One of these characters is a japanese man the other is a german.
One of these characters is a japanese man the other is a german
The ending made me mad
This wasn't really the best example. I mean, I see what you're getting at, but if I didn't have context they'd just both be indistinct to me, and with context I know to look out for the absurd hook nose and Hitler cut.
japan needs to self insert
Weak bait. He always draws all characters the same regardless of their nationality.
Another deluded /cgl/-fag? Go back there.
Was it autism?
Honestly, maybe.
German guy has a big nose
Narrow eyes indicate that he's a cunning bastard
Have you read it? The supposed jap looks less asian than most german characters in it
That investigator's based on some kind of trope isn't he? I've seen the "wolf-eyed detective, hunting his prey" trope referenced satirically before.
>Family falls apart as he autistically devotes himself to work
I'm glad he turned somewhat human by the end.
Work addiction. He loved this so much, until he found out he was wrong.
Runge + Grimmer was the best duo.
Grimmer literally too good for this world.
>He didn't even go Steiner at the end
So based he befriended everyone so fast, including the autists. I wish I was half the man Grimmer was.
does the adaptation skip anything important?
>big nose
Really fires those neurons.
No but the manga does things a lot better, except for the soundtrack.
I liked the dub
Japanese think everyone that isn't Japanese has big noses. They always draw white people with huge noses. Worst part is though they always get the shape wrong so it ends up just being a bulb nose instead of having a stronger ridge and brow.
Which is which?