Dragon Ball Super

SSB Vegeta > SSB KKx20 Goku?

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it's beerus fight all over again

its pretty obvious that ssb vegeta is stronger than ssb kaioken goku, he even went to the rosat twice while goku was fucking around

More like Super Saiyan Job Vegeta

Nope Goku is stronger than Jobgeta. Jiren is probably holding back and SSB Goku was able to hurt Jiren too.

>h-he's just holding back!
The absolute state of gokufags

this looks like one of those fake mexican youtube drawings from a distance

Vegeta is already out and Goku is the winner of the tournament.

>Gokushitters this delusional
Have you learned nothing from DBS? He isn't winning anything.

Its all downhill from here lads