what did you think of the Juni Taisen: Zodiac War anime?
What did you think of the Juni Taisen: Zodiac War anime?
I wish I could forget it
Not enough cock.
Pretty good, could have been better, but I liked the characters and all the weird battles.
Rats wish at the end made me kind of sad for him though, realising that you have no purpose or motivation in life to the point where you can't make a wish for literally anything must've been harsh.
A gigantic waste of time.
Too dramatic
Kinda weird. It was moderately interesting, but you knew beforehand who would die starting from episode 1 so it was lacking tension you might usually get from such battle royale. The end was fucking nothing, and Mouse was like scenarist himself - no motivation, no wish, no anything, just desire to do nothing and sleep life away.
Pretty good, too bad some of the fight scenes were in 3dcg, not like it was a total shit quality but it could've been better, drawn normally or in 3dcg. Maybe they can dig up some sponsors for that alternate universe adaptation.
best girl died too soon
waste of solid art direction. i really like the character designs but everything esle was complete trash.
The shock value of having a character they focused on all episode(s) killed inconsequentially got old very early and knowing who would win took away a lot of the appeal, even if how each character died was supposed to be the main draw. Rat probably had the most interesting power but leaving it until the end after he's already won and then explaining it took away any tension they could have mustered up if it was shown earlier in the story.
How much sex did Rat have?
Would you join her harem, Sup Forums?
would love to, but she said she wanted gorgeous men
needed more t h i c c t h i g h s
> Implying he didn't fuck bitches in alternate timelines ((whether they wanted it or not)) and then just reset
The triumph of style over substance. Nisio has outdone himself.
Since his physical state resets too he'd feel like he haven't fucked every time in the end, essentially blueballing himself
I don't even remember half of it. Pretty pointless.
We both know he's a virgin in all alternate timelines.
I liked most of the characters, to be honest. But a lot of the deaths were weak, and there was too much monologue.
I kinda do hope the East vs West Zodiac thing does happen eventually
> Since his physical state resets too he'd feel like he haven't fucked
So wait like half an hour until you don't feel it anymore? I don't really get the issue here.
He should have wished for this. What a fool.
Why? Stupid wish, and the thing is still vulnerable to being broken or failing
It doesn't matter how long he waits, if he loads the save he'll return to the state where he haven't fucked. Might as well jerk off
Literally says why he wouldn't right after, considering how quickly phones become obsolete nowadays that would be a garbage wish.
Except that he'll still have the memories and "feeling" of having fucked.
> He'll return to the state where he haven't fucked
So? He'd still have the memory of it, so whats the problem? This way theres no mess, no fuss, just fuck a pretty girl then keep a nice memory of it. It's not like you can constantly feel that you've fucked on your dick all the time anyway.
Are you dumb? He quite literally says he still experiences the pain of dying, and remembers it fully. Why would that not also be true for pleasure and sex?
Then what about:
>I want all smartphones I'll ever own to never run out of batteries
Again, it's still a complete waste of a wish. Maybe if you tacked on "and would always have service and infinite data usage at maximum speeds" then sure it might be an ok wish.
>((whether they wanted it or not))
He can't beat any of the women in the arena.
Monkey, Boar, Tiger and even Chicken outclass him in the physical power department. He's literally just a normal guy with save/reload, shit, he's even weaker than Re:Zero protag.
yfw you wish for anime to be real, but the anime that gets made real is Juuni Taisen
> even Chicken outclass him in the physical power department.
What the hell makes you think that? The only reason she could beat him in the tournament was with her bird magic. No ability 1v1 and I think rat would probably win, even if he is just a teen.
He says he's been on battlefields before, so he must have some physical ability aside from his power.
> A tournament you will never get to watch and characters you would likely never even hear about.
Maybe he could seduce them. Monkey was pretty comfortable with him already. Tiger was drunk and had no problem touching him and all. And Cock shouldn't be that difficult, she wished for self confidence so be a protective gentleman and you'll win her. And Boar was a hungry slut so no real challenge here.
You don't even need much physical ability or anything, if you could save/reload perfect combo or make a shoot with a 100% result. Unless your opponent is so overpowered that you will die in seconds no matter what you do.
boar could and probably would rape him
Was that one of his 99 deaths?
Where's my eromanga?
