Dresses slutty

>dresses slutty
>smokes cigarettes
>gets in fights
>spends all night hanging out with older necromancers in their necromancer-caves
Our kingfu's daughter is our of control, Sup Forums. How do we fix her?

Try fixing the king first.

Maybe it's an attitude thing? How much time does her father spend with her?

>Alive for less than a month in the modern world
>Immediately picks up smoking

Make her realize that she's not a boy by violently raping her.

They smoked back then too dumbass

LITERALLY WHAT? Tobacco doesn't grow in Britain.

>thinking they can't import it

If all my Astolfo doujins have taught me anything, it's that boys can be raped as well.

For starters, we need to improve her diet.
Oyakodon at least once a day.

>importing a new world crop
>in the dark ages
How does that work?

sexy, sexy abs.

By punishing her armpits with my tongue every night

Have Saber fuck some sense into her. It won't happen because doujin artists are HACKS.

Technically it doesn't have to be tobacco. The Ancient Greeks smoked shit. Incense and various hallucinogenic drugs were used. It could be weed, as it was around in the Middle East.


We forget about the king and swear allegiance to the cuter emperor.


I need more Fate memes. Like

It's better that way.

Isn't that telling.

Altria could become this, but Mordred only this Why is the world so unfair?

All anime girls abs should be like this.Enough to show her healthy body but not too exaggerated to feel like weird fetish.

Mordred is only 5 years old, they still have more growing to do.

No. Go back to facebook and kill yourself.


She might still forget or be confused.
Better knock her up to be sure.
a nine month reminder should do the trick and her maternal instincts might straighten her out further.


enjoying the hiatus?

This is true.



Family tree goes:
Uther (father)
Morgan (daughter) King Lot
Gawain, Agravain, Gareth, Gaheris

Morgan Artoria (sperm donor)

So half of the Round Table is related

Pretty normal for girls who grow up without a proper daddy.

Her father is disappointed in her for her lack of an ahoge.

>How much time does her father spend with her?

I wonder how awkward Saber felt when Merlin grew her a penis


Exasperated. She had known Merlin for years at that point and was probably used to his shit.

I'd follow Mordred into hell regardless.
Also, wasn't her first cig right when her master died?


>>smokes cigarettes

She HIT one...like twice and gave up the ghost.


Who's the slut that looks like Semiramis?

Bring her back to the store and get a cuter red-saber.

Morgana, sister of Arthur and mother of Mordred.

>Morgana, sister of Arthur and mother of Mordred
Damn, no wonder why Mordred is retarded.

Not her fault that her father, who is a woman, had a penis for a bit and that her mother, her father sister, raped him(her) while she(he) was being changed back into a woman.

Why this shit isn't in King Arthur movie?


Too much EX-CALIBUAAAAA for that.

I'm glad I didn't watch this homo movie.

No bully. You'd have been all over it if it was a qt grill doing this.

>Fate film never ever with actual people from their respective countries of origin

Her father can dick her into obedience. Nothing can beat the dick.

Beat her with your cock.

>implying T2 will do a Futa on Female doujin.
It'll be FFM at best.

>trading Faggot traitor for a Whore of Babylon
Why would we exchange dog shit for cow shit?


Family bonding time in the bedroom

To be honest, I'd love a cheesy Hollywood Fate movie with scenes like this. And you don't have to worry about diversity considering the original has a Japanese boy dicking an English girl.

Looks like a SAO adaptation.

My favourite Sabah picture.

I want to fuck the king and her son at the same time. I want Arturia to use me to teach her son how to please a man. I want my dick between the king’s breasts as she and her son practice performing oral on me. I want the king to kiss feed her son semen and teach her to swallow. I want the king to ride my dick like a horse and I want her son’s vagina on my mouth. I want to cum inside the king as I eat out the king’s son. I want the king to part her son's legs and show me her vagina. I want Mordred to scream for her daddy as I pound her. I want to fill her with just as much cum as I filled her father. I want enjoy Arthurian-style oyakodon.



Most decent Mordred doujins are with Gudao. Where are my Mordred and Jekyll doujins at?


I've honestly said this before. There is loads of animes out there where they can shove in diversity and crap. Look at Gunsmith Cats. Let's break down the 'good boy points'.

1. Protag is a woman
2. Protag is a minority (Half Indian Half English)
3. Side-Kicks are all women
4. Only recurring man is a morally grey dude who has to be saved several times by Larry.
5. Main villain who is around the most is a woman
6. Same villain is also a lesbian
7. Protag is a lesbian
8. Only other male character is comic relief and to be mocked for being a lolicon

Just do the changes the Western version did. Make Mini May 18 and taking drugs to grow taller, rather than being 14-17 (depending on the point in time) and taking drugs to hinder her growth to appeal to her hebephile boyfriend.

Everything else is brilliant. Or could work as a TV series. Cars? Check. Girls? Check. Guns? Check. Action? Check. Suspense? Check. Thrills? Check. It's all there. Just get a really pretty girl to play Larry and it's sorted.

Dropped. Incest or bust.

And a Japanese girl dyking out on said english girl.

Oh and don't have Larry make out with a 15(?) year old girl. I dunno her age at that point in the time. She's 14 when she meets her on the roof then there's some time-skips. She might be 17 and Larry 21(?).


Mordred has bigger boobs?

Not really. But fanart seems to portray them a bit larger than Saber's but no where near the Lancer Artorias.



Gawain's pretty cool. I thought he'd done something stupid in Extra since many people hate him but since I disliked Nero to begin with I ended up liking him even more.

Nice Crotch
I really had to hold myself back from buying that fig.

Why there's severe lack of Mordred doujin?


Fuck knows. There's literally 1 (ONE) Saber x Mordred doujin and 1. It's Alter and 2. It's futa x futa. Shits depressing. What's the point of having Mordred made by a futa and not doing anything with it? Having her hate fucked by Saber to learn some manners would be hot. But no, Japan is full of plebs.


Father-son oyakodon

Fuck off. Why do you need another person involved? Have it just them together or not at all. It becomes generic crap otherwise.

You can't fix mental retardation.


Can I buy this without a background check?

Why would you need to be checked for that? Where do you live anyway?

>Our kingfu
I didn't vote for you.

>Being this retarded

I want to punch her abs until she breaks into tears.

Monty Python jokes are stale.

>self-identifies as male and gets triggered when someone calls her a woman
>dresses like a whore or a schoolgirl

What were they thinking?


Oh? I didn't know the manga was drawn by Ishida Akira. Might check it out then.

I would have liked her character more if she stuck to manly attire like male suit.

meant for




You can have this bitch with daddy issues.
I'd rather take Atalanta over her any day of the week.
