Surrounding countries invading the Empire

>Surrounding countries invading the Empire
>The Empire fights back in response to surrounding countries' hostilities
>Surrounding countries throws a hissy fit and calls the Empire evil as a result and start a world war against the Empire

Wait what? Did the other countries really expect the Empire to do nothing?

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Literally the same thing happened to Germany twice and it's still their fault

go back to Sup Forums

Germany started the WW2 by invading Poland.

While Germany is still has responsibility for Poland it didn't start the first world war.

Both Germany and the USSR invaded Poland. Interestingly, one was ignored, while the other was treated as the worst thing ever. Hmmm.

WW1 was a clusterfuck and everyone was fighting everyone.
WW2 started with Germany inv- I mean "liberating" Poland and breaking post-ww1 agreements.
What are you even talking about.


Basically France and England guarenteed Poland's border in case of a German attack, however they had a agreement that they wont come to the Poles aid if the Soviets attacked.

Rejoice! New manga (translated) chapter is out

Wich chapter does the anime ends on ?

This chapter is not shown in anime

History is written by the winners
Thats why the Soviet Union is not covered anywhere nearly as bad as Nazi Germany despite being worse in every conceivable way, and why communist does not have the stigma it deserves compared to Nazi.

But the six million.

What ? Communism was reviled all right, especially during the cold war.
Then socialists infiltrated the media and colleges and brainwashed an entire generation with nonsense, your parents and granps probably still hate communism with a passion.

Even during the Cold War, the media was already covering up the crimes of the Soviet Union in their country.

And I don't doubt that they'll hate communists. But then again, many vets who fought in the war later think/thought that the wrong side won. Most notoriously, General Patton himself.

is that way

Hollywood was pretty pro-communist, actually, even during the Cold War.

It helped them make a lot of money.

Hell, Hollywood existed solely for the reason their founders fled to California to avoid paying Thomas Edison fees and royalties for his patents and use of his technology and copyright.

>this whole thread

Actually, Germany declared war on both Russia and France, then invaded Belgium. So basically, they turned a Balkan war into a world war

They literally point this out in the story - the more the Empire successfully defends itself, the more the rest of the nations fear/hate it. In the end there is nothing but total, all-out war for the glory of Sonzai X

Don't forget the time the Germans successfully destroyed Europe the first time when they destroyed Rome.

So when Empire going to ally with notOttomans ?

Wait a second, how is this the fault of capitalism ?

Great, that's 20 million less mouths to feed

Because all four of those causes has never occurred in any communist countries anywhere.

The assasination of the Arcduke was made by the serbs who in turn were supplied by the Tsar's Russia. Germany had an oath with Prussia that they'd be an ally to them if ever a war comes. Thus Germany was forced into the war.

Basically the war was mostly the fault of Britain and the franco russian alliance which created hysteria in Germany and Prussia in the form of fear, which would eventually cause the war.

that's more like the lack of a good capitalist industry in these countries.

You mean REAL COMMUNISTâ„¢ countries where MY COMMUNISMâ„¢ is used.

It is also worth noting that the British Empire and the USA had a hand on it, mainly the British though. To put it frankly, the brits knew that war was imminent and with all of their greed and power Germany was slowly being starved. Which in turn forced (again) Germany to start the war. Once they did so, any actions upon them were justified; as now they were, painted as the villains of the world.

actually its 11 now, hitler is so good hes still racking up kills

>by invading Poland.
No, it more to due because they invaded czechoslovakia which the British had treaty with.
You can tell they didn't care about poland due to how quickly Churchhill just turned it over to Stalin.

because these deaths could be prevented if it weren't for the inequality between classes, which is direct consequence of capitalism
even capitalist economists acknowledge, that unequal distribution is bad for economics:

It was because of Hitler that Germany once again stood up, the British saw this and they were once again scared. They wanted to kick them out of the competition, thus a great many of embargoes were forced upon them and they did their job. Which again, was to force Germany to war.

Discuss the series you fags, don't make it too political.

And so did France, besides the treaty was far too cruel and harsh for them. Which only left one option for Germany if they ever hoped to rise up as an industrial nation of which it used to be.

As it was previously stated, Germany had a comparable economy to Britain and it could even sustain an autarchic economy thanks to its resources.
There was no need for another war, no one wanted it, no one gained anything from it (apart from the Soviet Union and the United States, great job uncle Adolph) and it lead to some of the most inhumane events in history (not referring to the holocaust).
All Germany had to do was not being autistic sperglords and become once again one of the greatest economic powers of the world.

This new chapter was so nice.
All the misunderstandings are so entertaining.

Germany (as a country) barely has any resources of its own. Back in the days of Kaiser's Germany they indeed had colonies and overseas territories, but that was not the case this time and they could not sustain themselves if they were cut-off from the rest of the world (which was something the British were doing for a good while).

The hatred, jealousy and envy of the British during that time should not be underestimated. They wanted the war, they forced the war upon Europe and the rest of the world as well.

Doesn't seem like they were doing too bad to me.

Welp this arrived at my mailbox

>Anson Sue

Oh thank goodness, Yen Press is legit

Are you not familiar with "somehow I'm the bad guy" meme? There are two ways to deal with this situation, liberate the other country put someone antiwar in position of power and fuck off then prepare for another war because it will come again eventually or beat everyone and genocide the population so they won't cry about it.

Haven't been keeping up with Youjo Senki in so long

What's with this cover? Why is Tanya troubled?

The translation is good?
I guess Yen Press gave the book to one of their better translators. Lucky considering that most Yen Press translations are shit.

The Empire is getting wrecked and is going to lose the war.

Shouldn't she be more apathetic towards it?
All she wanted was to have a comfortable life and never cared about the country

Am still comparing this to Skythewoods fan translation.

However first impressions (prologue) is that Yen is vastly superior

I hope someone uploads their kindle version somewhere.


Oh yeah, a high ranking military official on the losing side of a world war surely is going to live a comfortable life, right? Surely no show trials for war crimes lies in her future!

Nevermind it's already up on the cartel nyaa

Well this just makes things easier. Gonna try copypasta both version for comparisons

I'm anime only and as far as it goes, she followed the international law and therefore would have no problem in being let go.

There was also an event in the final weeks of WW2 wherein exNazi troops and American forces joined together to protect some Jews from Nazi

Imperial General Staff decided to use the opportunity and take out Entente for good. They weren't just protecting themselves.

user that's how wars work. If someone attacks you and you have the means to completely push their shit back in, that's what you do.
Would you rather just give them a wrist slap and ask nicely for them to not do it again?

winner writes the history, Empire lost in the end and has no barganing power. What Tanya claim to be international law can easily be deemed null and void by the winners of war.

Tanya is a highly capable general famed for her contributions on the war effort and lawful treatment of every foe. Unless she surrendered to the Soviets, she would be treated fairly and would even be offered a job as a trainer for another nation.

Also that's false.
USA lost Vietnam and wrote about it clearly.
So did Britian lost from spear-weilding Zulu tribes but wrote about it still.

I guess they had their own shit pushed in instead.
>It's fine when Empire rataliates with an all out war in response to a shitty skirmish in order to become the dominating power on the continent because they gud boys who dindu nuffin
>It's bad when Allies invade Empire because that's not fair

The difference is that they weren't the ones who started shit.
The allies just jumped in for a free gangbang with no real justification other than muh allies muh threat.

At this point in time, I legit thought Sup Forums would have still been talking about this anime a year later.

Fuck off.

That's pretty much
>It's fine when Empire do this cuz they gud boys who dindu nuffin
Nobody is going to watch the Empire become unstoppable just because they had a claim to invade shit just like Empire won't just give up. It's literally in Tanya's paper on world war concept. The difference is Allies can follow through with their war effort while notGermany can't.

They did, then the mod came in

Part of the chapter does happen in the last episode of the show. So, anime is just ahead of the manga TL right now.
Tanya just now got the not-quite-yet SMG.

wow look at that no one replies now

Is it gay if I fucked Tanya? Or is it all OK because it's the body of a girl?

>Mary Sue: I hope daddy likes my X'mas present
>Tanya stabbed the family and looted his gun Mary gave him
>Tanya: Oh hey, nice X'mas present

Mary Sue gave her daddy a death flag for X'mas present

It's not gay.
>but (s)he has the personality of a man!!
who cares about her personality.

Pleas Western Rome didn't fall just by Gaul and Germanic barbarian. Rome was also been target by the Mongol Attila the Hunt to the East and the sand nigger to the south. Also In fighting weaken it infrastructure and it army.

I've nearly finished it at this point. Haven't found any glaring issues.



Fuck you. Jews are the reason for all of this. Fucking kikes have painted Germany as villains for too long now. How long can you keep this lie up?

I mean, if you really want to get into it, the Empire is entirely justified in its actions.

>Federation marches troops through a DMZ into Empire territory
>gets absolutely massacred
>Empire takes over DMZ to establish a proper national border and force a quick Federation surrender
>Franch Republic decides "Hey, the Empire is concentrating so much on the North we can take the West for free!"
>tries to take the West
>a month of costly delaying action later they get gutted
>"B-but the Empire is evil tho!"

It doesn't matter who is justified, in the end it's the winner who writes the history books. Tanya will be captured and trialed for her actions even if she wasn't wrong.

Tanya is a duck, I would fuck a duck

Tanya is IMAGINE material, can't wait till she gets her comeuppance.

Western countries are crybaby hypocrites, perfect for Tanya to input her commie laws.
I can see Japan beating her in the end and make this some propaganda for the nips.


>Empire takes over DMZ to establish a proper national border and force a quick Federation surrender
That's not what happened at all. I don't remember how well it was relayed in the anime but Imperial General Staff wanted to completely overpower the Entente in order to knock it our of the game and get rid of one of the enemies surrounding them which would allow them to get rid of the retarded regional forces system and concentrate on the western front. NotFrance didn't exactly like the prospect of a future 1v1 with Empire and stabbed them right in the Rhineland while the bulk of Imperial army was away conquering notSweden.
Not to mention that Norden isn't historically a part of Empire and neither is notPoland or notBenelux. They should probably stop occupying half of their former neighbours if they are going to pretend that they are the good guys.
>"B-but the Empire is evil tho!"
Empire has its fair share of "muh evil enemies, muh besieged castle" kind of propaganda.

The only possible happy ending for Tanya is secretly escaping to South America and living the rest of her days in peace and quiet, while the rest if the world thinks she is dead.

The LN brings up that the DMZ in notSweden had been agreed on something like 20 years prior in the "Treaty of Londinium". It doesn't discuss the events leading up to that treaty though. The LN also discusses that the entire reason notFrance went to war was because the Empire was occupied in the North. But notSweden is absolutely the belligerent party in the war in the North, it's said outright in the LN that they marched troops straight across the "border", which had been fortified by the Empire, leading to Tanya's first aerial engagement.

Germany has huge coal supplies. Why do you think invading Poland was necessary?

Austria never would have pulled the shit they did with Serbia/Russia if Germany had not given them a blank check for military back up. Germany wanted another Franco-Prussian war

That would be a really happy ending for her.
>A lot of other NotGermans immigrated to South America in late XIX, early XX century so she wouldn't stand out.
>There's a big Japanese community in Brazil Tanya could have contact with stuff she misses from her previous life in Japan
>a lot of good and cheap coffee and chocolate
>There were also some russian immigrants so her wife Victoria would fit in just as well
I-I admit that seeing Brazil shown as something good for once, especially in this LN, would make me all fuzzy and warm inside

food supply. Germany is not food independent, even today.

Empires are evil so there's that. Aristocracies have no right to exist - the people must rule, not some idiot who just happened to be born to the right family.
Yes I'm Communist and proud and yes I do some activism here at uni. Deal with it.

>besides the treaty was far too cruel and harsh for them
Oh look it's this argument again. The ToV was actually surprisedly light handed compared to shit like Trianon or what France actually wanted. Instead it left Germany with just enough to start shit again. And let's not forget the terrible mismanagement of the Weimar governmnent

Fuck off nigger.

Well If the australia empire just had led the russia empire just remove kebab then maybe WW1 never happend.

The entirety of Denmark and southern Sweden is one hell of a demilitarized zone.
It's also said outright that Imperial General Staff used that small skirmish as the reason to go to war with Entente because they were tired of maintaining three fronts at the same time. They are hesitant about it since they expect frogs to attack as soon as they move their main force but decide to do it anyway. Did Entente attack first? Yeah. But Empire wasn't protecting itself either, they just used it as an opportunity to try and fuck notSweden's shit up so fast that nobody would be able to respond.

yes USSR invaded Poland
so that means they invaded Germany (which was the entire argument) correct?

>amazing 10/10 tanya doujin
>suddenly guro

it didn't start by anyone invading Germany either

It started with a dispute between Austria and Serbia and Germany and Russia joining due to the bro code.

USSR was a friendly nation. The nazi ran genocidal dystopia wasn't.

>USSR was a friendly nation
Which is why they invaded poland, romania, and finland and had plans for invading the third reich?

I honestly can't read any of the porn doujins with Tanya that there are right now.
They don't feel right, I always get grossed out for some reason.
I'm not even a yurifag but vanilla Tanya x Victoria is the only doujin of this series I would read.

Except it's not the entirety of Denmark and a chunk of Sweden, that stuff is considered "disputed territory". The DMZ is either the line on the Sweden side, or the line on the German side, though most likely the Sweden side. Also, corps size movements isn't a "small skirmish".

>tfw they want to avoid the argument

as expected of Sup Forums