2017 Coll/a/ge

Where are we at on this?

Is this the latest version?

What should we add/remove?

Other urls found in this thread:


Serval should be in the middle.

Add GiTS

I would say add Gohan blanco but that's about it.

where is nyaapocalypse?


This one was the last one.

>button on the first page

Was great watching LWA with Sup Forums this year. Merry Christmas faggots.

>Is this the latest version?
No, this is

Is Nekopara OVA noteworthy? It got funded and animated on the same year.

Fuck off frogposter.

>adding a stupid frog to an Sup Forums image

Absolutely unacceptable.


Are these made manually or with some tiling feature of an image editing program?

I am too dumb to line up so many boxes in GIMP.

based partyposter

Where's Deku x Todo? BnHA was the most popular anime of the year in the west.

Where's O MY REWIND QUIRK? That chapter was one of the most popular shitposting of the year in Sup Forums.

>No Hiro

He is my 2017 Hero

>no Ballroom giraffes

I remember when we used to have a top list for things that happened on Sup Forums. With Sup Forums culture almost dead, Sup Forums doesn't really have events anymore, just overblown anime generals.

>From the banning of threads known as Generals (lurk moar if you do not know what they are)
>mfw I remember that Sup Forums is literally the first board on all of Sup Forums to have generals
>Sup Forums is responsible for a huge part of Sup Forums's cancer today

>no blade runner

I know Sup Forums but his waifu was real

when will they learn

Hiro is right there, though.

Both the year end collages, which still are done every year, and the ranking you posted, are a form of collecting and ranking different events.
The only difference of the sort of ranking you posted to the collage is that the ranking goes into more detail, but has less events. That's why I prefer the collages.

If you want them to be made, you could just make a thread about it and make it yourself.

But GIMP is free as in freedom.

yeah but even 2011 had collage

How come there isn't any KnH? That stirred up Sup Forums pretty good.

>BnHA was the most popular anime of the year in the west
BnHA is last year, dumb shounenfag

Wow I'm blind

I just clicked on the pic and there he was looking at me

From what I remember, 2011 was the last year that the rankings happened and the first year that the collages started.

I forget how many people passed away during 2015. Fuck, that was a bad year.

The 2011 collage actually started because people didn't like how restricting the ranking was. That's why there haven't been any rankings after 2011 as copying and pasting square images is much easier than actually writing a coherent summary of events.

And as like that other guy said, Sup Forums's creativity died back in 2011, so there haven't really been any events that would need a top 10 anyway.

Can anyone sauce me on the word bubble? It's in the third row and third column.

it's written right there how can't you tell

>Sup Forums's creativity died back in 2011
and last year before that and year before that. Like for fuck sake people have said how much they miss old Sup Forums even back in 2007

SNK image should be replaced with this one.

Fuck, I wish I was there to see Sup Forums's reaction to the show. It was a solid battle couple series up until the last two episodes.

>carlito is 6 years old

Oh wait, there's already an image of Noctren.

We made it, lads.

But it never gets old.


Yeah, Sup Forums's era's can be split up easily:

2003 - 2006: Golden Era
2007 - 2010: Comfy Era
2011 - 2014: Generals Era
2015 - 2017: Anime Era

The death of daily dose plus the strict enforcement of anime combined with endless "generals that are not generals but really are" makes Sup Forums look completely different than it used to.

I remember the 2015 collage with people whining to remove certain shows because "muh irrelevant generals"

Where would Sup Forums be today if generals never left Sup Forums? And don't say Sup Forums wouldn't have generals because Sup Forums ALWAYS had generals even though they weren't called generals at first.

>snk shit
Fix this.


>not putting "The Heart" in barely legible writing in the 0 in "2017"

>newfags still think sadfrog is not postable

Didn't think of that.
I am deeply shamed by my shortcomings with regards to this.

I remember it was loud kids from irrelevant generals whining to have their show represented, and OP eventually gave in because they were so annoying.

That's not sadfrog though.

Sadfrog died the second it was stolen by Reddit. It's kind of like having a girlfriend who's loyal to you for years then sleeps with someone else.

Still no Mob or Reigen crying, nobody cares I guess.

To be honest they killed pepe.

Add this. Lots of anons was genuinely mad because of the NTR bait

The thing about current Sup Forums is boiled down to two factors. More people and more anime. It was easier to create common ground without those two factors, but you could see that obvious wall between communities, people who talked about nanoha weren't the same as the ones who talked about type moon who weren't the same as the ones who talked about Macross. But since the size was smaller, there were more shared jokes and events.

