Why can't we have girls und panzer with modern tank? I want to see this sexy type 10 in action
Why can't we have girls und panzer with modern tank? I want to see this sexy type 10 in action
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Because that would make this much more complicated with their layered armor, reactive plating, active defenses, active protection system, and other counter measures.
WW2 tanks are good, simple, and exciting enough. Modern tanks require extra research
That and the fact that WWII munitions are much easier to manage for safety, since modern munitions would just blow straight through any kind of additional protection.
Just give them paintball rounds or something
But that's not exciting enough.
What? I dont think OP is asking for the destructive power of modern tank shell get put in girls und panzer. I dont follow it closely but I dont think they used real combat ammo in girls und panzer too.
>tfw no cute Moe girls getting melted alive after a 120mm APFSDS Round defeats the ERA and side armor on their T-80U and cooks off all their unspent ammo.
They use live rounds and the tanks are protected with a layer of modern armor to make sure no shell ever reaches the crew compartment.
Why even live?
Ever since I saw GuP, I also had the thought of making an army-based sport but with modern weaponry, strategy, and logistics management.
I did all the research that I could and downloaded all the USA army manuals. Shit was not a laughing matter. I'm still stuck on understanding cartography and army medical handbook.
If you wanted something smarter than GuP, you would need to have consultation from a real army general.
Because using range laser rangefinders and ballistic computers from miles away isn't as entertaining to see as WW2 era tanks dishing it out at spitting distance?
I didnt know I was browsing /k/ lmao.
Also if anyone could get their hands on a modern tank then what's the point of militaries having them? Any schoolgirl could just start a revolution with enough tanks.
WWII tanks on the other hand don't stand a chance.
Because Modern Hardware fanboys are more cancerous than WWII fanboys. That and WWII and WWI were when the most experimentation took place; moderns tanks all act very similar because the design was perfected long ago
posting wife (the one on the right)
Me too, I would make it more like Tankatlon, so strategy is given more attention that raw hardware. Making it WWII only makes it a bit hard, tho. Maybe real Panzerfahren would use tanks made specifically for sports
Tanks are expected to be rendered defunct in less than 50 years. So goes for Aircraft carriers.
>using live rounds
>tanks are defying physics and made of stalinium
Am I the only one who sees that as flat out retarded?
>modern armor
>plinking ww2 shell like nothing
I understand its anime but why not go with "the shells are soften/weaken but the shapes are all historical? I dont think just putting "modern armor" into world war 2 tanks made them invisible unless its magic modern armor as well.
What do you think would happen if a Tiger I fired it's 8.8 cm gun at a Challenger 2?
It sure as hell wouldn't penetrate I can tell you that much.
They've got aircraft carriers the size of towns operated by students and tanking is a fucking martial art. Why even question it anymore.
Why would you want penetration? They only need to trigger the hit markers/flags for a girls und panzer match.
Which is what they've done. They added a layer of modern armor on the inside of the tank so that shells would penetrate the "original" armor but not the extra layer of crew compartment armor.
That's how it works.
The penetration is calculated as if it were a normal tank
>An actual gup thread that is not waifu faggotary?
Am i in the wrong board?
God help me
I guess with magic armor in play those posts talking about the complexity of modern tank can be thrown away then. And back to OP's question I guess soon, the japanese can be somewhat autistic in their research for their LN/manga and I hope its going to help in putting those post world war 2 tanks in the franchise.
Girls una PANZER is a lighthearted animation made in Japan, like in manny stories it sacrifices logic in order to allow one central idea to be explored and enjoyed; this case being cute high school girls having tank battles.
The Creators did enough to ground it a little
>Say that it is considered girly to drive tanks
>Design the world in order to allow casual military references
>Give schools "themes" in order to show national stereotypes to make a bit of sense
But holes in logic will happen, just like in every work of fiction
More than once we have being told not to try to make sense of this world because it may endanger the creator's vision.
