When will people stop associating an anime with the studio rather than the staff behind it?

When will people stop associating an anime with the studio rather than the staff behind it?

Never, now post more Aoi.

when teens leave Sup Forums

Is KyoAni the only exception, since they do everything in-house?

When Sup Forums stops being filled with casuals ie never

Some directors have no unique traits to them to the point that rank-and-file studio members have their work show through more. However, you would be stupid to associate a show like Penguindrum with Brain's Base over Ikuhara.

Hmm I wonder who is behind this post

just how Shinbo is credited as director for many shows in Shaft he did not really work on.

Also how Mari Okada being the director of her new movie when that's just publicity

auteur theory is for gays and losers

I wish I were king so I could make it illegal for him to use Sumika as his avatar.

Judging a show by its production staff by name is the ultimate tier of autism.

See: KyoAnifags.

If not being ignorant faggot without any interest in my whole life make me a weeb then that's fine for me.


So lewdable.




I mean if we can associate Western shit by their directors and writers, why can't we do the same for anime?

Because ultimately, the West doesn't care about those guys and girls in the anime industry.
Only those who gain oscars or make tons of money and are thus being talked a lot in media will be remembered and cared for.
That pretty much means Miyazaki, who got oscars because the almighty Walt Disney Corporation deemed his movie Princess Mononoke to be awesome enough that everyone ought to watch it.
And the Walt Disney Corporation is the Alpha and Omega in the world of entertainment.

Speak for yourself.

Now now, movies like E.T. will always be associated with Steven Spielberg, and not Universal Pictures. Aside from Arnold Schwarzenegger, when you think of the staff the first Terminator movies, you'll most likely think of James Cameron.

Studios in Japan are small enough to do particular type of stuff. They aren`t juggernauts like Universal, Paramount, Warner, etc. that have specific characteristics. They will do any kind of movie that brings them money and sometimes prestige.

I miss that single mum.