Is it just me or is Killua OP...

Is it just me or is Killua OP? He's literally the fastest living character in the world and he can literally wish for anything from God.

At this point Chrollo is the only Phantom Troupe member who could possibly take him in a fight.

hes not faster than killer keem

kill yourself that got me

he isnt strong though all he can do is run away

Could he outrun a nuclear explosion?

If he could he could just solo literally everyone but using a poison rose and then run away.

What i'm wondering is that since Killua can wish for literally anything why didn't he go home and wish for the extinction of the Chimera ants?

He could easy just wish Meruem dead.

Because wishing for that something of that magnitude would cost the same amount of lives Meruem and the CA's would have killed.

No, the "free wishes" thing doesn't apply because there is no canon proof that her wishing can wish away a walking god without consequence. Killua's supposition that she can do "anything" comes from wishes that involved transporting carriers with money and a new computer. That does not equal proactive killing of creatures like Meruem.

And healing wishes were pro-bono plus Gon didn't come back with access to his nen. He was healed physically. He's paying the consequence of abusing his nen. And he can't be without his aura because it's basically life energy.

his top running speed isn't sonic the hedgehog, he's still pretty fast but Tsubone was able to keep up with him when she had Amane fueling her.

Not true, Killua gets unique special privileges and suffers no blowback for his wishes.

If she can't kill Meruem outright she could at least teleport him into space or some shit.

He's most likely faster in short bursts within a small distance. But to call him the faster is an exaggeration plus he does lack sufficient firepower to do real damage compared to an enhancer like Netero.

>At this point Chrollo is the only Phantom Troupe member who could possibly take him in a fight.
Why? Killua would still blitz the fuck out of him and behead him in no time. There are few characters who can kill Killua in a 1v1 without prep

The real question is what other Zoldyics could take Killua? Could he beat Illumi now?

Means nothing. The blowback from the wishes doesn't disappear, it skips over him. So if someone else were to get his hands on her and make a wish, that leaves mass dead.

And that still no proof that the wish is within her power to do.

Don't quote me on this but she was able transport Illumi back home because it's an area she was actually aware of.

No they can all tank electricity so Silva/Zeno/Illumi can still take him

>Could he beat Illumi now?
If he could, he wouldn't be so scared when he felt his bloodlust. And this was after the needle removal.

But Killua is going to super OP when he grows up right?

Like stronger than prime netero OP.

Both Gon and Killua have comparable potential so yeah, 20 years down the line.

Honestly I want a time skip so we can have adventures of adult Gon and Killua

1. Killua theorized that Illumi's needle kept him from thinking about Alluka

2. Killua doesn't want to use Alluka

I wouldn't mind if they were Kurapika or Leorio's age.

Young adult Gon and Killua?


He was scared for Alluka. Rewatch the scene when Illumi is threatening Killua in the forest. He's literally telling him that he won't consider him his brother if he keeps doing that shit, thus he would consider him an enemy.

That would be fucking great and honestly Gon and Killua need a power up for the dark continent.

He can be scared for her well-being and he probably was but that and thinking he can take Illumi down or incapacitate him are two different things.

Even during the scene when he told Nanika to never come out again, he told Alluka it was because he still had "Illumi in his head". Needle or not, he's still wary of his brother.

No, he said it in a way that would imply that he didn't know what the fuck got into him, he wasn't serious about the reason being Illumi's needle

Gon-san is not only stronger but also faster than Killua. Also, he doesn't need to use a separate move for boosting reaction time and speed separately since his is a physical ability.

Meruem and Gon-san still had to have been faster than him.
Probably Pitou as well with Terpsichora.

is it probable there is someone on Meruems speed or power level on dark continent?

I can only assume Meruems as powerful as he was because of his diet and all the nen users he got to absorb. Who knows what the nutrition on the dark continent's like for other indigenous chimera ants or any of those other gargantuan creatures togashi drew. Hard to say anything because we know nothing

It is more than probable. The Ants came from the DC and the fact that the Ants haven't completely taken over the DC means there are things capable of fending them off, right?