>Absurd shit happening like drifting tanks and lolis driving a Fa223, C-5M and other military vehicles with full permission of their parents
>Yukari being interrupted when explaining how is Senshado safe, declaring that ther use real shells for "safety" before being interrupted. That shot was a very clear "Shut up" from the staff
>Leopon Team treating mechanical faintures involving fire like nothing
>A fucking Karl Gerat shooting straight into a CV33 and a Hetzer
You can try to think of a way to make senshado real and what it would require, but GuP itself is an impossibility with nothing to make ir realistic because it was not made for that; it was made as an excuse to put lolis in tanks and I love it for that
Will the Type-10 ever get a Nendoroid version?
I'm not big on WW2 tanks but I'll burn my wallet if they ever made one.
Scale models are a no-go for me, too much work.
I hope so, and it to come with a cake as part of the package
Type 10 vs Godzilla
I haven't watched since the first anime aired so my memory isn't great... but perhaps they want to allow damage to buildings and non-crew areas of the tank like engine, tracks, etc?
They said the same thing 50 years ago. Turned out you still need ground presence to occupy a territory.
>So goes for Aircraft carriers.
That's a lie.
50 years ago is where Heavy tanks stopped being made and were replaced by MBTs, which are technically just medium tanks
MBTs are guaranteed to fall to and would be replaced by lighter, more mobile tanks that can fire heavier shots.
Purpose of aircraft carriers are being rendered defunct by better aircraft engine and fuel tanks, user. It's just an expensive floating island afterall
An island that allows for shorter rtb to re-fuel and re-arm. Time is money, and victory.
The B2 bomber that scared N.Korea went from USA to N.Korea, and back without any refueling.
Someday, common jet fighters would do that too. An airstrip maybe easier to detect but it is also easier and cheaper to protect.
Aircraft carriers are too damn expensive, not to mention the necessary support that it needs for security. It must be removed as soon as possible
I doubt that's gonna happen anytime soon. Also, besides range, there is also the problem of response time. You can't wait hours for your fighters to arrive from the other side of the globe.
Keyword there is otherside of the globe
There are thousands airfields that are ready to park an allied plane. S.Korea and Japan as an example
Not every point of earth can be covered with airbases in allied territories.
Still better than highly expensive floating islands. In a long-term investment at least.
It takes 2Billion to run Gerald Ford a year. Not to mention the planes it maintains and ships, subs, and satelites that gaurds it. That's a whooping 50Billion spent just to remain idle in the pacific every year
Force projection
Closest you'll ever get.
Light tank will ripped to shred in urban combat against roughly equal defending forces and artillery getting better and better with some can deliver airburst explosion from more than 60km away, MBT is needed more than ever. Tank vs tank battle like the old times is very rare though.
Also heavy tank is still around, Challenger 2 & Abrams with all it's armor installed have weight more than 70 tons.
>/k/ - the anime
Dude, all tanks are bad on urban combat. We send IFVs, heli, and infantries for that role.
The reason why they are bound to be replaced by lighter units is the same as to why knights fell out of grace.
Also, challenger and Abrahms are MBTs. Heavy tanks does not exist anymore
>Why can't we have girls und panzer with modern tank? I want to see this sexy type 10 in action
Beside the issue of how most modern tanks have similar designs and performance, another point is that modern tanks are NOT battle proven. And because they are not battle proven, there is no useful data to compare them. The only people who know the true performance of modern tanks, have security clearance and have no reason to publish the details.
The thing with WW2 tanks is that most of the info are declassified. Also, most WW2 tanks WERE used in anger, and we have actual records on opposing sides on how the enemy's tanks performed. Tanks that are obsolete are able to be judged objectively, and we have more history to make stories about them.
I kinda want to see a Helicopter version of GUP honestly, that would be rather interesting.
Kazakhstan is so cute!
>Purpose of aircraft carriers are being rendered defunct by better aircraft engine and fuel tanks, user. It's just an expensive floating island afterall
You're fucking retarded.
more importantly why can't we have a show about grannies with UAVs?
Ok. What did I get wrong?
Because an IFV can take a hit that an MBT can't, right? Oh wait, it'd be even more toast but they still send those in because they need direct fire support. There are some things in urban settings that an autocannon wouldn't be optimal for which is why you have 120mm with HE-OR-T. Literally how they did it in Fallujah is get tanks to blow up buildings they don't want to clear because it was too dangerous for infantry. As long as you're not stupid about it and have infantry screen your vehicles you can send anything you want.
