Is rape the only appeal this series has?
Goblin Slayer
that and /tg/
also autism
>not enjoying rape and murder
I want to impregnate the elf
It barely even has any rape for how much people go on about it.
Elf is the sexiest.
For me the combat realism also brings the appeal a bit differently than other action series.
No helmet? more vulnerable vital spot to be exposed.
Weapons become dull by goblin's blood? use their weapons.
Using long weapon in cave? don't be surprised when it hit the cave's wall.
There should be more there, also his tactics to be efficient and effective in trapping goblins are also interesting. His obsession, serious attitude also gives more variety to character's personality in general.
Goblin Slayer's intense autism for killing gobs is what greatly amuses me. His interactions with other people when it doesn't involve gobs is also another source of hilarity.
I like the extermination of an inferior race.
rape and murder is fun in real life get used to it
I like the genocide aspects
>There should be more there, also his tactics to be efficient and effective in trapping goblins are also interesting
He's like an inverse Tucker's kobold
>not enjoying single man crusade against goblins while other people, namely elf, trying to prevent him from doing it efficiently
It's the only series I know that goes into combat autism as intricate as TAS, but the difference is GS has a protagonist who is a shitter and isn't a chosen one and deals with mooks and that's a good contrast with the epic tale of Chinese Touch Me trying to save a kingdom from annihilation. They are even both based on D&D to a certain extent.
RnM and TotRL are honorable mentions, but they aren't as detailed and for manga you basically can only go with stuff like Blade of the Immortal or Ravages for choreography, and both of those feature characters who despite being in our world are even more superhuman than GS by magnitudes.
What the hell are TAS, RnM, and TotRL?
The Amber Sword, Rakuen no Monshou, Tales of the Reincarnated Lord. The second is probably the closest to GS when you wanna ignore any gaming terms cause it's pure reality and the MC for over half the series is just as hot blooded and steel minded as GS and even is about the same age and fancies a sword most of the time. The first is about combat autism, and the MC is much more proficient than GS, it'd be like if GS reached 30-40 years old, and went back in time and rampaged all over goblin ass to save his village except he would also understand the D&D exploits and abuse them to hell and back just so one more goblin would die. TotRL is probably the least similar, since it's mostly a politics story but the combat autism in terms of field combat is quite high to the point where MC tries to replicate real world tactics and inventions only to realize the physics of the world are too different for most of his shit to work and has to get around it and stuff like how spamming arrows doesn't really work when your average 2nd tier soldier is a jedi padawan.
How ironic that GS is literally what is keeping everyone else grounded. Priestess would've turned into some overpowered Mary Sue if GS hadn't saved her.
>Priestess would've turned into some overpowered Mary Sue if GS hadn't saved her.
She was fated to undergo some sort of change and awaken an immense power on that failed raid. Enough to become a hero and lead the fight against the demons. But GS intervening both saved her and stripped her of that possibility, because when she didn't become a hero as the goddess has planned, someone else did in her stead. GS is single unknown factor the game of the gods. He never leaves anything to chance, he does whatever he wants regardless of their wishes and he saves those who were meant to be sacrificed, or otherwise be put in great danger. The gods allow it because they find it amusing.
She would have awaken the power to give birth to goblin babies.
Right before rape happened she would've awakened, actually.
Is this written on the novel as alternate future or what, kind of useless when it doesn't happen, eh? Is this from narrator's point of view or the gods of that world actually speaking about this of her?
Why are goblins always rapists?
what game? I wanna play it
Goblins are protectors.
What is this asinine obsession the fan base has with wanting to see more rape? Even the original novel had barely any actual rape in it, we only ever see the aftermath of rape a couple of times to establish that this is a thing gobbos do and the rest of the time it's only a threat by gobbos. It's not a rape manga, get over it and enjoy the gob hunting.
Goblin Gear!?
Fate Grand Order.
>cow girl
can't have a party without one
No, GS himself is the biggest appeal.
No user, while is true she was Fantasy's chosen hero, she failed the roll on her first quest and was supposed tonbe wiped up, GS saved her and Fantasy went to Haruhi becuase Priestess being with GS means no rolls.
After we're done slaying the gobs we'll go and slay moar gobs, okay?
No user, she would have died.
Someone should edit GS helmet on the guy.
Are you saying the genocide of goblins does not appeal to you?
The story unfolds end up using the same.
Water torture, Water torture, Water torture…
Understood upon reading the LN.
mfw no goblin slayer doujins
But his tactics aren't anything special. Like, what he does is simply common sense. Everyone else just seems to have the combined IQ of a rock. It's like what Isekai does, but without the Isekai part.
Not really, everyone else just acts like they're literally in a JRPG.
It's both. They act like a JRPG since this is a RPG session played by the gods, but don't deny that everyone else seems to take a dive in intelligence whenever GS is involved.
how does it feel knowing ReMonster will get an anime sooner than this
I see i can buy two mangas from my local store, + a third one being released soon.
Can also buy 4 light novels.
What should I go for? What do you guys read?
nvm second manga also on order, not released yet
The difference of the publisher.
that's false, we like the manga for its well written characters, original setting and breath taking plot.
We like the series for Goblin Slayer's turbo autism. No more no less.
>Goblin Slayer
More like Maiden Slayer
I read the LNs. It's much further along and there also some interludes that's not in the manga.
He hasn't slayed a single one
Should I read the manga or LN to fuel my ryona fetish?
every night at least once in her dreams.
>noobs act like noobs
What’s the problem again? gobs are shit tier so not the guild’s fault they’re dying and not every class needs a helmet.
There was literally only rape in chapter 1. It just turned into a generic harem after that.
I really don't get why this is so popular.
There was occassional single-panel rape, like in chapter 2 and the one of the Goblin Lord flashback.