> and all the nen users he got to absorb
he got to ate twice. one being Pokkle the other that palace guard in East Gorteau. he just simply got strong because Togashi made Chimera Ants broken as hell.

correct me if wrong but don't all humans at least have some nen in them? pokkle was just a cherry on top

Yeah but all those characters(except possibly Pitou) could beat Netero.

The real question is why doesn't humanity just invade the dark continent and use nukes to clear up the land before colonization?

I'm pretty sure literally anyone other than the mentally retarded can use Nen if they train hard enough

Is it just me or is Killua CUTE?

All humans have aura. Meruem being fed so much human matter definitely built that strength.

The king had a preference for humans with "awakened" nen, basically those who learned to control their nen. Normal peoples' nen just floats off their bodies constantly where as it is concentrated and more powerful on those who learned to control it. is right. Pitou was strong enough to take out numerous nen users before her nen was brought out by Rammot. Even further than that was Rammot tanking the two nen attacks despite not having a nen barrier.

Now that I think about it did Meruem ever really have a chance at victory considering that even small shithole countries have nukes?

Is it just me is the only reason why the palace didn't get hit with a nuclear ICBM because Netero wanted a real fight?

Pitou had nen from birth.

In theory he should be, considering he has assassin techniques and stuff, but in practice Killua against any top tier nen user would be similar to Cheetuh vs Morel and Knuckles, in that he would be hitting them as fast as he can but their Nen armors are so great they would take almost no damage.

Of course I feel like this is contradicted by the fact Youpi was feeling pain and he has a greater defense than freaking Uvogin.

I think that it's because Youpi was a physical fighter and wasn't that resistant to electricity.

Any wish Killua makes doesn't exist in the wish-blowback chain.
Someone successfully makes a millionaire wish; Killua makes a 'wish'; someone else fails to fulfill requests would only result in deaths corresponding to a the millionaire wish.

Killua can very well wish for anything and there will be no repercussions. But the main point is is that he doesn't want to use her.

Wasn't the existence of the ants being hide from the rest of the world? Only the V5 heads and the Hunter Asociation knew about them, i think.

So nuking the Royal Palace would have been seen as an attack to Gorteau for the rest of the world, probably causing a war. And the ants knew that, so they kept around Bizeff to keep aparences.

Why hide it to begin with?

Why make it public when you can keep it hidden and deal with it in secret?

And you're free to think that way.

As I've said, there's no canon evidence of a wish of that magnitude being consequence free or within her power to do so regardless of Killua's freebies. Easy to guess Killua's not familiar with an upper limit mainly due to his willingness to avoid using her wishes at all.

So you can nuke them without risking the extinction of humanity?

And when they catch wind and bolt the palace?

they were broadcasting what the ants were doing on TV news at multiple points though

Honestly, how believable it was that the ants could extinct humanity to someone who didn't saw them in person?
It sounds more like an absurd excuse to nuke Gorteau with no consequence.

That was outside East Gorteau though.

It's an isolationist nation with strict bans on telecommunication.

Isn't Gorteau basically North Korea?

Also how did they explain them actually detonating a nuclear bomb there?

Yeah, Killua's been wrong before. He said that you would fail if you couldn't fullfill four requests in a row but Illumi who actually extensively tested the wishes just said four failures total.

The issue with ants in the human continent is that they settled on a shithole and was left unchecked for too long. And then people with nen started popping up. I assume there is so much competition in the DC, they never have a real opportunity to grow. This is like introducing a fungus on another continent and make frogs go extinct

That's yet another of the many reasons why they moved Netero and Meruem to a weapons testing site miles away from the palace.

A place where they can fight with no outside interference or causalities. Where the fallout wouldn't kill off the civilians. And plausible deniability with media spin on the events that took place. Also part of the reason why they used the H.A.