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this already has a doujinshi


is Baki worth reading? the art work puts me off.

Tough call user, because it's not that popular outside of Japan — scans and translations get really bad at a times, also it's a really fucking massive series probably on pair with Ippo and Jojo. Though it's an easy read since it's just fights, fights and even more fights over and over again, really exciting fights I should mention.
>the art work puts me off.
You will get used to it reather quick.


in the son of ogre art some what better vs the prev. so start from it

Top Ten Anime Betrayals

Touch fluffy tail.

>lewd bones




It's a magic drawer that produces Lolis

Reminder that Masanori Morita is a better artist than your favourite mangaka.


I love the guy's work.

two thumbs up



Thank you user this was resplendent

That's what i call a character development.



My man

Looks cool. What is it?


I love triangles drama so much.

This manga is a goldmine






will Peter ever get his Adorable little baby ogres...?

What manga?



>Look it up online.
>Only thing that comes up is something about a Russian military service that's also a Google clone.
Well fuck my life.

it's also the best image search engine

>colluding with Russian hax0rs

You, kind sir, need to lurk some more.
It's useful for reverse-searching manga pages
Also I just looked it up and google also also gives the source. Get off your lazy ass.

source or no source
your choice

I did it too, though. No dice. What did you do different?


Great, I was waiting for a new chapter of this.



is this the true power of oxygen?














Holy shit. Just read the whole thing. Was good until the end.

I liked how she turns into a complete masturbation freak like 3 or 4 chapters in. Even when she still has her "self control".
But yeah good read


I just the ending wasn't a deux ex machina. But what could you expect, I guess?

You mean how the dude was given his self-control back when he shouldn't have?

Or the $2 billion for free?

It just pissed me off because there was a hint at character development and it all went right down the drain.

Oh right. Well yeah that was dumb, but so was every single plot device. The main appeal to me were the lewdness and the characters' interactions, I didn't pay much attention to the god of whatever and his shenanigans

Would have been a much better story at the end if the god said, "Nah, I'm good," then left them to solve it themselves.

You know, and they did. All she had to do is pick him. Seriously. That's it. And the story would have been perfect.

Instead he bought her with $2 billion of free money from godland.

Yeah, this would have been a much better ending. I reread the last chapters real fast, and her reason for not doing this was the rest of her family it seems. He should have had the whole family a new, normal life and get masturbation-chan to finish school with a scholarship instead of daddy's money

Instead their father gets to continue being an abusive controlling asshole! And he'll probably beat the MC again! Yippie!

Can't have a succesful mango without having the MC getting beat up every once in a while

That's all guys are good for I guess.


This is a blue board you sick fuck.


The road to become an idol is long and hard.


Anyone got a source for this? None of the search engines is working

It's a nice use of negative space, huh?

Area 51

wait WHAT?

noooo, that means they'll have to stop fucking now he's got them kids

Yeah, sure, right. Good luck with that idea.


The only response to this is rape.

Anyone else reading this? It had a generic start, but it kept getting better and I'm really enjoying it now.






what's Urza doing in a manga?

Fourteen is one wild ride.