4 days till eve!
No thread? But where would all the anons express their emotions? So be it- /ss/ thread~!
/ss/ - Secret Santa
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks T from CC
I received the package.
1/1 gifts sent
1/1 gifts receives
2/1 cards sent
0/1 cards received
Unfortunately I'll be in Japan over Christmas
Stop, why do we need a thread for every day.
It's the run up to Christmas. Don't be a gaylord
3/3 gifts sent
2/3 gifts received
3/3 cards sent
1/3 cards received
I'm sure anons just want it to be a last minute surprise.
Can't go see my PO Box before tomorrow, but I'll believe in Christmas miracle.
5/5 cards sent
1/1 gift sent
2/5 cards received
0/1 gift received
Damage report time- post em
>0/2 gifts received
>0/2 cards received
Despite all my anons saying they shipped. But my hopes remain high, 3 days left for them to arrive before Christmas. (leafpost don't deliver on Saturday)
>1/1 gifts received
>0/3 cards received but 1 in transit
Absolutely nothing. Got 2 days to turn it around
>1/1 gifts received
>1/3 cards received
Here's hoping they are just late.
2/2 cards sent
1/1 packages sent
1/1 packages received
0/2 cards received ;-;
Thanks again, BR of CA for the yuge box. I didn't expect it to be so big (or wet)...
But as you said, it should be fine.
Also, when is opening day? I got like 3 SS going on with different dates.
Gifts shouldn't be opened before the 25th, unless you'll be busy that day.
What kind of question is that? On fucking Christmas.
Anybody got a link to the photbucket?
All gifts and cards sent, 27 days ago.
No gifts and cards received, 4 days to go.
Eh, some guys I know are opening on the 23rd.
S-sorry for asking.
Thanks CT of FL, I got your gift today.
I also got yours ED of NC
Eddy of CA and MT of TX Your gifts get picked up by Fedex with 2 day shipping tomorrow.
JM from AZ, I got your card! It's super cute. Thanks a bunch. The card isn't ruined, it's my garbage phone.
Also user from Missouri I got your gift. I can't wait to open it on Christmas Eve!
1/1 gifts sent
1/2 gifts received
0/0 cards sent
0/0 cards received
If Sup Forums are still alive next year i would try some card.
Shota Sex goes on... probably not /d/. /h/, I guess?
For what it's worth, Boku no Pico was actually on one of my card user's wishlists
Hey thats my card, thanks for postin it. Merry Christmas!
Got a nice mspaint card from Irish user
I love it
MM from France
Did you receive your gift yet?
Much appreciated.
This is gorgeous.
I should've used colored card stock. I thought the dark-ink would be hard of the eyes if I did, but looking at yours, that really isn't the case.
Thanks Tak-chan !
Swear to God I attached it.
Damn you, computer.
>0/2 gifts received
>2/2 cards received
>0/2 gifts sent
>0/2 cards sent
I think I have been grinched. Fuck
might be me. It was somewhat a joke. Only because I like Natsuyasumi a little better.
3/3 cards sent
2/3 cards received
5/5 cards sent (2 posted)
3/3 gifts sent
2/5 cards received
2/3 gifts received
Any minute now.
3/3 cards sent
2/3 cards received
1/1 gift sent
1/1 gift received
is the video still around?
also bless tattun for not letting one user ruin this site for him. still don't understand what was trying to be acomplished here
Anyone else more relieved when people said they received gifts from your user than when you received your own gifts? I'd honestly be more annoyed at sending gifts to a grinch than getting grinched myself
Sent 2 gift 2 weeks ago(both seem to be received)
Appearently both my ss are doing to be late with my gift
no matter what I did, it never felt like enough. lemme know if you hate it senpaitachi so I can finally commit sodoku
typed the url and it's still there, how lazy are you user?
Don't do cards.
3/3 gifts sent.
2/3 received.
>0/1 gifts
>0/3 cards
It's getting a bit too close for comfort.
>a fucking leaf
1/1 gift sent
3/3 cards sent
1/1 gift received
4/3 cards received
Opening cards with gifts on Christmas. Thanks again to A of HI, TF of NY, MS of Canada, and Tattun of Japan for the cards, and LC of CA for the gift!
I'm most relieved that the people I'm either sending to or receiving from see my post and can themselves feel relieved that everything will be daijoubu. It's all about bringing folks together and giving joy to one another, no matter what you send or receive.
I'll be honest, I'm sad our SS is set to open on the 23rd. Wish it could be one huge /k/hristm/a/s, with less spread.
Then again the waifu's family does the present thing on the Eve, so it'll be three days of gifts for me.
Eh, look at all the Anons here mentioning doing two-day shipping out similar, you just gotta believe in the Heart of the Cards. And presents.
2/2 cards sent
0/2 posted
0/2 received
I haven't sent or wrapped my gift yet, so if you are my recipient you will hopefully get a Friday surprise!
You really shouldn't leave it this late, even with the most expensive shipping you can't guarantee it won't be delayed at this time of year
I know.
