
Merry Christmas from Orchestr/a/!

We hope you enjoy your present this year. It was made with love using our ochinchins:


>What is Orchestr/a/?
A project started 3 years ago by a bunch of weebs dicking around with recorders who have since produced three full albums of shitty instrumental Chinese cartoon covers.

>Can I join?
Yes. Any and all instruments are welcome, though we are particularly short on flutes, trumpets, and strings.

>Where do I sign up?


Merry Christmas musicfags.


merry christmas

thanks anons

Merry Christmas, you wonderful faggots.

Merri Kurisumasu

Nice shit. Merry Christmas Orchestr/a/.

メリークリスマス! !


Nice, I want pico to play my Sax.
I always wish I could give you guys more yous, you surely deserve them

I never knew I needed this until now. Keep up the good work anons

Was listening to some other shit you made recently and the Net-juu one is really nice. The original OP never really caught my attention but your bossa-nova version is extra comfy.

It's the ED dude.

Well I did say it never really caught my attention...

Good shit, love the mixing

Is this anime good?


Thank you orchestr/a/, you guys are alright. Merry Christmas!


Thanks Orchestr/a/non!
Will you hate me if I share this on facebook?

just b urself


Fuck off normalfag.

Are you making fun of us?

Murder yourself in front of your family

Tehe sorry user tachi I already shared it :^)

Beautiful stuff everyone. Damn Sup Forums is full of creativity on Christmas, it's truly a miracle.

I'm still practicing my trumpet for you.

Please continue doing so.


All I want for christmas is you user please join

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, this is good!

i'll join.

What do you play user other than the dick

Very nice! The quality of the playing is honestly great, good job everyone.

Truly a Christmas miracle.




Sup Forums regurgitating creativity all at once.

>more guitars than members of the brass family
please do not show this image to me at this time.

Does Sup Forums like ice cream?

Damn it feels good to be a stringsfag. Get fucked nerds.

Only vanilla

Is that how you like your doujins too?

merry christmas orchestr/a/, except for moral because he’s just a dick all year round

ochinchin wa daisuke


And I'm still looking forward to the toots user, let us know if you want a song arranged for your trumpet