What a great year for anime. Between all these great shows, Yuasa's new films...

What a great year for anime. Between all these great shows, Yuasa's new films, and Kizumonogatari I couldn't be more satisfied.
What did you think of 2017, Sup Forums?

sure, I thought it was really good and fun
on the watch list
never heard of it
>no Yome
on the watch list
never heard of it
heard of it, not sure to watch
watching, it's a whole lot of good shit right there, nigga
fuck you nigger
Good shit

Your list of objectively pretentious, 6/10

>never heard of it
Lurk two years before posting.

>shows from 2011 and 2013 means newfaggotry
Listen to yourself user, you sound like people give a shit about your taste.

>ryuu no Haisha
Thought about it, nah
It was okay
>Maid Dragon
Sure, that was cool
>Made in Abyss
probably the best show of last season if I recall

I can't think of any single title being AOTY. There were better ones but none seems fit.

Because from this year, nothing is really exceptional.

Nice false flagging.

How does the 5 guys that watched Uchouten always connected to Sup Forums 24/7? That's some dedication.

>kobayashi dragon shit

Neat selection OP, sadly this board is good only for shitposting.

Excellent taste.

It was a blast, although by following at least ten to fifteen seasonals each season the progress on my backlog has pretty much halted.
It's a pity there haven't been many decent shorts this year, 2016 had a couple each season while 17 has had maybe one every other season.

Actual official chart for reference.

Aside from Ufo and Flying Witch that image gave me cancer.

Pretty disappointed all around. I thought TV was bad and Yuasa is just not exciting anymore. Here's to 2018

Be the change you want to see in the world.

You don't even have good taste in moeshit.

Houseki no Kuni is the only good thing that aired in 2017.

Stay triggered faggots, it looked better than any 2d show this year.

>Houseki no Kuni is the only show I watched that aired in 2017.

>using "moeshit" unironically

>when you get roasted so hard you have to resort to smug anime girls

No but seriously imagine having such shit taste you can't even like the correct pandering pedophile shows.

6th guy reporting in

Which are the correct pandering pedophile shows.

It was above average, yeah.
2018 will be the year of the catastrophes though. Be prepared for suffering when the LoGH remake and FLCL 2 hit.


Dragon Maid OVA


Dude age gap incest soap opera lmao

KyoAni finds a way.

>>shows from 2011 and 2013 means newfaggotry
I'm not the guy you're responding to, and I'm not sure what you're trying to say here (that's not even a full sentence, both those shows had new seasons this year, and Natsume's from 2008, not 2011), but those are both frequently mentioned on Sup Forums and anyone who regularly browses should absolutely 100% have heard of both of them. Especially fucking Natsume - it's had a new season every year or two for the last decade, you have to be living under a rock not to know about it.

>Dragon Dentist

Wins the fedora award of the year

It was a great year indeed. Special mentions to the second season of New game, and the Lupin III film centered on Goemon.

fuck i forgot how good rakugo was

anime of the decade

Now this is concentrated shit taste.

This is true
If Ryuu no Haisha was a TV series and was polished it definitely would have been exceptional
Made in Abyss had potential but didn't deliver the feel of the manga.

The top three on Op's list are good but they are all season 2

7th reporting

8th here.

if a show doesn't even have a topical layer of depth other than "cute girls doing cute things" then it's shit. moeshit. this is coming from someone that enjoyed flying witch, demi-chan wa kataraitai, and shoujo shuumatsu ryokou.

I haven't watched the other 2, but demi-chan is definitely more than just an cute girls doing cute things. No, "more than cute girls doing cute things" doesn't mean serious stuff or tragedy.