MA from Mexico I'm sorry, your country's customs didn't think this was as funny as I did. I hope it does get to you eventually I put quite a bit of effort into it.
Brandon Diaz
Fuck 3DPD imoutos.
Matthew Martinez
Dude nice
Thomas Ross
Looks awesome user.
John Wilson
VK from HK
Thank you for the artbooks! You killed it this time as well. Sorry if I didn't contact you last year, I didn't have a Twitter acc.
Hunter Gray
Xavier Wood
I'm not completely up to date on the status of bapping, but I want to make one of these.
Lincoln Williams
>user doesn't realize it wasn't customs or the cartel as to why his giftee never posted but the fact he died from a fucking heart attack
Aaron Baker
Thanks a lot user! You have no idea how much i love this card! you don't suck at drawing either, it's all about creativity.
Justin Morales
I need to know more of how this was built
Daniel Ward
Has anyone made an archive this year. I want to make sure my user's are pleased with me.
They probably won't be though
Benjamin Sanchez
Shit that's awesome.
Jaxson Rodriguez
>no initials >no picture >no gift
Angel Sullivan
Merry kurismasu user I hope you didn't get grinched this year!
Thomas White
Well, I did
Josiah Gray
Thank you very much and merry christmas Herr M. from Switzerland. You really nailed it, that wall scroll is the cutest shit ever. Not forgetting the fact that you got me a nendoroid of my waifu.
Tyler Baker
Everything was 3d printed. I used 10-24 screws and 9/32" x 1-1/2" extension springs for the assembly. I got mine from a harbor freight kit, but any hardware store would have it. The holes are too snug and I didn't bother fixing that so they either need to be sized larger or drilled out. I converted a sachiko picture over to a vector and then to a dxf and extruded it to taste. Sachiko was then painted with acrylic and sealed with enamel.
Daniel Thomas
Those miniburgs look neat.
Matthew Garcia
Fucking nice
Sebastian Cook
Is that ribbon structural or just festive?
Jaxon Russell
Dylan Torres
Why is Mexico so shit? The box I sent to MA was too big originally. I had to cut it down, take out all the packing I had shoved between the gifts, and then shove everything back into the smaller box which was now more tape than cardboard.
Joshua Peterson
I like what you did with sachiko, nice work
Adam Turner
Jaxon Cooper
What do you mean too big? What happened with it?
Grayson Cooper
Justin Walker
are you okay?
Caleb Roberts
sorry for opening early, i had to pack for my move to japan
Ethan Walker
all that miku is glorious!
Carson Ramirez
Justin Allen
Did you fall?
Logan Russell
It's the evening of 24th, gifts are fair game
Luke Martin
i took it from a weird angle :( i will retake it when i get home
Chase Gonzalez
The box was too big. Mexico has shipping restrictions. The "girth" of the box, according to USPS can't be bigger than 79". They calculate girth with the following measurements:
Length + (Width (2)) + (Height (2)) = girth. My original package was 82" according to that measurement. I had to take everything out of the box at the post office, remove all the padding, cut the box down, fit everything back inside without padding, and then tape it back up. I used that really strong string tape around the box a couple times from each side and then taped up all the seams.
Aiden White
Hey, I've got that miku in my aquarium.
What does the snow miku look like?
Owen Bennett
i have one more gift that was released from customs yesterday so i should be able to pick it up on my way to the airport. I will find a way to make it fit!!
Luke Roberts
that thing's gonna kill someone
Ayden Roberts
I will open it up when I get to japan!
Austin Davis
The thought of that thing smacking some user in the face gives me life.
Asher Gonzalez
Homu next to herself.
Brody Thompson
What's with Miku and drowning?
Easton Robinson
Wouldn't leaving it in the water like that eventually damage it.
Brayden Young
Yeah, and fish poop.
Noah Long
Do you have other figmas? Is her skin the same color as the standart homu figma? From the reviews devil homu looked a bit yellow
Carson Young
To the user who sent mr this i'll be opening your gift in about 13 hours
Nathaniel Sanchez
TC of Durham, NC
I received your package this morning, I will open it and post pictures tomorrow. Thank you so much for my first Christmas present ever (besides parents)! I admit I lost faith since Christmas is tomorrow and I thought mail wouldn't run on Sunday, so this was a very nice surprise this morning.
Also after seeing other people's wishlists and the number of shows/manga they listed, I am sorry for being so specific on mine.
From, A of VA
Carson Diaz
I've got no figmas. She looks yellow in the image because of my old ass lightbulb and no natural lighting.
Elijah Jenkins
>166147757 Sorry for the late reply, but I'm the user from 3 threads ago that said I wanted you next Christmas My family is Genovese Italian-American, I'd fucking love to get a box honestly, please tell me more about what your family does with this, the boxes of food, please go on I love hearing about this stuff
Kayden Powell
How long should you wait before reporting yourself as grinched?
Sebastian Diaz
after new years
Hunter Adams
CG of CA, it says your package arrived yesterday. Did it?
Nathan Gonzalez
This might seem strange to you but this is a legit thing. Can you take her photo in the fridge?
Isaiah Harris
Sorry bruh, fridge is absolutely packed with christmas food. I wouldn't put my waifu in the fridge anyway.
Jose Allen
well fish poop, sure. that's easyish to deal with.
damage, don't think so. I asked a person at the fish shop first.
Mason Butler
I wish I could participate in the gift exchange without going bankrupt.
Fuck Customs.
