Stalker thread

Last thread of the season, most shows have been released or are about to be released. How are your favorites doing?

>Already released:
Deremas: 9,570 discs
Kekkai S2: 6,865 discs
Umaru R: 2,635 discs

Stalker points:
>Hits tier
25,666 LL Sunshine S2
10,503 SideM
10,343 Osomatsu

>Good tier
5,884 Houseki
3,908 Gintama

>JUST tier
2,841 Yuuki Yuuna
2,565 Blend S
2,087 Just Because
1,949 Kino
1,751 Konohana Kitan
1,448 Hozuki
1,381 Juuni Taisen
1,330 Code:Realize
1,203 Girl's Last Tour

>Saving anime tier
908 Sangatsu
870 Shobitch
686 Dies irae
662 Imouto Sae
543 Infini-T Force
339 Sengoku
314 Animegataris

>Anime is saved tier
223 Inuyashiki
146 Two Car
103 Inuyashiki
81 Dynamic Chord
58 RabuKome
48 Black Clover (note: primetime show so sales aren't too important for it)
44 UQ Holder

>Fall 2017 Wooden Spoon Award winner
21 Urahara

Something called Itsudatte Bokura is also on Stalker, but discs won't until March next year so I didn't include it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>25,666 LL Sunshine S2
Last one sold 50, what went wrong hahahaa

Nice, season 3 soon.

>Umaru R: 2,635 discs

>2,565 Blend S
>1,949 Kino
>1,203 Girl's Last Tour
>662 Imouto Sae
>314 Animegataris
>48 Black Clover (note: primetime show so sales aren't too important for it)
>44 UQ Holder
>21 Urahara
What went wrong?

>21 Urahara

>1,203 Girl's Last Tour
Deserved better

Thanks to the Kemono curse, stalker threads die in less than 200 posts

>146 Two Car
Tell me this is a lie.

>Kekkai S2: 6,865 discs
S3 never

>10,343 Osomatsu
S3 absolutely never ever

>Kekkai S2: 6,865 discs
Worse than s1 but ok

>1,203 Girl's Last Tour
Fuck this though

You have the hetshit on first ep to thank for that

>Just Because selling better than Kino
How did they fuck up this badly?

Good. I wish they'd die in less than 20.

>21 Urahara
I should not laugh but I must

The sales tracker (one of the few who loved the show) must be pretty upset right now.

>662 Imouto Sae

Truly poor man's Eromanga-sensei.

>dude we are LN writers lmao
>dude fanservice fanservice lmao

I'm more surprised at why UQ Holder is doing so badly. I can understand Black Clover due to its airing time meaning ratings are more important, but I thought Negima used to be big.

I would have expected it to do at least more than 1K, though.

Because its bad you dumb tripshit, but you wouldnt know because you comment on shit you dont watch all the time

I thought Blend S was meme show of the season. Why isn't it selling?

>Good tier
>5,884 Houseki
Just deliver season 2 already.

Those are staker points and it is overestimated, will sell 3k at best

Already more than the other saviors of anime.

Yuuki Yuuna already sold over 7k copies for the first 6 episodes (the movie BDs).

>314 Animegataris
Do Nips hate meta or something?

>48 Black Clover

>Kekkai S2: 6,865

What went wrong?

>other studios do LN romcom
>get failures like Imouto Sae
>A1 does LN romcom
>get successes like Saekano and Eromanga Sensei

What are they doing right?

High production values
Already a popular or semi popular LN

>21 Urahara
About to watch the finale and put this awful show to rest.

Isn't Imouto Sae a popular LN series?

Aniplex backing


>1,751 Konohana Kitan

Well that's not so bad by modern day standarts, I'm actually kinda glad

This means second season could actually happen or not?


This was a great season for stalker shitposters. Literally not a single thread reached the bump limit.


Reminder that umaru has evolved past disk sales and is a merch giant now.

Next season will see more action with several heavy hitters airing in the same season.

It's actually so pitiful that I won't sage this post.

You forgot that stalker threads were reduced to just once every 2-3 weeks

If a season with LL, Im@s, and Osomatsu can't do it, then neigter that season.

Unless the KF curse was lifted of course

>4th season still selling 25k

Osomatsu or SnK dropped to 7k after one.

Oh don't worry. I'll be back to shitpost these threads to oblivion with KF next season as well.


What's Aniplex doing right?

Backing A-1. It is a symbiotic relationship.

>5,884 Houseki

All that matters.

Money to splurge on.

It's a meme show on Sup Forums. 2000 is about average for this type of SoL.

>10,343 Osomatsu
Not surprised. Other than the first ep, this season was really bland. It was like they used all of the rejected skits from last season and decided to exclusively pander to the fujos watching the show.