Actually, it's more around the fact that an IFV can shoot then run whereas the MBT would get stuck. Choppers already handle heavy fire support
I don't even know where to start here. Why the fuck would an MBT get stuck where an IFV doesn't? How is a chopper going to stay on station forever with its small amount of munitions?
The doctrine for urban combat is to support infantries who would garrison buildings as they advance. Choppers, IFVs, armored cars, etc, are all there just for escort and retrieval of the wounded.
Tanks are too damn heavy for urban warfare, and would get stuck under rubbles, and get fired on on their highly vulnerable top armor. IFVs hold the advantage being much more mobile with the same firepower
I find it quite funny that you haven't actually answered the other user's question in anyway and just keep declaring 'Tanks are shit, tanks are shit, lalalalala'.
MBTs are too expensive and if you know the armor is going to explode, send in the cheaper IFVs.
I never said tanks are shit though. I'm just saying that certain vehicles were made for certain purposes. Tank on Urban warfare is a disaster in the making. Just look at the battle of Grazny where entire columns of armor got rect from anti-tank infantry because they can't retreat fast
Good point, Satan.
But you still haven't answered it. Everything you say can also be applied to IFVs. You haven't stated any real reason why IFVs or helos or whatever are better than tanks.
Why do you list negatives for MBTs that you ignore for IFVs like vulnerable top armor? Why do your IFVs have equal firepower to MBTs which should mean MBTs are obsolete? Why do you keep insinuating that IFVs can be perfectly supported by infantry while MBTs cannot?
Which part?
Shouldn't it be already common knowledge to everyone that:
1. Tanks are extremely heavy and can be trappedin a k"illing field" once the first and last unit was killed. An IFV, veing lighter, can climb
2. Tank barrels have an elevation too low to hit roofs and too high of a depression to hit buildings. An IFV is more more mobile and enjoys twice the degree
3. IFVs can load and unload infantries on the frontlines extremely easily whereas a tank is an iron coffin
Would that be enough?
Forgot the fact that IFVs can carry anti-tank missiles that already renders the mbt's purpose obsolete
Okay, I can see that no amount of sense will make you understand your double standards of one being an iron coffin commanded by drooling retards while the other is a magical wagon that can always kill everything first while running away and always being employed by tactical geniuses.
Only on urban warfare. Tanks are designed for desert combat and other flatlands
hello my amerikan shortdickwaver
But most tanks have rcws too now and the Leopard 2A7+ even gets a short barrel gun 120/L44 I think it was? So it can turn the turret even in the confines of urban combat.
Depending on the terrain around a town, a tank might not even need to enter it to give direct fire support.
Oh and most tanks can still take a hit that would mission kill an IFV, regardless of environment.
You forgot the part where the IFV is so fast it can escape any attack that would kill an MBT by running on walls and shoot across the city with its autocannon's indirect fire to kill all the guys on rooftops with AT.
Because tanks are soyboy toy.
>modern tanks are not battle proven
Can't wait until this zero-effort buzzword gets filtered.
I'm speaking in general. Of course there would be modified units in all fields but the same rules apply:
Urban warfare is fought with infantry and are a death trap for armor.
>implying russian tanks have blowout panels, wet storage, or insensitive propellants
>implying a KEP ripping through the ammunition basket of a T-80 wouldn't just blow the turret clean off atomizing Leopon team before they know what happened.
Modern tanks are also too expensive by comparison
e, 1.5km×10km is not aircraft carriers sized
Imagine if real life aircraft carriers have 10km long runway
Jesus fucking Christ guys. You don't send tanks in urban combat when you can send in an IFV or something like that because tanks are too fucking huge to be as effective in tight streets. Also relatively slow to get going compared to an IFV which can reposition fairly quickly.
>through perfect positioning, timing and tactics, get the drop on an opponent
>APS kills your shot
Sure sounds like fun
Modern tanks are just too good to make for interesting senshado. For fun battles you'd have to cap it at late cold war tech at the absolute latest.
You can't kill a KEP.
IFV have the same size as tanks, and the same mobility levels for the most part. But they don't have tanks level of protection and weapons.
