Gay priest is here. Confess your JoJo sins.
Joseph best Jostar
Gappy makes me happy
Im gay
Joshuu makes ME happy
I love Stone Ocean.
I think Stardust Crusaders is the best part.
Dio is overdone and a stale meme.
Same. It's popular in other areas but in these threads this is a confession.
Stopped reading halfway through western jojo. Just got too fucking weird and disconnected. 1 was awesome, 2 was a great comedy, 3 was the high point, 4 was interesting take and helped put Joeseph's arc to an end, 5 was ehh, 6 is where I called it quits.
Is Jonathan a mary sue? I've seen a couple of people say this from time to time but I can't understand their reasoning.
Short answer: no.
Long answer: No, and people who say "Mary Sue" more often than not don't actually know what that means. Do you like Jonathan? Do you find him charming instead of annoying? Then he is not a Mary Sue, and there is a reason why people in-universe like him.
Gary stu for future references. Males are gary girls are mary. Also no. Mary and Gary are boring because they are perfect. They solve every problem without any struggle and are over powered to the point the story involving them is just boring because they are going to activate their super force field that stops all attacks and I win because of super force field.
SC Jotaro is more of a Gary Stu then any of the other JoJos.
>just got too fucking weird
>a manga called JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Maybe if you're retarded, then yes, he is a Gary Stu. Are you also the type of person to think backstory chapters are "filler" and that mere inconsistencies are already plotholes?
My favorite part is still Battle Tendency.
Bizarre adventure perfectly encapsulates 1-4
5 got off track. 6 is a fucking mess. 7 looks horrifyingly bad. There is a point where the absurdity no longer has a point of reference so all the bizarre stuff loses it's punch.
>all those terrible opinions
Sure, bud.
Remember when fence impaled Narancia's soul in giornos body? Well, the same concept, except its narancia's body and fence is my dick
I recently went through the process of having my first communion, I had to choose a saint to represent me. I couldn't decide so I used JBA as inspiration to choose one
I got into JoJo by the Jump Super Stars game because Jotaro had a punching guy behind him and his largest version could stop time.
I-I might be a lady in my previous life.
what saint you pick?
Yeah ok anime-onlyfag
Crap... Me too...
What should I do? I'm the same...
saint of your mom
I hate Diamond is Unbreakable I wish David skipped it and went straight to Vento Aureo.
based hair-
Eh? Nani?
>2.93 MB
You can't trick me hair-poster
It's not hairposter. It's a trick of a trick!
DIO is technically the worst villain.
How? Wouldn't that be Diavolo or some shit? Atleast DIO had proper build up and a good conclusion
>sitting on his ass for 90% of the part
>proper buildup
>kicking with his bad leg
>good conclusion
Dio had proper build up and a good conclusion, DIO shat on that.
That's the point. DIO is supposed to be grand, but he gets a shitty ending. It's like how Kira wants a quiet life but he dies by an ambulance which is sure to end up being on the newspapers and being known.
>DIO is the most overrated v-
Close but no cigar
based hairposter
Already did before, Father. Nobody cared. But now I'm gonna confess something different.
Joseph is my favorite JoJo.
THat's not a sin because Joseph is objectively the best written Jojo
Post best poses IRL
Shokotan's broken spine's x-ray
I fantasize sexually about Lord Kars, even though I worship him. Forgive me.
I agree.
>Puccifags are still shitting on the superior villain
Loving every laugh
Why would Puccifags shit on their own favorite villain, Pucci?
garbage series
i hoped the death of the anime at jump festa would kill these threads, guess i was wrong. cancer is unbreakable.
>Vento Aureo
Golden Wind you fucking retard
I don’t know what you were expecting since there’s still an ongoing manga people like to discuss, but whatever. The fanbase is fucking abysmal though I must admit.
your mom is a garbage series
These threads are infested with plebs who started with the david anime
I didn't like Diamond is Unbreakable.
I think part II is good.
This is Sup Forums. Every single fanbase in this shitty site is full of shitty people.
I also think VII and VIII are the best and III is overrated
Valentine was a genuinely boring and generic villain for so long, he didn't even get proper build up until the final stretch. He is so unbelievably overrated.
funny meme
This. Actually expecting any sort of "good fanbase" in this board is just hoping for absolutely nothing.
t. jojofag
Phew, he's still here
I’m not contending that, but JoJoposters are on another level. Which is a shame, since I really like the series and very few people here actually want to discuss new chapters and shit, it’sused as a pretext to post vore and shit like that.
Okay, you got me there. I myself have wanted to leave more times than I can count but I always find myself back in here without me realizing it before it's too late into the thread. I can't escape this dumpster.
I still think that newcomers should watch the anime rather than read the manga.
I'm a flithy speedreader who read through multiple of the stories back to back.
I hate and love these threads at the same time. Maybe it's because I'm a lonely guy,
but I have fun when I'm in these threads, though even I have to admit that at times it's simply...
>6 that high
>7 and 2 that low
>6 being bad
>2 being good
I agree with 7 though.
jotaro (is for raping)
Have you seen Bnha threads? I'm a jojofag and even I feel terrified of them
Dolomite is my favourite jojolion character, I don't care for Seakira or Josefumi, Hato is best girl and one of the best in the series.
Foo is best girl of the series.
Ōki, the voice of Tonpetty, has died.
Sorry for not having a time machine and starting with the manga when part 1 was still being published, motherfucker.
Pucci is my favorite jojo villain
Fish sausages make me horny at 9
Slightly off topic, but what the fuck is this?
I fapped on zeppeli's face
Teaser for Part 4 montage?
I'm actually happy that DP did shitty job with part 4. Hopefully they will put some effort in part 5 if we ever get it.
>complaining about the fanbase
The most autistic non-complaint possible. Go back to Sup Forums faggot.
>live action bombed
>no new anime
>no one cares about part 8
jojo about to be more dead than bleach
>no one cares about part 8
i ain't starting to read that shit until it's done. I hate waiting for something I have started but can't finish when I want.
You should rethink that. You're missing all the fun of coming up with theories and discussing things as they happen. Plus you're setting yourself up for being spoiled.
>>no one cares about part 8
JJL is a gold mine, what are you talking about?
Read Jojolion or the dog dies.
More like chupacabra.
You delete this right the fuck now or I'm calling the Gap.
Good luck, I'm behind ACTO FOH