What did you think of Shaman King, Sup Forums ?
Shaman King
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I liked it a lot.
I loved it as a kid but I can't for the love of me remember anything about it
Life of a brainlet
Author is making another sequel
I'm unironically reading it for the very first time. It's quite good.
great manga, mediocre anime with non canon ending; just redo it already like FMAB Hiroyuki you hack fraud you won't get a better deal
I was dissappointed with the anime ending for sure. Still enjoyed the adaptation though.
A true classic and a masterpiece
One of the greatest battle shonens ever and Yoh is the GOAT Battle Shonen Protag
Somewhat recently read / rewatched it for nostalgia purposes but was pleasantly surprised by how good it was and how much I enjoyed it.
>teen pregnancy
I don't even want another anime anymore
I'm sick of all these cunts bashing the kanzenban ending...and then there will be so many more cancerous newfags who will bash it even more
Is it really true that they actually offered to redo it and he refused it because no original voice actors or something?
This had better not be as shitty as Flowers was
I hope he's retconning that piece of shit and making a good sequel instead
Also Kodansha USA for the love of god please make a proper english translation of the kanzenban with no censorship or retarded localization and release it.
It makes sense in the story considering that Yoh was leaving for the Shaman Fight and he might die or end up becoming the Shaman King. It probably wasn't intentional anyway.
No original VA's and no music from the original anime were the reasons cited.
Still mad about that.
I'm not.
I don't want a shitty adaptation with shitty nu-seiyuus
I loved the earlier issues, but I never read past the fight with the Golem where the kids' dad was possessing them. I could tell the writing was starting to slip when they started killing off every character and immediately bringing them back for a convenient power boost. When they introduced that bullshit about healing yourself with your oversoul I almost dropped it on the spot.
Then again, I honestly don't think I'm ever going to see as terrifying a villain, as good a fight scene, or as badass a reformed-villain as Faust VIII
I didn't like the ending to the manga.
They basically told on the big baddie's mom, and she straighten Hao out
Apparently a Shaman King 20th Anniversary Website is going to be opening on January 1st 2018
This was pretty unexpected
if you've been following mankintrad it's not, Takei' seems to be attached to nearly everything he writes and those guys make sure to report on everything he does
>I could tell the writing was starting to slip when they started killing off every character and immediately bringing them back for a convenient power boost.
Oh boy, here come the fucking retarded plebs who bitch about one of the central themes(reincarnation/rebirth) of this series(that was established early on in the manga with the Yomi Cave) again
>if you've been following mankintrad
You mean Andysislands/Patch-Cafe right?
Because he seems to be the only active member from that team
Anyways I've been following these news on/off sporadically since last year but I didn't expect a website in January 1st 2018 exactly
Pretty much my experience down to a tee.
Were Lyserg and the X Laws as unlikeable in the manga as they were in the anime?
yeah, I'm guess the other's only come out when SK running, they've only released like one thing since flowers ended
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
great supporting cast
Ryo and Ren are great and Ren is a great "rival" character
it's a fucking issue when you attach LITERAL power levels to it you twit
Most every saying its good is largely because of nostalgia. The story becomes an absolute mess and Yoh is as forgettable as protagonist get
The issue was that they had like 4 major characters experience such a power boost in a very short time frame that followed the reveal that Hao was too powerful to beat. Almost as if they realized they wrote themselves into a corner and had to scramble to jack up the main characters' power levels so they could compete with the baddies. It just felt really hamfisted.
Lyserg came across as a good kid who was too easily influenced. The X Laws were just assholes.
Not that user, but didn't Horohoro beat up some guys in a beach with a much higher power level at some point through skill?
Don't remember it well so my bad if I'm wrong or it was a one off thing
I liked it the best when it was small town wacky ghost adventures
and Hao remained to powerful to beat, witch is whats really important imo
I enjoyed it a lot as a kid in Mexico, but I don't remember a lot about it. The openings and endings give me hard nostalgia.
>Not that user, but didn't Horohoro beat up some guys in a beach with a much higher power level at some point through skill?
yes and no
He used another team's spirits which combined had a higher level
I liked it, but the mangaka let his mecha fetish consume 70% of his designs as the series progressed. I mean, for fucks sake why did the South Americans jaguar form have to take on a mechanical aesthetic? Its supposed to be a jungle cat, what the fuck is a jungle cat doing looking like a Super Sentais Zord?
And how did they beat Hao?
By Telling his mum on him
He used what little mana he had for a clever sneak attack because he knew he couldn't win a direct fight. That was a great scene, and it kind of reinforces why it's stupid to have characters just get huge power boosts through DBZ deaths instead of learning how to best leverage their powers.
Is Takei holding back any demonds like Watsuki? He was Watsuki's assistant and they both seem like big spaz's.
I do like that they beat Hao by telling on him, it remains unique amongst shonen endings and definitely wasn't what I was expecting. Also, the main character didn't win, but he did convince the new God to give him the version of the world he wanted
>large cast each using spirits according to their own culture
>everything is now oversouls
>cast still has a wide variety of powers making for interesting fights
>nah powerlevels
>Iron Maiden can kill and rezz for infinite power boosts
>only does this to main cast at the very end
>never did it to her teammates she's been partnered with for years
Did they start hotswapping writers or something?
