>fights are decided by asspulls
What are some other shonen that do this?
Fights are decided by asspulls
Fairy Tail is enough. POWER OF FRIENDSHIP
but the fight wasn't decided.
kuroro won, that was just a last ditch effort so that hisoka could survive. and totally within the rules set by the manga.
>two main characters fight to the death
>one dies but get cpr'd to live later
the only good thing about this shit is seeing hisoka super salty and going in a killing spree.
If the shitposting in the respective threads is anything to go by, My Hero Academia.
Every fight of Black Clover.
Although it's bit unfair.
don't forget samurai deeper kyo
>seeing hisoka super salty
Bitch please.
Leave is to the autistic to misinterpret basic human emotions.
It's literally one guy
Anonymity's a bitch.
o my plot nen
>hxh is goo-
So what exactly did he do here? Did he put is rubber nen around his heart and lungs, knowing it would restart the organs after his death? Also if he can perfectly rebuild his body with his nen, why did he ever need Machi?
his nen became stronger after death
Just so we're clear, there is an asspull here, but most of the speed readers get it entirely wrong.
The asspull is NOT that Hisoka used to nen to restart his heart. The details of this were established long before the start of this arc.
The asspull is that someone as skilled and careful as Chrollo wouldn't cut off Hisoka's head after he won just to be doubly sure.
>Also if he can perfectly rebuild his body with his nen
Ignorign the possibility of nen stronger in death, it's not clear that he can. There may be drawbacks or constraints that have no yet been revealed. A likely one would be that similar to GYO, he is using a percentage of his nen simply to maintain the limbs, which weakens him overall. It was more than a decade before we learned the weakness of Emperor Time.
chrollokeks SEETHING
A made in China version of Luffy.
funny because luffy is the generic one
>I survived as a head and a chink saved me!
>the volcano shot my hands into your throat and will bombard you with rocks until you leave the stratosphere!
>my stand can also stop time!
>my stand can turn things into bombs. and also have a not different stand with different powers came out of its hand. and now I can also blow time back.
>lol invencible stand that will lock you in a infinite death loop because you sold drugs to kids XD
He lost tho.