So i've watched a few animes but all were within the same genre (superpower/shounen) violent shit...

so i've watched a few animes but all were within the same genre (superpower/shounen) violent shit, could somebody recommend me something cute and romantic? i want to give it a shot. thankz

>could somebody recommend me something cute and romantic

Go there. Now, fuck off from this board.


>durr, don't post about anime on my anime board

>non-anime pic
>asking requests
>can't search in an industry full of cute romantic stuff on their own
What else is wrong with this thread?

>i assume everyone on Sup Forums uses it regularly and is a neet faggot like me

Watch Ore Monogatari and ask /wsr/ next time

Go watch Lucky Star.

lurk moar

Toradora is entry tier and required romance watch. Go watch it

Also >>wsr

Literally where do you think you are?

koi kaze

pretty sure this is where you go if you want to find weebs. im looking for a romantic cute anime, so i came here, im not a fucking Sup Forums dweller bitch

>bad grammars

Let me teach you about romance, my boy.

Requests aren't allowed.

blend s

(You)xBan is a very cute couple.

you gonna cry? i already said i don't know the proper etiquette to dwelling Sup Forums. fucks sake you faggot

Learn to lurk during your ban faggot.

Just stop posting and wait for your ban quietly.

Love knows no borders.

Fuck off.

I would recommenced you to check these awesome digits!

>literally wanting us to follow the guys that are destroying this board

Unironically Kys

Fucking looser. Check this one

Its christmas the season of forgiving.

Imagine being so new you don't know who kinomod is.
Imagine being so new you misuse greentext.
Imagine being so new you unironically say "kys."
Imagine being so new you defend spoonfeeding and request threads.

might as well have a little game

What are you gonna do boi?

I recommend Glasslip. It's a masterpiece that will easy you into romance "animes".

Fuck that guy for getting rid of DJT.

Netherlands is best.

>Its christmas the season of forgiving.
Actually new years is the season of forgiving.


He just moved it

Look at the 3

London please

No John, you're are the cancers.

Maiden rape assault: violent semen inferno.


your digits are weak, embarrassing

Hey newfriend

Suck it.

Proof that romance/moefags are all idiots.

I don't think you know what Glasslip is.

Suck these digits.

Check mine until I come

>Telling people who are unironically responding to a request thread to fuck off makes you an idiot

It's embarrassing indeed. There is no way we can ever achieve this much gets ever again


die faggot

Ohhh man.

Boku no Pico



>internet tough guys

So now recommendation thread are allowed? What about CP someone please post them

This thread should have been reported for a while now. I wonder if the mods actually let it go for some time because they secretly find it entertaining.

Or they're just asleep.

>mods won't even ban OP

You mean England?

What makes you think so?



made in abyss