Now that it's coming to an end, what are your thoughts on this season? Favorite show(s)?

Now that it's coming to an end, what are your thoughts on this season? Favorite show(s)?

Pretty underwhelming season overall but potatoes and gembutts saved it

Best season we've had in a long time. Anyone who hated it probably should drop anime altogether.

SSR > who cares

Animegataris is gud


Enjoyed KujiSuna, Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou and Houseki no Kuni. Had fun with Kekkai Sensen & Beyond but it wasn't as strong as the first season (RIE!). Sangatsu no Lion had really strong arc. New GARO had some decent action scenes thanks to Park and pals yet I don't care about the characters at all and the world is extremely unexciting.

Potatoes were definitely AOTS.

How's 2Car going? The first episode looked very unpromising.

Best of the season and best OP in a while


Best season of the year, several shows i actually enjoyed fully especially the potatoes.

>Favorite shows
Houseki no Kuni, SSR, Mahoutsukai, 3gatsu
>Surprise show
Konohana Kitan
Two Car, Juuni Taisen, Kino

Despite really enjoying MiA honestly I've enjoyed the potatoes more. I think it's because it's been such a unique series in both setting and presentation.

Houseki and Animegataris were the best
Mahoyome is slow but enjoyable too

Why? It's the most garbage thing this season?

Why is MiA so associated with SSR so much? Aside from potato faces and interesting settings they're nothing alike.

Ignore the second question mark

Yuuki Yuuna had a nice angst in it.
The season as a whole was overwhelming. Too much shows I like got continuations in it and new adaptations were hot and interesting as hell. I'm still trying catch up with everything.

Please don't pretend that show is anything other than a terrible Madoka ripoff.

>No one else is ever allowed to do edgy mahou shoujo because madoka.

fuck off retard

Well personally for me I just meant as contenders for AOTY. As for the other case I'm not sure, guess there's just big fan overlap between them.

It's better than Madoka though.

It really isn't, shiteater.

Madoka wasn't very good, being better than it isn't much of an accomplishment.

Only watching 3 series this season, MnY, SSR and Evil or Life for the silly fun. Out of those I'd give AOTS to MnY, I'm a huge sucker for slow and atmospheric anime.

I'm the one guy who liked Juuni Taisen, Inuyashiki was nice and the best was Houseki no Kuni

The only reason you don't think it's very good is because you don't possess the intelligence required to truly appreciate it.

Is houseki no kuni really that good? Gonna be honest was put off by the genderless gem people thing, sounded kind of gay.

You will never live the Kagawa Life, faggot.

Wrong show user.

Really like mahoustuki no yome, even though it seems like a lot of people didn't like it, I thought it was relaxing and pretty nice to watch on a 4k TV

plus reminds me of the irish countryside

Yea it's good.

I'd wager there's only a handful of people on the planet who can truly comprehend the thought-provoking themes and complex characterization behind Gochiusa.

I've deliberately not watched it until it was finished, now I intend to spend Christmas day watching it as a treat.

Should I read the manga first or watch the anime?

Mahoyome is AOTY/AOTS. It captures an atmosphere no anime has had since Spice and Wolf.

This season had a lot of good shows though.

I enjoyed SSR and Konohana a lot. The other shows I mostly put on hold but I think Houseki at least is quite good as well.

I really hate CGI and hadn't read the manga for this one so I was entirely unenthused about the whole thing but gave it a shot. I started loving it instantly, it's really sweet, a lot of fun and an unepectedly amazing production by the studio and team.

Well worth a watch if only to actually see good facial emotions from an anime.

Land of the Lustrous is AOTY. 3gatsu is really good. Girls Last Tour had the best finale.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Madoka Magica. The despair is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the plot will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Homura's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Faustian literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these plot twists, to realise that they’re not just edgy- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Madoka Magica truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the depth in Kyuubey’s existential catchphrase “Make a contract with me” which itself is a cryptic reference to Goethe’s German epic Faust: A Tragedy. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Urobuchi Gen’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Madoka Magica tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the magical girls’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

How embarrassing.

Watch the anime first definitely. For the first 11 episodes they stayed really close to the manga, and it was a great adaptation overall even if the finale was a bit rished for a proper closure.
Besides, the manga artstyle might be a turnoff for most, so the anime is a good introduction to it.

Konohana was AOTS, no competition.

user it's a 24 episode show. Won't be finished for like three more months.

>using english names

I was looking for a new series to read so I'll buy up to the current volume that is out over New Years. As for my favourite show of the season it's without a doubt SSR.

sidecar road racing and yurishit are my two favourite things, yet 2car remains uninteresting.

i don't know how japan fucked up such a simple formula so badly. 2car is like those cosplay pornos where they take the costumes off.

Land of the Lustrous is more pleasant sounding because of the alliteration.

Girls Last Tour is a much shorter name.

1.- Potatoes/Gay foxes
2.- Made in Abyss
3.- Kemono Friends

Fine: Kobayashi

Oh nice, my bad I thought it was ending. I didn't realise there was that much more as I've been avoiding as much information about it as possible. Thanks, guess I'll have to wait a bit longer to marathon it.

Too bad the characters are about as interesting as pieces of cardboard. The OVA was good, the show is like taking a sleeping pill.