Aaron Ramirez
Any chance you can be more detailed how you went from vector to printing sachiko?
Jaxon Gomez
You can specify that you'll only send nationally, whether there's an user in your country is another thing, but it'd be worth a shot next year
Alexander Cruz
Light in the fridge makes it a perfect lightbox
Anthony Johnson
Fuck meant to reply to
Evan Fisher
Thank you for the adorable Serval and squidkids, Germany-user! The artbook is so heavy, I was really surprised.
Jacob Baker
Dominic Allen
KK from Poland here.
Sorry, I didn't receive it, but there may be more than one KK here.
user from Denmark? I got it and I'm going to finally unpack it today. Sorry for not letting you know about it.
Glad to hear that my gift arrived safely to you. Second part of your gift didn't even cross Polish border (sent on 23th November) so you will have to wait a bit longer for it. Sumanai.
Brandon Miller
Thank you so much for the card, JV from Indonesia, (I think?)!! You should definitely be proud of it, it's adorable! This is only my first year participating and I'm already glad I did. The little Madoka drawing is the cutest! Have a very merry Christmas and thanks again!!
And yes, Sharo is pure!
Brody Kelly
Posting this now as I will be out in the sticks tomorrow for Christmas and won't have the time or ability to post it on Christmas day.
AP from PA, thank you so much! I had actually intended on picking up Dungeon Meshi, but for some reason never did. This is a great way for me to get started, thanks for the suggestion to work on my taste.
I also love the cup and the Cirno fumo. I'll be drinking tea out of that mug at work instead of the boring one I have there already.
>putting random plastic not rated for aquariums inside a fishtank
Consider drinking bleach.
t. /an/
Luis Cook
LN from LA did you open yours yet? I'm the user from NJ only asking because I could've sworn I saw a post about it in one of the previous threads but I can't confirm
Dylan Williams
It's PVC, big woop
John Gutierrez
Had to open my presents early but it’s Christmas somewhere. My father passed away in June and my brothers and I are going to stay at my mother’s for a couple of days. I leave momentarily. Thank you MO of AZ your gifts of much Miami Futamis are wonderful. I snapped pictures and will post with great joy when I arrive at my destination or shortly after.
Merry Christmas to you all and have a wonderous day
Brandon Hall
probably will arrive after the 25th. I-it's nothing big or anything but if it brightens up your day even a little that's enough
please forgive the random streaks-the printer went full autism and I didn't wanna risk being late for waiting the weekend to reprint outside I'm really glad you liked it anyways. excited to see how you take to the gifts
Jace Taylor
Aww dude, you got a fumo for christmas? Man am I jealous.
Christian Allen
Nope. I'm going to open it in about two hours. Don't worry, I will surely post pictures of it.
Angel Ross
I once got fumo for my giftee in /toy/ ss.
They never posted about it
Brayden Howard
assuming this is real holy shit user you're "the boy called It". drop them like a bag of bricks, get a dog and join an actual family like a hobby community or some shit
Levi Watson
Neat. I'm sweating bullets here and hopefully you like it.
Justin Hernandez
There's a 0.000 (0 repeating, of course) percent chance of it being real
James Murphy
Posting this now as I will be out in the sticks tomorrow for Christmas and won't have the time or ability to post it on Christmas day.
MS from NJ, WOW! I have some reading to do. I wasn't expecting all this Yotsuba. Looks like I now have all the released volumes. I've got some comfy reading and hot cocoa drinking to do over the next while.
I also couldn't stay out of the candy. I knew exactly what it was as soon as I opened that package and I've been eating a piece or two every day. This stuff is like crack for me.
Thank you so much and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas MS!
Asher Myers
>an actual family like a hobby community Like Sup Forums?
Wyatt Sanders
Thank you for the Yuno and snacks, LA from FR. My gaijin tongue only liked the melonpan biscuits. and again, Hidamari Sketch is NOT trash!
John Hill
PVC is waterproof but not the paint on the PVC you insufferable retard. How do people like you even remember to breathe from time to time?
Easton Bailey
I wouldn't doubt it, some people can be real assholes you know.
Zachary Reyes
got two cards this past week, here's the first
Cameron Bennett
Isn't it acrylic paint? If it is it should be fine. Calm down.
Camden Harris
/an is full of kemonobronies. Don't pay them any heed.
Angel Thomas
If you're going to use it for a fish tank anyway you could spray it with a thin coat of hydrophobic spray, no?
Brody Brown
ever read "the boy called 'it'", senpai? with shrek-user and fridgebro I wouldn't be surprised who else shitposts here
I guess, though face-face social interaction is pretty good for you
Jacob Morales
and the other. santa loli says another is on its way, so that means 4/5 got to me.
Alexander Green
I haven't opened it yet since it's so early but it's under my tiny tree taunting me. Thanks again for sending it out!
William Garcia
>subjecting Miku to irreversible environmental and water damage >worried about the goddamn fish
Andrew Allen
Eh, I can always buy more. (fish + miku)
Nathan Foster
Your devotion to aesthetic is admirable.
Colton Russell
Trust me i am from /tg/ and i wouldnt want to put my painted miniatures even with thousand matte varnish coats near water. Overtime the coating will go away and the acyrlic paint will coem face to face with the water. Do you know what is used to thin acyrlic paint? Water. Through sheer contact it will affect the paint little by little until it literaly strips part of it.
Noah Lopez
I won't need to though, I sealed miku properly after the initial cleaning.