>its unique due to how anti-climatic and unsatisfying it is
Yeah....that's definitely unique
the coerced him using Yoh's hippie philosophy, witch was the whole point of the series, gay hippie shit > typical shonen might makes right
Sk doesn't deliver on this perfectly all the time but there are other examples a good one being when Yoh allowed Takagero to posses him
hopefully just psychedelic drug abuse, I bet he's the Joe Rogan of manga in that aspect
Eh, it did make a certain amount of sense. Throughout the series they do a good job of showing that Hao is the way he is because of a trauma suffered during his childhood years. He basically acts like a huge adolescent bully at times, switching between levelheaded antagonism and cruel pranks played on foes who have no idea who they're dealing with. So when he does get slapped by his mother and told to stop acting like an autist, it does feel quite satisfying, like seeing the 2 cool 4 school kid get his ear pulled by his mom in front of the class.
>it does feel quite satisfying
Not really. Its just really lame.
Loved every moment of the anime. I have yet to read the manga but it can only be even better.
Should I read the manga or watch the anime?
I loved most of it but didn't care for the ending until Flowers came out and worked with that. I hate that Flowers got canned with the magazine that ran it.
Really enjoyed it both the anime and the manga. Looking back on it now though, it's not that good. Probably wouldn't like it if it was releasing today.
It needs a Shaman King: Brothehood.
The OP has to be the same though, it's a masterpiece.
Even bigger than his mecha fetish is his shota fetish, and thank god for that.
Choose you're favorite
the mecha shit is cool as fuck, and also the shape of an oversoul is determined by the one making it, possibly excluding the X-laws angels
alotta good ones but I think Yoh is the best
It's good, but not fantastic or anything
One of the best shonen. At the very least, it isn't until the very end when it falls for the powerlevels meme one too many shonen embraces from day one.
>when it falls for the powerlevels meme
well, to be fair, powerlevels did fuck all against Hao in the end.
this was my favorite manga growing up. Started with the 4kids adap and then my parents bought me the manga when I was 8 or so. Remember being shocked at how different it was from the show.
favorite characters were/are Faust and Lyserg
it had top-tier waifus
Rutherford will be forever my waifu.
Hanagumi a cute.
Is my memory failing or was there a moment where it was revealed that Shaman Powers and stuff didn't affect normal people? Around the time when Manta's dad got to the Tournament Island, I tried to look for it yet I couldn't find anything about it
>capitalism is the big bad in Flowers
>flowers 2 electric boogaloo
>I liked "X series" when it was ghost busters
can people stop this meme already?
It is basically a jojo ripoff
>but he did convince the new God to give him the version of the world he wanted
best part is you can interpret the ending as them failing to live up to Hao's expectations and Hao nuking the world so everyone's happy
I used to want to grow my hair into Ryu's heart shaped pompadour back then, good times.
I loved it as a kid and still enjoy everything related to it. I got sad when Flowers got axed, I liked where things were going and the threads were slow but good. A shame Sueshia treated it like shit for years too, hopefully Kodansha won't be as stingy as they were with the license and will finally let KANGZENGBANG get licensed. Looking forward to whatever Takei is making in 2018 be it a direct SK sequel with an older Yoh or a Flowers continuation
>Edgy Tamao
Probably Flowers continuation. It was just about to finally get into the plot before the whole magazine got axed.
Reminder that we were going to have Shaman Kings Brotherhood but Takei decided to be an autist about Voice Actors
Golem always and forever.
- Amazing styled weapons
- Had some nice fights
- Interesting premise
- Shitty MC that was 2cool4everything as it seems. Really hated that. Loved the times he got emotionally moved at all.
- Shitty ending.
- GREAT Antagonist until the climax of course, gets correct-slapped by his own fucking mother. At least that was so unique seeing a god-level enemy becoming a good guy because his mother slapped him.
- Shitty development of plot.
- Death meaning ABSOLUTELY NOTHING was a big fail.
- MC and co being so morally superior despite having learned that Death is just the entrance to eternal happiness.
- "The Afterlife doesnt give a fuck to your sins, it gives you what you think you will get, so its your fucking will to get tortured for all eternity in hell". Nice horseshit right there. But desu, kind of funny.
It's jam-packed with all of the worst shounen cliches . I think people praise Shaman King out of pure nostalgia because they haven't seen any of it in the last 15 years.
Jeanne and Marco were much more likable in the manga. They become an allies with Yoh and actually show remorse for their murderous ways, instead of always acting self righteous about it.
>seeing a god-level enemy becoming a good guy because his mother slapped him.
Nah he still wants to destroy humanity.
He just set their extinction back by like a decade so Yoh as a chance to show him that NINGEN aren't trash.
I don't think so, watched the anime like 15 years ago, loved it, read the manga two years ago, loved it even more. If something, time really made me value it even more as shonen rarely goes beyond being decent and Shaman King was fun for most of its lenght while modern day garbage like boruto and black clover can't even compare with it.
That still hurts
Some of the designs don't exist in the manga right? I don't recall Maiden ever wear this outfit
this Tamao too
Same. Really loved the concept. But that's actually good because I can rewatch it now
t. butthurt bleachfag
I quite enjoyed the ending, although I would have preferred that it wasn't as rushed. Shame that isn't quite the case in real life, why was it axed?
It was one of the more fun parts of my childhood, and reminds me of my now passed-away friend from way back when.
>we could've had an anime remake
>the author turned it down because he's retarded when it was going to happen
All of them
now that i've had a closer look on all of the angels I can really see that they are in fact just oversouls made from cars
All this time I thought they were some SMT-esque mecha angels, neat
Did any of you fuckers play one of the most underrated games in the GBA library?
Faust VIII. Kororo was the cutest though
that game was hard. Or maybe I was bad since I was so young
I played both of those, not bad