I have been working 15 hour days for most of the month. The plus side is I should be able to disburse the $100+ shipping cost onto a work file so it isn't out of pocket.
Glad you like user. Also im Welsh not irish
Today! Today will surely be the day my gifts come!
5/5 cards sent
0/5 cards recieved
I'm sure my Santas will pull through. They're just a bit late... right?
ah, I expected him to have deleted it and maybe some other user saved it. huh, it's still there.
>to disburse the $100+ shipping cost onto a work file so it isn't out of pocket.
what's that mean?
Make work pay for his shipping
Tracking says it's arrived in my user's city, but the predicted delivery date is still Friday. Is UPS going to sit on it for a couple days, or will it arrive early?
5/5 cards sent (None have been posted yet ;_;)
4/5 cards received
1/1 gift sent
1/1 gift received
I've heard UPS and Fedex don't give a shit and will happily make packages wait until the delivery date. With USPS if it's in their city it goes out as soon as it can no matter the expected date, or so has been my experience both receiving and mailing.
how does that work?
I send the package out to user through my office, citing a high-value client's file as the reason for shipping. The client will see it as part of their courier charges, however if they're spending a few thousand dollars for disbursements anyways (copy, fax, scan, courier, bailiff, etc) it won't be questioned.
Otherwise, I have to pay for it out of pocket and write it off with my taxes, like I did for the cards.
yeah no thanks it's all fun and games until some teenage edgelord sends you anthrax
>Came to the place of delivery
Huh, I thought there would be a courier but I guess you'll have to walk there.
>jokester sends me some unrelated stuff to fuck with me
>I actually like it
huh, well what was it
3/3 cards sent, one posted
1/3 recieved
Thank you AH of PL, the card is super cute! Hope you get to enjoy Kamidori, and thanks for not lewding the wides!
ST of UK, your package has arrived! I’ll be packing it myself and sending it tomorrow
Do you think the organisers would send me some grinched people's addresses so I can laser their waifu onto a keyring or something if I asked? I can't afford to send gifts but I'm sure they might appreciate that
I need this
I'm throwing money at my screen but nothing happens.
I wouldn't mind sending some to people for free seeing as it's Christmas (as long as the postage isn't too much) but I only have a handful of the heart shaped ones and a handful of these bottle opener ones and I'd rather send them to people that get grinched if possible
Sike it's just cum dust
I hate when I get sent cum dust.
Would that actually get through?
Actually if you live in the UK and just want that Yuki one send me an email at [email protected] and I'll post it to whoever emails me their address first. should still arrive in time for christmas if I post it in the next few hours
I'd rather get sent anthrax than crusty user cum.
I actually filled my anons package to the grim with it
3/3 cards sent. 2 should arrive tomorrow the third was already posted itt
0/3 cards received. 1 in transit, but no more tracking info since exactly one week ago. It should be in the country by now, but it doesn't turn up in the post system. Thinking about calling the post office to see what went wrong.
1/1 gift sent and made it to user
1/1 gift received
1/1 gifts sent
1/1 cards sent
1/1 gifts received
0/1 cards received
What's bugging me more is that neither of my recipients have confirmed the arrival of their things as far as I'm aware. It kills me
Would you still do it if I paid for shipping through PayPal, I don't really mind if it doesn't arrive before Christmas, in fact it would be better if you could send it after the holidays.
2/2 cards sent
1/2 cards received
2/2 cards sent
2/2 cards recieved
0/2 cards posted
1/1 gifts sent
1/1 gifts recieved
1/1 gifts posted (not opened)
feels good man, really want to see those cards get posted though...
Email me after Christmas and I'll see what I can do
just made this little badge that turned out pretty nicely too
4/4 cards sent
2/4 cards received
That's good enough for me.
Youmu is so cute.
1/1 gifts sent
1/1 gifts received
0/1 cards sent
0/1 cards received
RL shit happened and I'm just getting over it but I'll make sure to get the card out today. My gift arriving this morning was also a big boost to my mood.
I'm BS from LA, if the user from MA is here, do you want me to open it now or wait until christmas?
image didn't go through
I just read that New Zealand's national Secret Santa had a grinch rate of about 8% last year, which the article described as "surprisingly low".
Guess we should be grateful for our 4-5% (assuming this year's the same).
CJ from AR did you receive your gifts? I don't think I saw you post. You should've gotten the package on Friday.
1/1 gifts sent - I sent an extra gift but that doesn't count
0/1 gifts received - no mention of initials too so the outlook isn't good
No cards sent this year. I usually send a lot each ss but this year was too hectic.
>all burger cards are heading for destination except for the one to California
Hi Merlin
>people are still only just now sending out their shit
How do you fags manage to be this late? There's more than enough time to work on stuff after assignments are handed out.
Performance anxiety leading to procrastination.
It seems like something is waiting for you to pick it up.
We arent actually neets but hard working students on the academic track
I sent out my gift before december started but then got super depressed and haven't finished the card yet.
To think that in 4 days I've already opened my gift. If it arrives on or before Friday. If not, I'll just eat and drink to drown my sorrow
FV from Netherlands
Seems like you'll get your presents in time after all