Now the distance is greater and more people just watch anime in their comfort zone. You will see a culture of shared jokes between threads, if you go to a thread about a shoujo ai show you will see references about mai-hime, utena, flip flappers, symphogear, etc... But not jokes and comments you would see in a thread related to mecha, shounen, and so on. Animegataris is a good example of this, the people in those threads were awfully aware of every low-profile show like To Travel Shoujo or Matoi the Sacred Slayer but had no interaction whatsoever with people who are into more casual and/or popular shit.

It is not something that can be solved. The quantity of anime encouraged sectarianism, the current internet culture is even more about shunning anything you aren't comfortable with. Even if you removed the catalog and applied draconian rules, people wouldn't create common ground again, people who watch DBS wouldn't start watching HnK, people who watch Love Love won't start watching Osamatsu. They won't share jokes, they won't see themselves as one group, at most there will be one or two threads where they shitpost each other, before returning to content that is comfortable.

>More people
Sup Forums has less people with every passing year

>Wanting to remove shows you dont like
You are still at it, huh?

As far as I know the population of Sup Forums boomed these last few years. Sup Forums lost some positions compared to other boards but it still grew along with the website. Do you have data on your comment?

I remember one dude wanting to remove monster girls and anything that wasn't normalfag tier before being ignored by everyone else.

I drew a yellow line.

That sage death, man.

Sup Forums was never this fast when I arrived here.
Plus there is a fuck tonne of newfags.

And the wave of cancer from years ago are almost becoming the old generation of the board. Weird times.
And thanks to 2016's press coverage of the "internet hate machine", Sup Forums is becoming almost too big to properly manage.

>native catalog era

Getting rid of sage was the worst thing to happen to Sup Forums.

Why is there no picture of Sistine's or Rumia's midriff anywhere?

I hate how people call sadfrog Pepe now. He was NEVER called Pepe back then.

It looks like the amount of post started to decline at the same time that sage died. Could these trends have a correlation?

Drop the /jp/ stats and we'll know.for sure.

Better? One from each should be enough. Should I keep the Berserk Shippuuden or put dog Guts on Berserk armor.

Isn't it scary how Sup Forums and /vg/ actually move faster than Sup Forums now? If you had told me back in 2007 that there would be two boards faster than Sup Forums in 2017, I would have laughed in your face.

By the middle of 2018, Sup Forums's post count will surpass Sup Forums's, and Sup Forums will become the fifth largest board on Sup Forums by post count.

When is that stupid frog meme finally going to die? Memes usually get stale and die by this point.

Sup Forums is dead dude it's slow
Sup Forums is faster

Well nope. If anything /jp/ became more stable.

During normal days, Sup Forums gets as many as 140,000 posts per day. When stuff is going on, Sup Forums is crazy fast.

Sup Forums is such a liar 4stats.io/

It's not dying as long as Sup Forums keeps trying to force it.


Damn I forgot about him

During the election of Trump, Sup Forums was moving at a rate of 20 posts PER SECOND and maintained that speed for HOURS. The only other times a Sup Forums board got that fast was on Sup Forums during mega GETs, but even then, that speed only lasted for a few minutes.

Sup Forums is a different kind of beast altogether.

/japan generals/ is a terrible board these days

>Why is the fat guy with the girls on the-
>notice kenshin in the back


Cirno has frozen Pepe so many times on Sup Forums that /bant/ might as well just renamed /cirno/ since that's all /bant/ is most of the time now.

Also, most of Sup Forums actually hates anything Kek related now.

We got no 'by me'. I am angry.

I like Sup Forums nowadays. It's on topic, and the loli threads aren't getting banned anymore. If we could do something about shounen spics, this would be a pretty nice place.

You really shouldn't fuck perspective that badly, just put it un between other pics or something.

Just ban shounen. Mahou Shoujo spics are fine.

>no Taniguchi

Replace Bert and Ernie with Wakuwaku vs kiero



Sup Forums is trying to be the next stormfront and they have been a problem ruining threads and shitting on to other boards like Sup Forums, /u/ and others it's indeed cancer to Sup Forums.

no Sup Forums related picture should have the word cuck on it

Can I just say how sad it is to see Sup Forums be so irrelevant


Lacks Goshiusa memes!

>No Demi-chan
>No Aho girl
>No Akira's Trip
Literally anything over snk shit at the bottom

Again, this was the lastest version, if you are going to add shit do it there.

Okay mr autism.

He's lying, the one with the dabs is original final version