Pleb filter episodes

Pleb filter episodes


This has to the best anime with the worst start.
The first six episodes were pure garbage. Thank god I don't follow the 3 episodes rule.


I loved the first 6 episodes.

The whole show was garbage.

Gay desu

Idk man if it weren't for those kid killing cats and classmates getting dragged away I might have dropped

Are there people who didn't either watch the endless 8 week by week or marathon the whole thing?

Guillotine Gorilla was a great filter for SamFlam

This show was almost as trashy and pretentious as Monogatari.

>Where is my dialogue?

The infodump false minoshiro episode is kino. And the foreshadowing shit on the firts ep is good.

I will just agree with you on episode 5 (and maybe 6). That is a very WEIRD episode indeed.
Perhaps they are trying to create a atmosphere, but goes wrong.

I don't get it. He didn't do anything wrong.

more like straight filter episode

Take your wojaks back to the DBS general fag.

That whole show was for retards. I still remember the threads back when it was airing full of drooling retards not understanding people were getting secret policed in the beginning.


13th angel

I admit it weirded me out, but it was foreshadowed with bonobo talk and by then the show already seemed solid.

Yep, it was at the false minoshiro episode that I decided "alright, this is pretty slow paced but it does give payoffs eventually" and I even underestimated it, seeing how a lot of the foreshadowing made sense in retrospect.

But the beginning and the end of SSY were the best parts.
The only bad part of the first arc was that episode where Satoru decided to throw around CGI boulders for no reason.

This was the only decent part of this show.

The worst part of the show was Shun's death due to the horrendus cg ruining what could have been a great scene