He actually thinks this is a compelling look into loneliness

>He actually thinks this is a compelling look into loneliness

You DO know that most Japanese women lose their virginity at around their mid-20s, right? Saying you’re lonely because you were a virgin until 29 is like the Japanese version of saying “I lost my virginity at 18” in the western world.


shit thread

just because i can get a hooker to suck my dick doens't mean i'm not lonely fag

You seem butthurt. Did I touch a nerve? If you reply at me that means you’re insecure so I win the argument

What did I do to have God make me read this?

yet another viral marketing thread which is guaranteed to receive over 500 posts, all of them unbearably retarded

Did you even read that?
She wasn't any less lonely after hiring a hooker.
She just realized it wasn't really about not having sex or physical contact with people.
How can somebody be as retarded as the OP?
"I literally cannot stop sucking dicks" - OP

stupid thread

The good part is when she talks about her eating disorder and not being able to keep a job because of anxiety and then her job search where the interviewers tell her politely she'd be better off being an artist because she has no other skills

Man, I WISH I had a dick to suck.... thanks for reminding me how lonely I am asshole.

Fuck off

Nice 3DPD blogging thread just what we needed in the middle of all this shitposting.

Thanks for killing that one poster. Now this thread can truly flourish.

With blogging and 3DPD shit right my fellow normie?

That seems pretty late for the average woman

It's not that late ,is it?

I don't think women can ever really understand what actual loneliness is like. They will always have inherent social value for merely being women.

Yea. The author of this manga seems like a complete roastie cunt.

Come on can we get the blogging started already?

Please explain how your self imposed exile from the world makes you the loneliest person ever

People and the world at large are a lot more complex than you’re seemingly able to understand


O boy.

Come on im here for the blogging of user having sex with real women.

Be the change you want to see

So was the author a dude, or was this just an Sup Forums meme?

i fuk my gf lol

ur turn



pls blog...

I'm not the loneliest person ever. But in being a low status male I'm pretty much expendable no matter where I go.

A woman on the other hand is practically worshiped in today's society.

OH is the blogging starting??? yayyyy i luv when the anime and manga board talk about real women lol

If a lack of female attention means men can be lonely then the same applies to lesbians.

If you disagree that means you think straight men can't be lonely because gay dudes are willing to fuck them.

hm hm i see very interesting lol

Great thread guys.


>37 posts
>1 poster

Wow OP. I guess I didn’t know what loneliness was until this thread. It’s you.

Is this one of those 1984 threads?



A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic.