Anime tracking

What services/systems does Sup Forums use to keep track of their watched series?

I've been using a decade-old excel spreadsheet that contained all my finished series and my personal remarks, but I lost this spreadsheet after accidentally deleting it while reinstalling my operating system. I'm looking to move to an "online" system for tracking my shows, and I'm currently thinking of the following:
- AniDB
- AniList

What do you guys use, and why?

By the way, is pic related AOTY or what?

My brain.

MAL cause it has a good catalogue of shit and has a solid moobile app.


And no.

Also I fucked your waifu.

my brain doesn't work well enough for that
I'll check out the mobile app, thanks
I forgot to mention it, but I am also looking for something that can recommend me shows based on what I've watched, so I'd like to move away from simple note-taking
What's your contender for AOTY?

I've been using anidb with its offline anidb-o-matic software
you point it at a directory and it will scan all the files inside and identify what they are
so isntead of manually entering all the info or whatever, you can semi-automatically add to your list exactly which episodes you have, which version released by which group, etc

A pen and a very old notebook. Why the fuck would I search for a website to make a fucking list?

>my brain doesn't work well enough for that
You should be able to recognize things you already watched unless you have really bad memory or you really didn't care about that thing.


>tfw you realize your brain is wasted on trivial shit like that

OP here, I've decided to go with MAL for now. I appreciate their XML export feature.

Using a list would be pointless at this point, what a chore.

I use this great new thing called NOT BEING A RETARD! Signing up is easy! In fact there's no steps involved at all. All you have to do is NOT BE A RETARD!

AniDB with AniDB O'Matic and Hardlinks. It's the most autistic you can get, plus the MAL type stuff is automatic if you set it up right.


>- MAL
>- AniDB
>- AniList
These are subhuman repositories in order to find the degenerates more easily on the day of the rope. Don't register there, unless you want you and your whole family to be sent to Auschwitz.

Basically it's a shortcut with the same properties as a file, main difference is the hard link has to stay on the same drive as the data unlike a shortcut that can move between drives.
Good for things shortcuts are shit at when you need to keep the original filename intact for seeding like displaying thumbnails or Plex.

I can't remember the names of people I've worked with for over a decade or close friends and family's birthdays, but I can recall the most mundane of trivia and every piece of media I've ever consumed.

I'm okay with that.

I used to use a notepad file, and then I used mal, but for the past year and a half I haven't cared. I don't watch anime to get bigger numbers on a list or assign pointless numerical ratings, I watch anime because I like it.

I just download and watch whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like.

I used to do that but then my HDD died and I switched to crunchyroll

I use mal + taiga

If I die for liking anime, I don't want to live in this world anyway.

MALfags need to be gassed.
Sage and report.

You don't die for liking anime, you die for signing up on shitty websites.

Notepad. I hardly ever touch it though; it's pretty fucking common sense to just look over my libraries - unwatched material is in one, watched in the other. Whoop de do.

Also getting obsessive about tracking what you watched and how you rated if per episode and how much time you have put into this is all very autistic e-peen shit that is unnecessary. People can just watch a bunch of movies and OVAs or downright make shit up to try to puff up their numbers on tracking sites and that is literally forcing yourself to look for shit just to tick off arbitrary marks instead of really looking for what you want. I don't see how that is enjoyable to do nor is it the mark of someone who has a genuine interest as opposed to trying too hard to fit in. Watch what you want and disregard worrying about presenting it as if it's some important research or marker of identity.

Granted you should still at least have a ballpark since it is useful to know who has seen X hundred series as a rough indicator of experience, for example >300 should be a minimal benchmark for Sup Forums etc.

You were doing great until you contradicted yourself by saying that you have to have watched 300 series to post on Sup Forums

What is so bad about MAL? not shitposting just generally interested as seems to get a lot of hate on here.

No, you clearly stated you die from being caught (liking anime).

No, that's not what I said at all. In any case, you need to get the fuck out of my Sup Forums.

>day of the rope
You need to fuck off to your designated shitposting board, you LARPing faggot.

>liking anime
That's not the problem. MAL especially is a repository for the worst people of anime fandom.

Like I said it is at least useful to know who is still at the obvious novice stage or not because some things in the medium have a learning curve.

Beyond that, once the key fundamentals and understandings are had by someone it starts to matter less what the exact experience differences are between us beyond a series being discussed.

social networking features

You've got some nerve saying that on 2017 Sup Forums.

Yeah, it attracted people looking for an anime Facebook hence it has more casuals, newfags and normalfag-wannabes using anime as a social crutch than you could shake a stick at.

Ironically, MAL was created by a tripfag from Sup Forums. It used to be just our little site to help ourselves with but then grew to just become like any other faggot house that we specifically didn't want Sup Forums to be, basically the new Gaia of this day and age.


Interesting, I have like 3 friends on MAL, one of which I actually know in IRL, don't understand how one makes friends with random people who like Anime.

MAL is usefull though as I am a bit ocd and need to track what i'm watching, though since ive had MAL, ive probably watched less Anime as I now watch so many shows at one time that I never finish anything.

Wheras when I was ignorant of MAL and didn't keep track of Anime seasons, I would just download random stuff that I thought looked cool or that actual friends recommended.

Kind of miss the days when I would buy anime on VHS and DVD that I liked the look of instead of downloading TB's of Anime I never watch.

MAL is the best as long as you don't engage with the community

A notepad file, lost it once when my old pc bricked. Went through mal's seasonal charts to remember what shows I watched and made a new notepad file.
>By the way, is pic related AOTY or what?
No, but It's up there