Fuck, Marry, Kill, Raise as Daughter

Fuck, Marry, Kill, Raise as Daughter

What’s the difference?

Fuck Nonon
Marry Satsuki-sama
Daughteru Ryuuko
Kill Coconut Head

Kill Shitsuke
Marry Ryuko
Fuck Nonon
Raise Short and Bob

Fuck Ryuko
Marry Satsuki
Kill Nonon
Raise Mako

I should hope you know the difference between fucking, marrying, and killing user.

Fuck Non
Marry Sats
Kill Genki
Raise Ryuko

Fuck Mako
Marry Mako
Kill everyone else
Raise Mako

>raising Ryuko
My niggas. I always thought Ryuko would be the best daughter because tomboys are usually closer to their fathers.

Dear user. Fuck, marry and raise as daughterpetwife are not exclusive terms...

>Daughteru Nonon
>Kill Satsuki
>Fuck Ryuko
>Marry Mako


Raise: Ryuku
Fuck: satsuki
Marry: Nonnon (because best most pure girl)
Kill: Mako

sorry mako

>three sons in the highest levels on incest retardation
Is this how harem protags are made?

Mary Satsuki and let Ryuko live with us since she has autism and needs help.

fuck satsuki
marry nonon
daughter ryuko
kill mako

Of course, I'd like to screw all of them, but to fit them into these categories, let's see...
I'd say Satsuki & Ryuko are the hottest of the group, but I wouldn't want to have to share the responsibility of Satsuki's huge corporation, so I'd just fuck her, and marry her sister.
Mako's just too endearing to kill, and one of the most childish, so she's probably the best daughter material.
Leaving me to, regretfully, kill poor Nonon.

Marry Nonon
Fuck Nonon
Raise the daughter I have together with Nonon
Kill any man who tries to touch my cute daughter

Exactly my thoughts.

Theae posts are why I come to Sup Forums. Thanks for making my chuckle user.

Satsuki really doesn't seem like daughteru material

Alternatively, missionary one, doggystyle one, cowgirl one, and anal the last one

Supreme taste.

Miosnarry nonon
Doggy style Ryuuko
Cowgirl Mako
Anal Satsuki

Fuck nani sore
Marry Ryuuko
Kill Mako
Raise as my own yamato nadeshiko daughteru Satsuki

Marry Satsuki, and that's it.

I won't cheat on my wife.


Kill Nonon
Fuck Ryuko
Marry Satsuki
Raise Mako

Marry Ryuko
Kill Nanon
Fuck Satsuki
Raise as Daughter Mako

kill mako and satsuki
raise nono
fuck ryuko
marry nui

based kill mako bros

Missionary Mako, Doggystyle Ryuuko, Cowgirl Nonon, take Satsuki up the bum

Its so obvious

Fuck nonon
Kill satsuki
Marry ryuuko
Raise Mako

>Fuck, Marry, Kill, Raise as Daughter
Plebs all of you.
Fap while all three of them have a fucking lesbian foursome is the only correct answer.

Fuck Satsuki regularly
Marry Mako
Kill the lesbo trying to get my sidechick

Satsuki was the perfect daughter to her father. Her crazy bitch mother, not so much.

she just seems too together and independent to generate a desire to nurture

Fuck Nonon
Fuck Satsuki
Marry Ryuko
Daughter Mako
Kill No one


Fuck Nonon
Fuck Satsuki
Marry Mako
Raise Ryuuko
Kill la Kill

fuck the blind chad
marry hackerman
raise the giant
kill lods of emone

Less work for me. Just be there for the kid. Watch her succeed. Prepare her for failure.

Marry Sats (W-W-We can still have sex right?)
Fuck Nonon
Raise Ryuko
Kill Mako
I just hope Satsuki doesn't cuck me with Ryuko

Marry Ryuko, raise Mako as daughteru, don't care about the rest.

Marry Satsuki

The rest are irrelevant

now, I really want to fuck nonon, but I feel less emotionally attached to her, so
fuck ryuuko
marry satsuki
raise mako
kill nonon

well obviously cowgirl satsuki and anal nonon
the other two are whatever

Fuck Nonon. It's unanimous.
Marry Mako. She should have the same Yamato Nadeshiko gene as her mom.
Raise Satsuki. Best girl for best daughteru.
Kill Ryuko by the process of elimination.

Fuck Nonon
Marry Ryuko
Kill Satsuki
Raise Mako

Missionary Mako
Doggystyle Nonon
Cowgirl Ryuko
Anal Satsuki

marry and fuck satsuki
kill the rest

voyeur cuck

I thought anal would be the obvious option with Satsuki?