being chad as fuck
because she knows shes best girl
Shit b8 show proof or actually fuck off child
I don't think that stupid robot is going to take out Frieza. I think it's just going to force him to act.
agreed completely
Watch the fucking preview, stupid. Holy shit. You literally don't even watch the show, moron. It showed fucking Frieza fighting the stupid mongbot.
Nope. I'm just here to shitpost.
Base Kefla is so underrated
He's not golden in the preview, liar.
shit b8
not in golden form kiddy
Ultimately I think Jiren is going to take out the whole thing and wish back the other universes or better yet wish to have the other universe brought back as part of universe 11
>implying jirens isn't going to ask to become a god of cumbia with the dragon balls
>that zeno at the very end
>badasses dancing is a thing now
I love the GODhan but Great Saiyashit will never NOT be a terrible plague upon his character
>called someone a retard despite being outsmarted by him
Who is the biggest member of the Gohan fanclub, in-show?
Piccolo, then Vegeta, then Goku.
>seasonal licensed trash trying to pass off as a competitive fighter for free FGCuck shilling
yeah, nah
and as of late Beerus
>Forgetting that Gohan is his own biggest fan
I could swear he was in the preview, but I thought you guys were claiming he wasn't doing anything AT ALL and just watching.
Why is she so perfect?
and here we go another thread derailed by waifubrainlets
More are being turned. I can feel it.
I'd like to see this end rather than faggot universe 7 win. AGAIN. And it's almost a certainty that whoever wins is just going to wish everyone back. Not sure when Zamasu jumps in.
Literally a better cauli
Tell me about the ass-crack
>being outsmarted by a retard
Do people realize that since namek, goku hasn't been able to beat any main antagonist without a ridiculous amount of assistance?
I wish caulifla had gotten a ryona scene. Seeing waifufags autistic rage would have been so awesome
everyone above the age of 12 knows this this isn’t any revelating news
You're right.
It was satisfying enough to see them cease to exist
really cause nobody ever calls him a jobber when he's jobbed as much as vegeta or gohan
>there are anons who will say kale is secretly a princess to explain away shit like pic related
Gohan Blast Cell
yoga pants are a blessing
>could have beaten Majin Vegeta but didn't want to hurt his pride
>could have beaten Majin Buu but wanted the kids to fight him
>could have beaten Kid Buu but wanted the earthlings to settle their own problems
>could have beaten Golden Frieza but let is guard down
>could have beaten Black but was holding back
>could have sealed Zamasu but forgot the jar
anyone who unironically uses the word jobber is an actual retard at this point they don’t know the definition of the word
Why is Sup Forums the only board that doesn't break with 4chanx? The CSS breaks on any other board thread, but I visit you fucks and it works
I guess the gods want me to suffer in dbs threads
if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle
If Gohan somehow wins it won't be on his own, he will need help just like with Cell.
>17 is rage trunks level
Thank god for thumbnails
you shouldn’t be going to other boards anyway they’re all worse than Sup Forums
did he not job to beerus on king kai planet?
did he not job to jiren?
i'd say he jobbed to android 19
he jobbed to raditz
he jobbed to vegeta in saiyan saga
actually he could of ended buu saga early like 3 times if he wasn't a dumb fuck
Your emperor will cry in the corner masturbating while GODku takes on Jiren ignoring him like a side bitch
>Why is Sup Forums the only board that doesn't break with 4chanx?
You are infected
go to the ransom general
/dbs/ is comfy
That's the only time base Kefla actually has some curves
he claimed he could have beaten fat buu but he also claimed he could have beaten kid buu and we know that was bs
>natural born humans
>modified into cyborgs but still kept enough of their human parts to have children
>somehow not considered humans anymore and not counted in "who is the strongest human" discussions
Why ? This is the route I would take for new human characters in games that you want to keep up with Saiyans and other races.
When's his episode?
Next year.
in none of those situations did Goku go in preparing to lose besides maybe Beerus
That could be attributed to him being dumb as rocks, but RARELY has Goku entered a fight that he felt he couldn’t win and then proceeded to lose
I’m not even a gokutard
>Do you think our emperor will go golden to help take down Aniraza?
Only time I saw him go golden was twice, but I suppose he could go for a third.
since when did jobbing have anything to do with intention?
he lost those fights and proved the opponents prowess. therefore he jobbed
Then GODhan is also a human and therefore, the strongest human
>keep up with saiyans
>not a saiyan or a literal god
You have to stop with this delusional shit
thread theme
I think intention has a lot to do with it otherwise it’s just losing a fight unless of course someone immediately defeats that opponent right after you went down
But we can agree to disagree on the definition because we’re just playing semantics at this point
I hate how everyone undermines Gohan's victory against Cell when pretty much every single main villain took plenty of fighters to take him down.
Goku had a lot of help against Vegeta
Goku had a lot of help against Freeza
Goku had a lot of help against Buu
But still everyone sucks his cock when Gohan didn't have as much help as him
because Son is beautiful.
Thanks user, problem is fixed
I still argue that Freeza was 90% a solo feat, and pretty much all Goku after he went SS unlike every other main villain in the series