You right about one thing tho, you DON'T send tanks in urban combat. You send tanks AND infantry to accompany them, unless you're drunken Russian general.
B-But video games taught me tanks were slow and dumb
tanks are slightly bigger and have long barrelled guns with slower turning turrets
>>modern tanks are not battle proven
Modern tanks have not been used to shoot other modern tanks. They have, at best, been shooting at Cold War era old tanks like what Iraq had. There had not being a major engagement between major powers in some time, until then the modern tanks would not have real data to work with.
Its a shame they didn't install 1130hp engines on the old t72's.
Plenty, first one is that we are nowhere close to having intercontinental range on small strike aircraft, also flight time would be huge making time within flight-strike-return-refual and rearm far too long to be viable.
Carriers arent going away because they are a mobile airbase, the shift might be going for unmanned aircraft but so far those only been useful against people with air defenses from the 80s and no real interceptors if any, its possible someone get the idea of making a carrier for unmanned aircraft but they might just come out when defenses against then start up making then useless, this is why the US Navy despite the success of unmanned aircraft having really switched to then.
Depends on the terrain.
This nigga, how modern you want it to be? Even the abrams armour sandwich is from the cold war with the DU plates and shit from my understanding, and challenger 2 too. Nowadays its all either urban kits with the cage or APS. Its all airpower and atgm.
I meant not really fully switched to then.
In most videogames tank are rape machines tho
Most of cities streets are wide enough for tanks to rotate their turret.
>slower turret rotation
Real life isn't like WoT there do you constantly go 360 no scope shit.And i wouldn't really call tank turrets slow
yukiyukite senshadou der film doujin when? I want to see kamikaze chi-ha tan.
I just want to see them say banzai instead of totsugeki.
>Nowadays its all either urban kits with the cage or APS. Its all airpower and atgm.
You are not disagreeing with me. My point is that in the context of Senshado, you need info on how the tanks faire when fighting each other. This data is abundant for WW2, but almost nothing exists for modern Armour because modern tanks don't fight each other, not yet. Senshado is about tanks vs tanks, so until we get data on how modern tanks handle each other, there are issues portraying them in a story.
>almost nothing exists for modern Armour because modern tanks don't fight each other
Not really. You can have a rough guess depending on what kind of rounds the "opposing side" made to combat the newest developments. There is also data on ERA kits and Active defense systems. Bunch of outdated documents from the 90's. The other huge problem lies in targeting\communication\electronic warfare systems and their effectiveness.
MBT still a better choice for urban combat albeit at much higher cost. 30+ explosive rounds that's good against concrete is valuable when you fighting in concrete jungle (even apfsds is good against pillars) and with that level of protection it can shrug off mortar & artillery, provide mobile cover for nearby infantry that in return give battle feedback & protect the tank against anti tank weapons. It's also force enemy to use 20+kg tandem anti tank weapons which they have to lug around or use cars which make them much easier to spot.
Strategy/tactics will be almost the same, flank, smoke( APS asspull if needed) if the game follows the usual senshado we've seen. Magic armor will negate any damage to the girls just like in the old tanks.
Yeah, I know that. My point is that Aircraft carriers are just too much of a liability and it is obvious that once small aircrafts figured out how to have intercontinental range and even greater speed, carriers would be instantly defunct.
I am estimating a 50 year time for that day.
This can actually be made into a really cool episode somewhere in the first half to familiarize the viewer with modern technology, where the girls would be going against say, jews and merkavas with leopards 1A3 or even earlier models (so they will only have early APDFS and would be forces to use HEAT or some shit). And the winning strategy would be to shoot a single target from the same direction at the with 3 guns at same time as Trophy system would magically have infinite charges, and ERA would absorb the second HEAT round.
Though again three's the question of how modern is modern? The things that really set modern tanks apart in terms of wanting a competition with them and not WW2 stuff are things like full stabilization, computerized FCS, and thermal sights, boasted by things like later model Leopard 1s, M60A3s, and upgraded T-55s and T-72s, which are all well known in terms of capabilities.
Why do that when you could just send in infantry in APCs and IFVs that could garrison buildings stronger than the tank, fire weapons deadlier than the tank, and cheaper than the tank?