Sub-average. The three first episodes were solid, but the whole concept of a realistic battle royal with no MC is flawed in design or at least very hard to pull off. To make things worse, once cock died, the death pattern became clear and killed all tension. The final episode had some interesting monologue, but at the end of the day, the show is extremely unfulfilling and doesn't succeed to be good in any area.
Why were they all Japanese if the effects of the event were global?
They weren't all Japanese though. Did you actually watch it?
They were japs. All had Jap names and wore Jap traditional clothes
On the second thought, it seems I'm wrong.
What's your zodiac and rate how your zodiac fare in juuni taisen
I'm confused, what did rat mean when he wised 'to forget'. Did he forget the events of the Juuni Taisen only or did he forget how to use his powers as well?
Ox and Tiger are best couple.
His power is literally perfect as eroge protagonist with many different routes to take.
He forget the whole Juuni shit
I hope there will be a lot of doujins of tiger fucking ox while drunk
Horse. 0/10
Could have killed lots of people but never deliver
>just fuck a pretty girl
That would take some effort getting in her pants. And he's obviously ain't going to go raping, because of his character.
Dead from the very beginning, but he had motivations I can agree with.
Monkey, and im not even a moralfag
But he doesn't even believe in money, user
Absolute garbage
Almost all the deaths were retarded.
Rat could have wished something interesting like "everyone involved with running the zodiac wars forgets about it".
What for?
To put an end to the pointless battles, or simply to fuck with them.
Rat's wish was pointless and he probably ends up in the next war.
Why was Rat even in the fight? They didn't show anything about his clan or how he was pressured into joining the fight.
At one point, I think he said something like "I go to school when I'm not on the battlefield", while implies he's fought before, but..
Worst show of 2017. Way too predictable with everyone getting sudden backstory right before they die.
I hated how everyone got a backstory except for Rabbit.
clapman probably wouldn't allow that
Good concept, Executed so bad, I should have seen it when the best girl (slut) died first.
Ox didn't get a backstory either
I counted the flashback with Tiger in episode 10 as a little backstory for Ox. Just a little, but it's something.
It was nice, but I still wish he had a proper backstory. I'm very curious as to why and how he became a warrior. I don't think we know what his wish was either...
It's like someone took a battle royale and made an expensively bad joke about the concept. Basically, it was hot garbage. The worst character was probably rabbit since he just had a meme motivation that was never explained. Nothing mysterious or intriguing about that, just a meme edgelord. It's complete bonkers how the author even made him anything important other than a joke but it makes sense since the series is a joke lol
low/mid 6/10
it was entertaining enough
Rat-What is losing again?
Being rejected 100 times at once.
He could just wait a bit until they break up
I rate it HoMM3/10, it was shitfest with necromancer killing almost everybody.
>It's like someone took a battle royale and made an expensively bad joke about the concept.
It's so simple an idea. 12 magic killers enter, 1 magic killer leaves. Give people good fights and you win no matter how bad the rest of the story is.
How did Nisio duck this up?
What a waste of a last episode jesus.
cock cocked it up
by killing pure wish warrior desu
Agreeing with this. Rabbit was by far the most interesting character in the series, and we know nothing about him. How did he become a necromantist? Why was he chosen by the rabbit family? Is he really retarded, or just acting?
So many questions without answers.
is there any saint seiya reference in the sequel?
he was a best boy
Inconsistent mess with a really shitty ass ending.
Sheep, at least he won the 9th tournament and lived a pretty comfy life
I also think that the guy in the tophat grants those wishes but always screws/corrupt the wish in the end
think abiut it: Sheep wished to grow old peacefully, which he was able to until he was killed in the Juuni Taisen
so it's like: You get to grow old peacefully but will die a painful death
Absolute trash.
Forget the whole tournament which means he forgets the pain and dying 99 times.
the flashbacks were the weak point of the series IMO
I'm not sure if it's actually explained and I'm just being stupid rn, but is there a reason why the city's as baron as it is during the night scenes?
They mention that they evacuated all the residents of the city so the warriors could use the city as their killing field.
It was kind of week, desu. In fairness, the last 3 episodes were pretty good though.
who else /ox/ here
he was best boy
>Rabbit was by far the most interesting character in the series
I really liked it but this is probably only due to my love of bunny. Though I surprisingly liked others like Boar, Cock and Dog.
In terms of explanation needed, he would be the most interesting as nothing is known about him except he wants to have friends and thinks turning people into his zombies makes them his friend.
Mostly garbage with like 3 interesting moments. First episode was the only "good" episode