>I thought Blend S was meme show of the season. Why isn't it selling?


only yanks watched it

Really? It seemed to have become a meme. Even KnowYourMeme reported on it.

I think the reason why Stalker threads were dead this season is simple: no KyoAni show. Let's face it, most Stalker threads of previous seasons only saw activity because people were talking about a KyoAni show. With LL, Im@s and Osomatsu, it's already a given that all three will sell well, and since there weren't any sleeper hits or big hits this season, there's not really much to discuss now.

>Inuyashiki that low
idolshitters and yurifags need to be shot

>AOTS flop

It had a cool style, but everything else about it sucked. Not engaging at all, and the shrimp fucker was annoying.

Maybe the fact that it's based on webcomic produced by Crunchyroll staff was a bad omen.

Even Luna Haruna's singing and voice acting?

I thought nips loved Yuuki Yuuna

I don't know but I can tell you spics hate it
>15 fansubs doing Magus' Bride
>not a single fansub doing Yuki Tuna
Se pasaron de pendejos.

That's kinda sad, Yucky Tuna is honestly one of the better Madoka-inspired mahou shoujos.

They do, it's just that it already sold movie BDs as well and expensive BD boxsets get disadvantaged on stalker, it's doing super well.

Since Madoka seems to be bound to end with Rebellion's shitty cliffhanger, I've been sticking with YuYuYu.

Wayusha BD boxset just sold out.

and Movie version sold around 7k each..

Shit director.

Makes sense.

Blend S may be a meme show but yours is a meme reply.

The aesthetic was great, don't get me or that user wrong.
The plot really did lack any sort of engagement, even with the good work from the seiyuus involved.
I believe Urahara had a few things missing that could have made it much better.
Water under the bridge at this point. The main three characters were pretty cute- that much I hope we can all agree on. Especially Mari.

Dude, we had a lot of seasons wherein there's no Kyoani stuff.
One stalker thread that died of inactivity is bad enough but this entire season was suffering from a famine

>Osomatsu S3 never
good, let kun return and the pretentious fujos dissipate unless they're into shota

No one cares anymore stalkershitter. The fact that it's just one guy using the same LL OP every time shows just how little anyone cares.

Stay dead you mouthbreathers.

It's their fault for selling a game with graphics that bad

Isn't it a novel series?

The salt sure is real.

Quote me a single nip saying it didn't sell because of "hetero" It's basically an Sup Forums meme.

Huh I wouldn't have expected Konohana to do as well as it did, good job foxes.

>103 Inuyashiki
>223 Inuyashiki

So nice, it had to save anime twice.

What does the sale say?

OP here, that was an oversight. Sorry about that.

>Konohana Kitan not as shit as I though it would be

There is still hope in the world anons

There are people in this image who are the reason why the anime flopped. Everyone was hyped for it till the studio screwed it up by bringing them.
Protip: they're males.

Tough to see girls last tour get clobbered like that, Japs never appreciate what they have, sad.

Yeah sure I'll give this thread a post. Maybe it'll reach the bump limit. I doubt it. Heh.

I'm more surprised about Kino. I thought Japan liked the original series.

>Everyone was hyped for it
Looking around, it was mostly Sup Forums or Western sites, but not so much Japan itself.

I guess they just hate cute girls on motorcycles in general.

Kyou from Clannad wrote on a scooter and Clannad sold extremely well. Then again, the show was like 10 years ago.

>BlendS flopping because of the males

Every time

This is a stupid thought but come to think of it I'm sure scooters are way more common in Japan than motorcycles, I wonder if kino rode a talking Vespa it would've sold better.

I admire and loathe your sad autistic dedication to these dead shitposting generals. Probably the only retard who still tries to force these threads.

Animate accounts for 40-50% of LL sales and stalker only tracks amazon
You shouldn't bee too optimistic about it, KK BDs are also cheaper than usual.

You don't have to be so upset because the anime you liked flopped, user.

No, dumb /u/tard. Anne happy, Stella no mahou and Urara flopped even harder and they didn't have males.

Come to think of it how did maid dragon do? Favorite sol in a long long time.

Jokes on you. My favorite show this season is Kekkai Sensen and from the looks of it all the idolshit I like excluding WUG is selling.

These threads are still complete trash though.

Don't even pretend it wouldn't have sold better if it was yuribait with no males.

Why would it?
The other 3 I listed sold less even though they were yuribait.

>146 Two Car
After this and AV flopped hard I hope the writer will get fired.

>Anne Happy and Urara OPs play consecutively while on shuffle.
>Your post
Why must you be so mean, user?

>223 Inuyashiki

Girls last tour would have sold more if wasn't because they pulled a nichijou, each BD is $100.