Haven't seen as many this season but from the ones I've watched, Konohana's a contender for the top with Shoujo Shuumatsu right behind.

Best season of the year.
My favorite shows this season were: Girl's last tour, Houseki no Kuni and Konohana Kitan.

Funniest show of the season goes to Kino, the final episode specifically.

I'm only watching Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryouko and Mahoutsukai no Yome this season.
Really everything is overshadowed by SSR. It is that perfect mix of creepy and comfy I have started to really like recently.

Konohana Kitan, absolute surprise of the season and along with Kemono Friends, the best of the year.

Yuzu is rhombus of the year


Of the three mildly interesting things, I dropped everything with disappointment.

>I have good taste because I hate everything
Kill yourself

>I have good taste because I like watching bland shows
no u

Every season's been getting better than the last. We seriously need a BLAME anime.

They aren't bland, you just have shit taste. If you don't like anime why do you watch it.

Shoujo Shuumatsu was good, but too forgettable, already deleted it all, all I can remember about it is the rain episode, and I actually don't remember what the hell happened in that episode, just the scene with the rain turning into the ED.

So, is Chi gay ? that hand holding and finger locking was to intese to be just of friends.

Kino lacks any charm the old one had, Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou is the same episode every week, Mineral cunts is bland tumblr garbage that gives you no desire to see what happens next.
Enjoy eating shit.

she's a dude

But she wears panties and a bra.

>Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou is the same episode every week
It's not. I didn't watch the other two. There were several other good shows this season but it sounds like you missed them.

Will the find happiness or more despair?
I don't think my mental health could handle watching this if it didn't end in a happy ending.

>ur not a TRUE anime watcher!!!
>wasn't even interested in kino

I'm still watching original Kino so I haven't gotten to the new one yet. I don't see what that has to do with anything either.

I watched Girls Last Tour, Inuyashiki, Blend S, and Magus (if that counts, it's still going). Girls Last Tour was my anime of the season as well as year.

How about most disappointing show of the season?

Best Anime to me in this season.

Watched Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou, Osomatsu S2, Inuyashiki, Kekkai Sensen S2, Kino, and Juuni Taisen. SSR was my standout favorite, KS was a joy to watch, Inuyashiki was dumb fun despite the QUALITY and CG everywhere, Osomatsu was alright but a bit disappointing compared to the first season and I hope it picks up in its second cour, Juuni Taisen had promise but seemed to care more about showing the characters' backstories in flashbacks than having them do anything interesting in the present, and Kino was just bad apart from a few decent episodes, especially in comparison to the original series.

No competition. You posted it.

Where are my Sangatsu and Konohan Kitan fellows at?

You only trying three shows is much more incriminating than him not watching Kino, though.

I think SSR is now one of my favorite shows of all time. It had everything I love as a manga. The animation and voice acting especially adds to that beautifully.

Hardest decision for an AOTS since a while.
3gatsu reached its peak this season. Irrefutably my AOTY just so I can call Konohana Kitan the AOTS, SSR is on pair for the title of course.
I also enjoyed Kujira despite the shitty writing, maybe the best looking show this year.

I came into this season expecting Magus' Bride to be my AOTS, but the potatoes ended up become one of my all time favorites.

My nigga.
I agree that it's a tough season to pin one show for all the credit of a "-the season" title. There's something for just about everyone.

My 2017 in anime:
Winter: Kemono Friends
Spring: Frame Arms Girls
Summer: Princess Principal
Fall: Girls' Last Tour

Friends and FAGs, Princesses and Potatoes

Man I dropped everything but Love Live. Not a very good season at all

Good taste

Netojuu was the one I looked forward to the most every week, so I'd say it was my AOTS, despite the josei drama in the middle and the cheesy-as-fuck ending. Runner-ups would be Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou and Umaru S2.

>people still trying to shill nu-Kino
Watch the 2003 version, at least the sheepocalypse doesn't exist in it.

I'm so glad one of my favorite manga went from completely obscure to beloved by /most of Sup Forums. It's a special kind of feeling.

nani the fuck

I had a good laugh at all the folks that claimed that shitshow Inuyashiki could be AOTS. Did Gantz teach them nothing?


Princess Principal wasn't that good. MiA and tsurezure were much better that season.

>really liked anime gems
>constantly seeing based potatoes threads
>see this post

This is it. It's on the list. Thanks, retards. I hope I enjoy your show.

Whoever though that would be a good last episode needs to be publicly executed.
You might not like the potatoes if you're not depressed. Or maybe I'm just a fucking idiot, I just hope you enjoy it.

I feel like once you've been depressed, you acquire a taste for it. I'll do my best, boss.

Shoujo Shuumatsu and gembutts alone made it an enjoyable season for me, both were great. I honestly don't know how I feel about Yuuki Yuuna's second season.
There's been a lot more going on it in than I would have expected from a 6 episode show which is good but a lot of that is twisting the knife and kicking you while you're lying crying in the snow.

Worst point is that it wasn't even straight-up "bad," but had so much wasted potential.

First ep was good. Photo ep was great.

...I want a combo of 2003 Kino philosophizing and 2017 Kino presentation.