Read the thread you absolute mongoloid
Hot girls drawn by Kannatsuki Noboru.
Elves are meant to be raped by Goblins.
If she doesn't get gangraped at least once, this is a shit series.
I read the LNs and both mangas.
I feel like the year one manga is the weakest of the set, so I'd skip that if you have limited time.
But that is not an elf.
Read both.
The manga really visualizes the goblin slaying well.
Which one visualizes the raping better though?
I like to pretend GS is set in the real world and goblins are just another way to say Muslims.
Rape is the only appeal anything has
Sup Forums please fuck off.
Look into your heart, you know it's true.
They basically have the same traits and behavior.
Who are elves then
The Goblin.
Don't remember reading this. I do remember that they were going to abandon priestess as the chosen one because of something. Might have been a failed roll or a bad unsalvageable situation but her fate would have ended up as a young gob mother.
Does the vol 4 epub fail to be opened into anyone else's kobo glo hd (other .epubs from the goddess are fine), but apparently can be opened fine by ibooks?
who the fuck owns a kobo
She was going to die at the first mission, fanatsy failed and roll and there was nothing she could do. But i like the idea of Priestess still having the potential to become OP, she only needs the correct trigger: kill GS. I think she already almost lost it when she thought he died.
So we have Shirou/Doom Guy, Gutz, and Lancer in one party.
Does the author just use expy's of other characters in his story? Do they even have names or is it just the same as Maoyu?
Never read the story but the threads seems interesting. Is this pure fanfic territory or is the story any good?
He's a goblin using gobo glo hd
The 'expy' characters are just side characters. The Gutz-alike is only such in terms of looks, while the Lancealike is far closer to Lancer yeah.
It is indeed like Maoyu where characters are referred to exclusively by titles rather than having proper names.
Personally, I like the story, but I'm not eloquent enough to give a more detailed recommendation other than an unhelpful thumbs up. Go read the mango and the LNs, I guess. The manga's easy to find, and Madokami has the translated LNs. I'd say give the first volume of each a shot.
I want to see them all gobbed.
>wears a helmet that blocks vision yet never lifts visor
>relying on your opponent to supply you weapons, implying this is anything reliable
>too stupid to sword properly or stab, things which people actually did
>protagonist is still stupid enough to wear leather armor
>newfag wasn’t here from the start & aware people have been calling the tactics shit since Chapter 1
user, everyone is en expy, Priestess is an expy of dragon quest 3 Priestess, elf is from some bitch from fucking sword art online, the dawft is netero, GG is a girl from idolmaster.
>not every class needs a helmet.
Why wouldn't every class require helmets if head shots have always been this effective? What, are goblins the only creature that use targettwd hits? Are they the only low-level creature to use poison? It does make you wonder why certain classes aren't encouraged to wear armor especially at lower levels before they had a chance to gain the necessary Feats or equipment to mitigate those types of attacks.
But I digress the setting is intentionally designed to make the main character look good. No reason to get angry at it.
They keep the harem shit to a minimum and people like the different adventures. I mean cow girl and guild girl like him for good reasons. One is a childhood friend which is auto like for most. GG just admires how he takes the quests and helps the little guy. Priestess is not in his harem (little sister mode) and high elf does not give a shit. Then you have that horny maiden but she's just insane due to circumstances of having an innate fear of goblins to which GS takes seriously. The rest of the cast are not interested in him.
Well I'm still waiting for the time where they feature/homage Azog in the manga. He is pretty badass and has the title of the goblin.
Btw has the manga mentioned orcs? They should be the more raper version of the goblins right? Why aren't they shown in the manga/vn?
>turned into shitty harem
This. A total waste.
These noobs lack basic common sense. I bet they go around eat random mushrooms in the ground.
>shitty helmet
You’re walking into a trap and can’t see.
>enemy weapons
They broke, are literally shitty and can be just a ps bad as the ones you abandoned. This isn’t a well supplied military yore looting from, its a bunch of gobs who’d be lucky to have looted from an adventurer previously.
Learn to use a sword right. Your character isn’t brain dead enough to neglect hand protection right?
>Priestess is like his sister
You realized what that means?
It’s great for criticizing.
“The problem is that Goblin Slayer plays be really fucking stupid double standards.
So, like, everything plays by JRPG rules on the surface. Class systems, magic name attacks, enemy types, armor... all of it screams generic JRPG fantasy setting.
And then the author wants us to take him seriously when he pulls stuff like "Ha ha, look at these named characters not wearing helmets so you can see their face. They are so easy to kill! lol, aren't they dumb for wearing such impractical armor?"
Which is only smart if you are fucking shit tier pleb who takes the 'twist' at face value.
What it REALLY does is create the plot hole in the authors own setting of "if this armor is so fucking impractical and shitty, how is there an entire manufacturing economy that mass produces this stuff such that all these adventurers keep getting their hands on it? And how has no one figured out that heads are a vulnerable part of the body before now if all of the enemies do nothing but cheap shot the skull?"
Its like the entire world used to operate by different rules and, as soon as the story starts, suddenly all of the tropes stopped working and everything became gritty and realistic, and none of the characters have learned the new rules yet because last week this wasn't how the world worked.
It just the most garbage, bottom tier of power fantasy: the MC is stronk not because he is anything special, but because the entire rest of the world has been written to be inexplicably and illogically inept.”
the problem is with unsheathing a long sword in close quarters, not swinging it
Unsheathing isn’t hard. First, you’re not forced to unsheath inside, you can draw a sword outside. Secondly, unless your opponent is so close in your face and actively preventing you like in Kill Bill, it wouldn’t even require all that much effort. It isn’t even that hard to draw a sword upwards.
Should have been isekai.
>trying to explain something he has no experience on
what do we have here, a legendary swords master